我遇到的问题是,我希望动画能够流畅而轻松地停下来。下面的代码Iv' e得到了第二个方块自动执行方式id就像动画一样,当它被击中时,但当我把它放入一个if colliding is true语句时,第二个方块只移动5px。现在这对我来说是有道理的,因为只有当盒子触摸时才会被告知移动5个像素,我甚至尝试在if语句中运行for循环运行一定次数并慢慢减小速度,因为它到达我希望它移动的长度。然而,这只会导致第二个框跳到最后并且不显示动画。很抱歉这个长篇大论的问题,但是如果有人能指出我正确的方向或者告诉我如何重构代码来完成这项工作我很欣赏它。
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = 1000;
canvas.height = 400;
var width = canvas.width;
var height = canvas.height;
var particles = [];
var mouseSize = 50;
var isColliding = false;
var mouseX;
var mouseY;
function particle() {
var particle = {
originX: width / 2,
originY: height / 2,
x: width / 2,
y: height / 2,
movement: 60, //overall movement wanted when collides
velocity: 5,
size: 30,
draw: function() {
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size)
this.x += this.velocity;
this.velocity *= .98;
return particle;
function createParticles() {
function draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
//mouse rect created here. did not create directly in mouseMove event because I could not
//properly clear the canvas between each frame and keep all objects on screen.
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.fillRect(mouseX, mouseY, mouseSize, mouseSize);
$("#canvas").mousemove(function(event) {
mouseX = event.pageX;
mouseY = event.pageY;
//if objects are colliding set iscolliding to true, otherwise set it to false;
if(event.pageX < particles[0].x + particles[0].size &&
event.pageX + mouseSize > particles[0].x &&
event.pageY < particles[0].y + particles[0].size &&
mouseSize + event.pageY > particles[0].y) {
isColliding = true;
// console.log("collison detected");
window.onload = draw();
答案 0 :(得分:0)
<body style="background-color:black">
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = 1000;
canvas.height = 400;
var width = canvas.width;
var height = canvas.height;
var particles = [];
var mouseSize = 50;
var isColliding = false;
var mouseX;
var mouseY;
var oldMouseX;
var oldMouseY;
var reset = true;
function particle() {
var particle = {
originX: width / 2,
originY: height / 2,
x: width / 2,
y: height / 2,
movement: 60,
velocityX: 0,
velocityY: 0,
size: 30,
draw: function() {
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size)
this.x += this.velocityX;
this.y += this.velocityY;
this.velocityX *= .98;
this.velocityY *= .98;
return particle;
function createParticles() {
function draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
//mouse rect created here. did not create directly in mouseMove event because i could not
//properly clear the canvas between each frame and keep all objects on screen.
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.fillRect(mouseX, mouseY, mouseSize, mouseSize);
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
oldMouseX = mouseX;
oldMouseY = mouseY;
mouseX = event.pageX;
mouseY = event.pageY;
//if objects are colliding set iscolliding to true, otherwise set it to false;
if(event.pageX < particles[0].x + particles[0].size &&
event.pageX + mouseSize > particles[0].x &&
event.pageY < particles[0].y + particles[0].size &&
mouseSize + event.pageY > particles[0].y) {
isColliding = true;
// console.log("collison detected");
else{isColliding=false; reset=true;}
if (isColliding && reset) {
particles[0].velocityX = mouseX - oldMouseX;
particles[0].velocityY = mouseY - oldMouseY;
reset = false;
window.onload = draw();
答案 1 :(得分:0)
下图显示了一个稍微复杂的缓动函数的示例,该函数采用第二个值p(或幂)来修改函数创建的曲线。它显示p的3个值,值1产生线性响应。 Pow可以是0 <0的任何值。 p&lt;无穷大x是输入,y是输出。
function easeInOut(v,p){ // p < 1 is rush out ease in ,
// p > 1 is ease out rush in
// p = 1 and the function is linear
v = v < 0 ? 0 : v > 1 ? 1 : v; // clamp input also clamps output
return Math.pow(v,p); // return value
之间的对象位置var fromX = 10;
var fromY = 10;
var toX = 100;
var toY = 100;
var dx = toX - fromX;
var dy = toY - fromY;
var uDist = 0.5; // half way along
var uDistE = easeInOut(moveD,0.2);
// the position eased
var x = fromX + dx * uDistE;
var y = fromY + dy * uDistE;
var startTime = performance.now(); // do this when you start movement
const timeToMove = 2000; // time to move in ms (2000 = 2 seconds)
var uDist = (performance.now()-startTime) / timeToMove; // ease function clamps
// values so no need
// to worry about being
// out of range
/** SimpleFullCanvasMouse.js begin **/
// Note set window.onResize (note capital R) to get the debounced resize call
// ie onResize = function(){ // blah blah };
// Note. mouse, canvas, ctx are set for you. Mouse is a simple mouse with
// x,y,w (wheel) alt,shift,ctrl, and buttonRaw as a bit field bits 0,1,2 for buttons left, mid, right
// ie if(mouse.buttonRaw & 1) { //is left button down (othe buttons may be down also
// ie if(mouse.buttonRaw === 1) { //is only left button down
// set debounced resize event function to put new particles on canvas
onResize = function(){ particles.length = 0; };
const pSize = 5; // particle size (radius)
var particles = []; // array of things
const mouseSize = 30; // Size of mouse (radius)
const mouseCol = "red"; // guess what this holds???
