我们正在使用GTX 1080 使用Ubuntu 16.04, 我们安装了CUDA 7.5,cudnn v5.1 我们使用了计算能力6.1
CUDA的16.04安装是 使用15.04 Ubuntu版本制作 以及一些非常小的变化 https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/NVIDIA-CUDA-with-Ubuntu-16-04-beta-on-a-laptop-if-you-just-cannot-wait-775/
尝试根据Google的来源安装张量流 除默认配置以外的任何其他说明, 我们遇到了一个问题。 我们不知道您的结果或Google是否有问题。 如果您无法帮助我们,您能将我们推荐给可以的人吗?
laefsky@main:~/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow file://main/home/laefsky/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow(tensorflow) laefsky@main: ~/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow laefsky@main ~/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow$ ./configure
~/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow ~/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow
Please specify the location of python. [Default is /home/laefsky/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/bin/python]:
Do you wish to build TensorFlow with Google Cloud Platform support? [y/N] N
No Google Cloud Platform support will be enabled for TensorFlow
Found possible Python library paths:
Please input the desired Python library path to use. Default is [/home/laefsky/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/lib/python2.7/site-packages]
Do you wish to build TensorFlow with GPU support? [y/N] y
GPU support will be enabled for TensorFlow
Please specify which gcc should be used by nvcc as the host compiler. [Default is /usr/bin/gcc]:
Please specify the Cuda SDK version you want to use, e.g. 7.0. [Leave empty to use system default]:
Please specify the location where CUDA toolkit is installed. Refer to README.md for more details. [Default is /usr/local/cuda]:
Please specify the Cudnn version you want to use. [Leave empty to use system default]:
Please specify the location where cuDNN library is installed. Refer to README.md for more details. [Default is /usr/local/cuda]:
Please specify a list of comma-separated Cuda compute capabilities you want to build with.
You can find the compute capability of your device at: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus.
Please note that each additional compute capability significantly increases your build time and binary size.
[Default is: "3.5,5.2"]: "6.1"
INFO: Starting clean (this may take a while). Consider using --expunge_async if the clean takes more than several minutes.
ERROR: /home/laefsky/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow/third_party/gpus/cuda_configure.bzl:442:18: function 'repository_rule' does not exist.
ERROR: com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildFileContainsErrorsException: error loading package 'external': Extension file '@local_config_cuda//cuda:build_defs.bzl' may not be loaded from a WORKSPACE file since the extension file is located in an external repository.
Configuration finished
laefsky@main:~/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow[]7;file://main/home/laefsky/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow(tensorflow) []0;laefsky@main: ~/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow[[01;32mlaefsky@main[[00m:[[01;34m~/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/tensorflow$ logout