
时间:2016-09-27 13:28:56

标签: c linux network-programming printf endianness




        // includes relevant header files

        int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
            //socket file descriptor
            int sockfd;

            if (argc != 2) {
                fprintf (stderr, "usage: client hostname\n");

            //...creates socket file descriptor, connects to server

            //create buffer for filename
            char name[256];
            //recieve filename into name buffer, bytes recieved stored in numbytes
            if((numbytes = recv (sockfd, name, 255 * sizeof (char), 0)) == -1) {
                perror ("recv");
            //Null terminator after the filename
            name[numbytes] = '\0';
            //length of the file to recieve from server
            long fl;
            memset(&fl, 0, sizeof fl);
            //recieve filelength from server
            if((numbytes = recv (sockfd, &fl, sizeof(long), 0)) == -1) {
                perror ("recv");

            //convert filelength to host format
            long fileLength = ntohl(fl);

            //check to make sure file does not exist, so that the application will not overwrite exisitng files
            if (fopen (name, "r") != NULL) {
                fprintf (stderr, "file already present in client directory\n");
            //open file called name in write mode
            FILE *filefd = fopen (name, "wb");
            //variable stating amount of data recieved
            long bytesTransferred = 0;
            //Until the file is recieved, keep recieving
            while (bytesTransferred < fileLength) {
                printf("transferred: %d\ntotal: %d\n", bytesTransferred, fileLength);
                //set counter at beginning of unwritten segment
                fseek(filefd, bytesTransferred, SEEK_SET);
                //buffer of 256 bytes; 1 byte for byte-length of segment, 255 bytes of data
                char buf[256];
                //recieve segment from server
                if ((numbytes = recv (sockfd, buf, sizeof buf, 0)) == -1) {
                    perror ("recv");

                //first byte of buffer, stating number of bytes of data in recieved segment
                //converting from char to short requires adding 128, since the char ranges from -128 to 127
                short bufLength = buf[0] + 128;

                //write buffer into file, starting after the first byte of the buffer
                fwrite (buf + 1, 1, bufLength * sizeof (char), filefd);
                //add number of bytes of data recieved to bytesTransferred
                bytesTransferred += bufLength;

            fclose (filefd);
            close (sockfd);

            return 0;


        // includes relevant header files

        int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
            if (argc != 2) {
                fprintf (stderr, "usage: server filename\n");
            //socket file descriptor, file descriptor for specific client connections
            int sockfd, new_fd;

            //...get socket file descriptor for sockfd, bind sockfd to predetermined port, listen for incoming connections

            //...reaps zombie processes

            printf("awaiting connections...\n");

            while(1) {
                //...accepts any incoming connections, gets file descriptor and assigns to new_fd

                if (!fork()) {
                    //close socket file discriptor, only need file descriptor for specific client connection
                    close (sockfd);
                    //open a file for reading
                    FILE *filefd = fopen (argv[1], "rb");
                    //send filename to client
                    if (send (new_fd, argv[1], strlen (argv[1]) * sizeof(char), 0) == -1)
                    { perror ("send"); }
                    //put counter at end of selected file, and  find length
                    fseek (filefd, 0, SEEK_END);
                    long fileLength = ftell (filefd);
                    //convert length to network form and send it to client

                    long fl = htonl(fileLength);
                    //Are we sure this is sending all the bytes??? TEST
                    if (send (new_fd, &fl, sizeof fl, 0) == -1)
                    { perror ("send"); }
                    //variable stating amount of data unsent
                    long len = fileLength;
                    //Until file is sent, keep sending
                    while(len > 0) {
                        printf("remaining: %d\ntotal: %d\n", len, fileLength);
                        //set counter at beginning of unread segment
                        fseek (filefd, fileLength - len, SEEK_SET);
                        //length of the segment; 255 unless last segment
                        short bufLength;
                        if (len > 255) {
                            len -= 255;
                            bufLength = 255;
                        } else {
                            bufLength = len;
                            len = 0;
                        //buffer of 256 bytes; 1 byte for byte-length of segment, 255 bytes of data
                        char buf[256];
                        //Set first byte of buffer as the length of the segment
                        //converting short to char requires subtracting 128
                        buf[0] = bufLength - 128;
                        //read file into the buffer starting after the first byte of the buffer
                        fread(buf + 1, 1, bufLength * sizeof(char), filefd);
                        //Send data too client
                        if (send (new_fd, buf, sizeof buf, 0) == -1)
                        { perror ("send"); }
                    fclose (filefd);
                    close (new_fd);
                    exit (0);
                close (new_fd);

            return 0;

注意:我已经简化了一些代码,希望它更清晰。 以//开头的任何内容代表一堆代码

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




  • 网络层之上的应用程序级协议。您已经拥有了部分内容,例如首先如何传输文件长度以向客户提供有关预期的内容,但是您需要对所有未预先确定的固定长度的数据进行类似操作。或者,发明另一种传递数据边界的方法。

  • 每个旨在传输多个字节的write() / recv()必须在循环中执行,以便将传输分成多个部分。返回值告诉您传输了多少请求的字节(或者至少传输了多少个字节),如果这个字节少于请求,则必须循环返回以尝试传输剩余的字节。

    < / LI>
  • 每个旨在传输多个字节的read() / send()必须在循环中执行,以便将传输分成多个部分。我建议按照string TheText = (serializer.ConvertToType<string>(dictionary["TheText"]))?.Trim(); 所述的相同方式构建它,但您也可以选择接收数据,直到看到预先安排的分隔符。但是,基于分隔符的方法更复杂,因为它需要在接收方进行额外的缓冲。


答案 1 :(得分:0)








答案 2 :(得分:0)

好吧,经过一些测试,我发现导致问题的问题确实与htonl()有关,尽管我在开始时仍然没有错误地读取数据。并不是说htonl()根本不起作用,但是我没有意识到长期的&#39;根据系统架构有不同的长度(感谢@tofro)。也就是说“长”的长度。 32位和64位操作系统上的整数分别为4个字节和8个字节。和htonl()函数(来自arpa / inet.h)用于4字节整数。我使用的是64位操作系统,这解释了为什么这个价值被捏造了。我通过使用int32_t变量(来自stdint.h)来修复该问题来存储文件长度。因此,本案中的主要问题不是它变得不同步(我认为)。但至于每个人对制定实际协议的建议,我想我知道你究竟是什么意思,我当然明白为什么它很重要,我现在正在努力解决它。谢谢大家的帮助。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


send (new_fd, argv[1], strlen (argv[1]) * sizeof(char), 0);


recv (sockfd, name, 255 * sizeof (char), 0);

当文件名长度小于255时,这将导致问题。由于TCP是流协议(如@Art所述),send和{{1}之间没有真正的界限} s,这可能会导致您在奇怪的地方收到您不期望的数据。





另外,在发送大小的号码时要小心。如果您使用// server long namelen = htonl(strlen(argv[1])); send (new_fd, &namelen, 4, 0); send (new_fd, argv[1], strlen (argv[1]) * sizeof(char), 0); // client long namelen; recv (sockfd, &namelen, 4, 0); namelen = ntohl(namelen); recv (sockfd, name, namelen * sizeof (char), 0); 电话,则可能会发送和接收不同的尺寸。这就是为什么我将sizeofsend中的大小硬编码为名称长度,以便双方都不会混淆。