我正在使用Gmap.net API进行小型车辆跟踪项目。这个项目是windows形式的c#。我从以下设备获取信息:纬度,经度,速度,标题和其他一些信息。 标题信息是度(0~359),我如何能用箭头标志显示车辆在某个方向上移动?
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Namespace GMap.NET.WindowsForms.Markers
Public Class GMapMarkerBoat
Inherits GMapMarker
Public Brush As Brush
Public boatHeading As Double
Public Sub New(ic As SEAS_DATA.ImageCluster, b As Brush)
boatHeading = ic.IMU_Heading
Brush = b
'Size of the marker
Size = New Size(8, 8)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub OnRender(g As Graphics)
Dim newSize As Size
Dim maxZoomLevel As Integer = SEAS_Forms.frmMain.myMap.MaxZoom
Select Case SEAS_Forms.frmMain.myMap.Zoom
Case maxZoomLevel
newSize = New Size(Size.Width * 2, Size.Height * 2)
Case maxZoomLevel - 1 To maxZoomLevel
newSize = New Size(CInt(Size.Width * 1.5), CInt(Size.Height * 1.5))
Case maxZoomLevel - 2 To maxZoomLevel - 1
newSize = Size
Case SEAS_Forms.frmMain.myMap.MinZoom To maxZoomLevel - 2
newSize = New Size(CInt(Size.Width / 2), CInt(Size.Height / 2))
End Select
Dim boat(4) As PointF
boat(0).X = CSng(-newSize.Width / 2)
boat(0).Y = CSng(-newSize.Height / 2)
boat(1).X = (boat(0).X + newSize.Width)
boat(1).Y = boat(0).Y
boat(3).X = boat(0).X
boat(3).Y = (boat(0).Y + newSize.Height)
boat(2).X = boat(1).X
boat(2).Y = boat(3).Y
boat(4).X = CSng(boat(0).X - newSize.Width / 2)
boat(4).Y = CSng(boat(0).Y + newSize.Width / 2)
If SEAS_Forms.frmMain.myMap.Zoom > maxZoomLevel - 4 Then
boat = TransformAndRotate(boatHeading, boat) 'simplified rotation and transformation matrix
boat = TransformAndRotate(0, boat)
End If
'start drawing here
Select Case SEAS_Forms.frmMain.myMap.Zoom
Case maxZoomLevel - 3 To maxZoomLevel
g.FillPolygon(Brush, boat)
Case SEAS_Forms.frmMain.myMap.MinZoom To maxZoomLevel - 3
Dim newRect As New RectangleF(boat(0).X, boat(0).Y, newSize.Width, newSize.Height)
g.FillEllipse(Brush, newRect)
End Select
End Sub
Private Function TransformAndRotate(heading As Double, points() As PointF) As PointF()
Dim cosRot As Double = Math.Cos((heading + 90) * Math.PI / 180)
Dim sinRot As Double = Math.Sin((heading + 90) * Math.PI / 180)
For i = 0 To points.Length - 1
Dim x As Single = points(i).X
Dim y As Single = points(i).Y
points(i).X = CSng((LocalPosition.X) + (x * cosRot - y * sinRot)) 'simplified rotation and transformation matrix
points(i).Y = CSng((LocalPosition.Y) + (x * sinRot + y * cosRot))
Return points
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
我传入的自定义类对象(ic As ImageCluster)具有PointLatLng和标题的属性。
'add the marker to the overlay
newOverlay.Markers.Add(New GMap.NET.WindowsForms.Markers.GMapMarkerBoat(ic, Brushes.Red))
答案 1 :(得分:0)
int position_size = 20;
GPoint gp = FromLatLngToLocal(longlatposition);
Point[] pnts = new Point[4];
pnts[0] = new Point((int)gp.X - (position_size * 2), (int)gp.Y + (position_size * 2));
pnts[1] = new Point((int)gp.X, (int)gp.Y - (position_size * 4));
pnts[2] = new Point((int)gp.X + (position_size * 2), (int)gp.Y + (position_size * 2));
pnts[3] = new Point((int)gp.X, (int)gp.Y + position_size);
float heading_ = 45; //this is where you define how much to rotate
pnts = Rotate(pnts, new PointF(gp.X, gp.Y), heading_);
g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(color), pnts);
旋转功能是这篇文章的变体:Rotate bunch of points thourgh an origin)。
private static PointF[] Rotate(PointF[] point, PointF pivot, double angleDegree)
double angle = angleDegree * Math.PI / 180;
double cos = Math.Cos(angle);
double sin = Math.Sin(angle);
PointF[] rotated = new PointF[point.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < point.Length; i++)
float dx = point[i].X - pivot.X;
float dy = point[i].Y - pivot.Y;
double x = (cos * dx) - (sin * dy) + pivot.X;
double y = (sin * dx) + (cos * dy) + pivot.Y;
rotated[i] = new PointF((float)x, (float)y);
return rotated;
现在困难的部分是使用GMap插件整合所有这些。有几种方法可以做到这一点。我个人选择修改GMap源代码,因为它在处理像素坐标时提供了最大的灵活性。假设您不想修改源,另一个选项是创建新的多边形叠加并在您想要显示新位置和标题时更新点。请记住,多边形叠加在lng lat中采用坐标,因此您需要进行一些转换才能使其正常工作,尤其是如果您不希望位置指示器与其他所有内容一起缩放。