我获得最大成功的尝试是从“Button”创建一个子类(Button是UIButton的一个子类,来自他的MaterialDesign-Framework for swift中的cosmicmind。)
对于那些不知道我的意思是“筹码”的人:click here
var jsonObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(jsonString);
import UIKit
import Material
class ChipButton: Button {
override func prepare() {
cornerRadiusPreset = .cornerRadius5
backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
titleColor = Color.darkText.primary
pulseAnimation = .none
contentEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 12, bottom: 0, right: 12)
isUserInteractionEnabled = false
titleLabel?.font = RobotoFont.regular
isOpaque = true
let button = ChipButton()
button.title = "default chip"
view.layout(button).height(32).center(offsetY: -150)
import UIKit
import Material
class ChipIconButton: ChipButton {
/*override func prepare() {
contentEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 16, bottom: 0, right: 12)
public convenience init(image: UIImage?, title: String?){
prepare(with: image, title: title)
private func prepare(with image: UIImage?, title: String?) {
self.image = image
self.title = title
self.imageView?.backgroundColor = UIColor.darkGray // this works
self.imageView?.cornerRadiusPreset = .cornerRadius4 // this works
self.imageView?.tintColor = Color.black // this doesn't work
self.imageEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: -8, bottom: 0, right: 12)
self.titleEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)
self.contentEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 8, bottom: 0, right: 12)
I tried with self.imageView?.frame = CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 32, height: 32) but nothing changed
I tryed with self.imageView?.tintColor = Color.black but nothing changed
PS。我是swift / xcode的小新手
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这里没有任何改变。 看看这个问题。
import UIKit
import Material
class ChipIconButton: ChipButton {
public convenience init(image: UIImage?, title: String?){
prepare(with: image, title: title)
private func prepare(with image: UIImage?, title: String?) {
//self.imageView?.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 60, height: 60)
let myThumb = image?.resize(toWidth: 20)?.resize(toHeight: 20)
let shapeView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 32, height: 32))
shapeView.backgroundColor = UIColor.darkGray
shapeView.cornerRadiusPreset = .cornerRadius5
shapeView.zPosition = (self.imageView?.zPosition)! - 1
self.image = myThumb?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
self.title = title
self.imageView?.tintColor = self.backgroundColor
self.imageEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: -28, bottom: 0, right: 0)
self.titleEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)
self.contentEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 20, bottom: 0, right: 12)
和创建 - 剪切:
open func prepareChipIconButton () {
let icon: UIImage? = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ic_close_white_24px")
let button = ChipIconButton(image: icon, title: "icon chip")
view.layout(button).height(32).center(offsetY: 0)
import UIKit
import Material
class ChipDeleteableButton: ChipButton {
override func prepare() {
let img = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ic_close_white_24px").resize(toHeight:18)?.resize(toWidth: 18)
let myThumb = img?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
self.image = myThumb
self.title = title
self.imageView?.tintColor = self.backgroundColor
self.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
self.addTarget(self, action: #selector(clickAction), for: .touchUpInside)
self.imageView?.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
open func swapLabelWithImage() {
let rightLableSize = self.titleLabel?.sizeThatFits((self.titleLabel?.frame.size)!)
self.imageEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: (rightLableSize?.width)! - 4, bottom: 0, right: 0)
self.titleEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: -54, bottom: 0, right: 0)
self.contentEdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 20, bottom: 0, right: 4)
let shapeView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: self.imageEdgeInsets.left + 19, y: 6, width: 20, height: 20))
shapeView.backgroundColor = UIColor.darkGray
shapeView.cornerRadius = shapeView.frame.size.width/2
shapeView.zPosition = (self.imageView?.zPosition)! - 1
shapeView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
internal func clickAction(sender: ChipDeleteableButton) {
print("do something")
和创建 - 剪切:
open func prepareChipDeleteableButton () {
let button = ChipDeleteableButton()
button.title = "deleteable chip"
view.layout(button).height(32).center(offsetY: 150)
rightLableSize = self.titleLabel?.sizeThatFits((self.titleLabel?.frame.size)!)