const runDist = 300; // How far a particl will move when touched
const moveSpeed = 0.01; // speed to move (will move 1 unit dist so 1 / MoveSpeed == number frames to move)
const edgeDist = 10; // distance particles will stay away from the canvas edge.
const MAX_PARTICLES = 200; // the max number oof you know whats
// ease function return unit value clamped from 0-1 based on the input value clamped 0-1
// most functions take a second argument that is a curve modifier. Usualy the power
const EASE_FUNC = {
linear : function (val) {
val = val < 0 ? 0 : val > 1 ? 1 : val;
return val;
easePow : function (val, pow) { // for pow > 1 this is ease out rush in
// for pow > 0 & pow < 1 this is rush out ease in
val = val < 0 ? 0 : val > 1 ? 1 : val;
return Math.pow(val, pow);
const particleMoveFunction = EASE_FUNC.easePow; // ease function to use
// creates a particle at x,y
function createParticle(x, y) {
var typesC = "#F80,#8F0,#0D0,#00F".split(",");
var curves = [0.2,0.5,1.2,2];
var sizes = [1,1.2,1.6,2.2];
var type = Math.floor(4-Math.sqrt(Math.random() * 16)); // more small fast
return {
x : x,
y : y,
lx : x,
ly : y,
dest : {
x : x,
y : y,
from : {
x : x,
y : y,
size : pSize * sizes[type],
col : typesC[type] ,
moveTime : 0,
moveSpeed : moveSpeed,
moveCurve : curves[type],
// Move particles.
// checks for mouse interaction
// checks for edge distance
// moves particles is particle moveTime > 0
function updateAllParticles() {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
var p = particles[i];
p.lx = p.x;
p.ly = p.y;
if (p.moveTime > 0) {
p.moveTime -= p.moveSpeed;
var pos = particleMoveFunction(1 - p.moveTime, p.moveCurve);
p.x = (p.dest.x - p.from.x) * pos + p.from.x;
p.y = (p.dest.y - p.from.y) * pos + p.from.y;
p.x = p.x < p.size + edgeDist ? p.size + edgeDist : (p.x >= canvas.width - p.size - edgeDist ? canvas.width - p.size - edgeDist : p.x);
p.y = p.y < p.size + edgeDist ? p.size + edgeDist : (p.y >= canvas.height - p.size - edgeDist ? canvas.height - p.size - edgeDist : p.y);
var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mouse.x - p.x, 2) + Math.pow(mouse.y - p.y, 2));
if (dist < mouseSize + p.size) {
var dx = (p.x - mouse.x) / dist;
var dy = (p.y - mouse.y) / dist;
p.x = mouse.x + dx * (mouseSize + p.size); // move to edge of mouse
p.y = mouse.y + dy * (mouseSize + p.size);
// random is to stop them grouping to much
var rd = runDist / 2 + Math.random() * runDist / 2;
p.dest.x = p.x + dx * rd + Math.random() * 5 - 2.5;
p.dest.y = p.y + dy * rd + Math.random() * 5 - 2.5;
p.from.x = p.x;
p.from.y = p.y;
p.moveTime = 1;
p.distMoved = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p.lx - p.x, 2) + Math.pow(p.ly - p.y, 2));
// draw particles
function drawAllParticles() {
var i;
ctx.lineCap = "round";
for (i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
var p = particles[i];
ctx.strokeStyle = p.col;
ctx.lineWidth = p.size * 2;
ctx.moveTo(p.lx, p.ly);
ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
// draws the mouse object
function drawMouse() {
ctx.fillStyle = mouseCol;
ctx.moveTo(mouse.x + mouseSize, mouse.y);
ctx.arc(mouse.x, mouse.y, mouseSize, 0, Math.PI * 2);
// Main display function
function display() {
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // reset transform
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.33; // fade background
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // reset alpha
if (particles.length < MAX_PARTICLES) {
Math.random() * (canvas.width - pSize * 2) + pSize,
Math.random() * (canvas.height - pSize * 2) + pSize));
// Boilerplate code not part of answer
// The following code is support code that provides me with a standard interface to various forums.
