我试图将字体变为红色,以便在excel中出现单词列表。到目前为止,我能够找到一个单词,但我需要搜索整个数组。我是VBA的新手并且苦苦挣扎。到目前为止,我已经能够找到这个解决方案,但它涉及找到一个字符串," F1":
Sub test4String2color()
Dim strTest As String
Dim strLen As Integer
strTest = Range("F1")
For Each cell In Range("A1:D100")
If InStr(cell, strTest) > 0 Then
cell.Characters(InStr(cell, strTest), strLen).Font.Color = vbRed
End If
End Sub
我需要突出显示的单元格以逗号分隔格式列出项目。例如," Apple 1,Apple 3,Banana 4,Orange"。要搜索的值列表位于不同的单元格中," Apple"," Banana 4"。我只想强调一下香蕉4"因为这与逗号分隔值完全匹配。在目前的表述中,文字说明了" Apple 1"或" Apple 4"将部分突出显示。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Sub ColorMatchingString()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Dim strTest As Collection: Set strTest = New Collection
Dim udRange As Range: Set udRange = ws.Range("AC2:AC311") 'Define Search Ranges
Dim myCell, myMatch, myString, i
Dim temp() As String, tempLength As Integer, stringLength As Integer
Dim startLength as Integer
For Each myMatch In udRange 'Build the collection with Search Range Values
strTest.Add myMatch.Value
Next myMatch
For Each myCell In ws.Range("A2:AB1125") 'Loop through each cell in range
temp() = Split(myCell.Text, ", ") 'define our temp array as "," delimited
startLength = 0
stringLength = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(temp) 'Loop through each item in temp array
tempLength = Len(temp(i))
stringLength = stringLength + tempLength + 2
For Each myString In strTest
'Below compares the temp array value to the collection value. If matched, color red.
If StrComp(temp(i), myString, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
startLength = stringLength - tempLength - 1
myCell.Characters(startLength, tempLength).Font.Color = vbRed
End If
Next myString
Next i
Erase temp 'Always clear your array when it's defined in a loop
Next myCell
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:1)
为了与原始代码保持一致,您只需添加另一个For each cell in Range
Sub test4String2color()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim strLen As Integer
Dim i As Long
Dim tst As Range
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = wb.ActiveSheet
Dim keyWordRng As Range
Dim dataRng As Range
Set keyWordRng = ws.Range("F1:F2")
Set dataRng = ws.Range("A1:A5")
For Each tst In keyWordRng
Debug.Print "Searching for: " & tst
For Each cell In dataRng
If tst.Value = cell.Value Then
cell.Characters(InStr(cell, tst), strLen).Font.Color = vbRed
ElseIf InStr(1, cell.Value, ",") > 0 Then
getWordsInCell cell, tst.Value
End If
Next cell
Next tst
End Sub
Sub getWordsInCell(ByVal cel As Range, keyword As String)
Dim words() As String
Dim keywordS As Integer, keywordE As Integer
words = Split(cel.Value, ",")
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(words) To UBound(words)
Debug.Print "Found multiple words - one of them is: " & words(i)
If Trim(words(i)) = keyword Then
keywordS = ActiveWorkbook.WorksheetFunction.Search(keyword, cel, 1)
keywordE = ActiveWorkbook.WorksheetFunction.Search(",", cel, keywordS)
cel.Characters(keywordS, (keywordE - keywordS)).Font.Color = vbRed
End If
Next i
End Sub