我想问一下是否有办法进行所有测试' TestFixturesetup中的名称,我获取所有测试名称,并将它们放在一个字符串列表中,例如??
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom("E:/Visual Studio 2013/Tests_Names/Tests_Names/bin/Debug/Tests_Names.dll");
// Foreach public class that is a TestFixture and not Ignored
foreach (var c in a.GetTypes()
.Where(x => x.IsPublic
&& (x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute)).Count() > 0)
&& (x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NUnit.Framework.IgnoreAttribute)).Count() == 0)))
// For each public method that is a Test and not Ignored
foreach (var m in c.GetMethods()
.Where(x => x.IsPublic
&& (x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute)).Count() > 0)
&& (x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NUnit.Framework.IgnoreAttribute)).Count() == 0)))
// Print out the test name
// Alternately, print out the command line to run test case using nunit-console
//Console.WriteLine("nunit-console /run:{0}.{1} {2}", c.ToString(), m.Name, assemblyName);