// It provides a mouse interface, a full screen canvas, and some global often used variable
// like canvas, ctx, mouse, w, h (width and height), globalTime
// This code is not intended to be part of the answer unless specified and has been formated to reduce
// display size. It should not be used as an example of how to write a canvas interface.
// By Blindman67
if (typeof onResize === "undefined") {
window["onResize"] = undefined; // create without the JS parser knowing it exists.
// this allows for it to be declared in an outside
// modal.
var w, h, cw, ch, canvas, ctx, mouse, createCanvas, resizeCanvas, setGlobals, globalTime = 0, resizeCount = 0;
createCanvas = function () {
var c,
cs = (c = document.createElement("canvas")).style;
cs.position = "absolute";
cs.top = cs.left = "0px";
cs.zIndex = 1000;
return c;
resizeCanvas = function () {
if (canvas === undefined) {
canvas = createCanvas();
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
if (typeof setGlobals === "function") {
if (typeof onResize === "function") {
resizeCount += 1;
setTimeout(debounceResize, RESIZE_DEBOUNCE_TIME);
function debounceResize() {
resizeCount -= 1;
if (resizeCount <= 0) {
setGlobals = function () {
cw = (w = canvas.width) / 2;
ch = (h = canvas.height) / 2;
mouse = (function () {
function preventDefault(e) {
var mouse = {
x : 0,
y : 0,
w : 0,
alt : false,
shift : false,
ctrl : false,
buttonRaw : 0,
over : false,
bm : [1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3],
active : false,
bounds : null,
mouseEvents : "mousemove,mousedown,mouseup,mouseout,mouseover,mousewheel,DOMMouseScroll".split(",")
var m = mouse;
function mouseMove(e) {
var t = e.type;
m.x = e.clientX - m.bounds.left;
m.y = e.clientY - m.bounds.top;
m.alt = e.altKey;
m.shift = e.shiftKey;
m.ctrl = e.ctrlKey;
if (t === "mousedown") {
m.buttonRaw |= m.bm[e.which - 1];
} else if (t === "mouseup") {
m.buttonRaw &= m.bm[e.which + 2];
} else if (t === "mouseout") {
m.buttonRaw = 0;
m.over = false;
} else if (t === "mouseover") {
m.over = true;
} else if (t === "mousewheel") {
m.w = e.wheelDelta;
} else if (t === "DOMMouseScroll") {
m.w = -e.detail;
if (m.callbacks) {
m.callbacks.forEach(c => c(e));
m.updateBounds = function () {
if (m.active) {
m.bounds = m.element.getBoundingClientRect();
m.addCallback = function (callback) {
if (typeof callback === "function") {
if (m.callbacks === undefined) {
m.callbacks = [callback];
} else {
} else {
throw new TypeError("mouse.addCallback argument must be a function");
m.start = function (element, blockContextMenu) {
if (m.element !== undefined) {
m.element = element === undefined ? document : element;
m.blockContextMenu = blockContextMenu === undefined ? false : blockContextMenu;
m.mouseEvents.forEach(n => {
m.element.addEventListener(n, mouseMove);
if (m.blockContextMenu === true) {
m.element.addEventListener("contextmenu", preventDefault, false);
m.active = true;
m.remove = function () {
if (m.element !== undefined) {
m.mouseEvents.forEach(n => {
m.element.removeEventListener(n, mouseMove);
if (m.contextMenuBlocked === true) {
m.element.removeEventListener("contextmenu", preventDefault);
m.element = m.callbacks = m.contextMenuBlocked = undefined;
m.active = false;
return mouse;
mouse.start(canvas, true);
window.addEventListener("resize", resizeCanvas);
function update(timer) { // Main update loop
globalTime = timer;
display(); // call demo code
/** SimpleFullCanvasMouse.js end **/