
时间:2016-09-11 08:39:24

标签: python matlab numpy matrix


我开始将程序移到Python上尝试其他一些库,但它没有按预期工作。我已经在Matlab和Python中记录了为矩阵找到的所有值,他们同意这一点。但是,它似乎打破了逆的计算。 numpy中的常规,伪或.I反转都没有给出正确的答案。由于在此之前使用的每个值在两个脚本中都是相同的,我认为这必须归结为numpy的linalg.inv()问题。我有一些旧的文件可以找到反转,但不能想象我掀起的任何恐怖都将超越内部实现。有没有人遇到类似的问题,并知道去哪儿?谢谢!




def s_from_m(n, ripple, w0, bw, bw_is_hz, tz_freq):

    # Get cheby low-pass prototype values for resistance matrix.
    g_vals = cheby_g_vals(n, ripple)
    m = np.floor(n/2)

    # Use center frequency and bandwidth to find passband edges
    if bw_is_hz:
        w1 = w0 - bw/2
        w2 = w0 + bw/2
        # Modified center frequency.
        w0 = w1 + w2 - np.sqrt( (w2-w1)**2 + w1*w2 )
        # Solve for needed w1/w2 using quadratic formula.
        w1 = (-bw*w0 + np.sqrt( (bw*w0)**2 + 4*(w0**2) )) / 2
        w2 = (w0**2)/w1

    # Fractional Bandwidth for cross-coupling calculations.
    fbw = (w2 - w1) / w0

    # Source and load external quality coefficients
    q_source = (g_vals[0]*g_vals[1]) / fbw
    q_load = (g_vals[-1]*g_vals[-2]) / fbw

    # Build resistance, frequency, and coupling matrices.
    R = np.zeros((n,n), dtype=np.complex)
    R[0,0] = 1/q_source
    R[n-1,n-1] = 1/q_load
    S = np.eye(n)
    M = np.zeros((n,n), dtype=np.complex)

    # Calculate direct-coupling coefficients
    for i in range(1, n):
        M[i-1, i] = fbw/np.sqrt(g_vals[i]*g_vals[i+1])
        M[i, i-1] = M[i-1, i]

    # Cross-coupling coeff for given ratio
    m1 = tz_freq/w0 
    M[m-1,m+1] = -m1
    M[m+1,m-1] = -m1

    # Range 8 bandwidths wide in total for visualization.
    w_range = np.arange(w1-4*bw, w2+4*bw, (w2-w1)/10000)
    x = len(w_range)

    # Stores S11 and S21 with current coeffs.
    s11 = np.zeros(x)
    s21 = np.zeros(x)

    A = np.matrix(R + S - 1j*M)

    # Populate s11/s21 based on admittance/impedance matrix
    for j in range(x):
        # A = np.matrix(R + 1j*(w_range[j]/w0 - w0/w_range[j])*S - 1j*M)
        # Only modify the values being changed.
        np.fill_diagonal(A, 1j*(w_range[j]/w0 - w0/w_range[j]))
        A[0,0] += 1/q_source
        A[-1,-1] += 1/q_load
        inv_a = A.I
        s11[j] = 1 - (2/q_load)*inv_a[0,0]
        s21[j] = (2/np.sqrt(q_source*q_load))*inv_a[n-1,0]

    # Convert to dB
    s11 = 20*np.log10(abs(s11))
    s21 = 20*np.log10(abs(s21))


Chebyshev g vals: [ 1.      1.7373  1.2582  2.6383  1.3443 2.6383  1.2582  1.7373  1.    ]

Overall coupling matrix:

[ 0.      0.0271  0.      0.      0.      0.      0.    ] 
[ 0.0271  0.      0.022   0.      0.      0.      0.    ]
[ 0.      0.022   0.      0.0213  0.      0.      0.    ]
[ 0.      0.      0.0213  0.      0.0213  0.      0.    ]
[ 0.      0.      0.      0.0213  0.      0.022   0.    ]
[ 0.      0.      0.      0.      0.022   0.      0.0271] 
[ 0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.0271  0.    ]


function [A, M, S21, S11, w] = SfromM(nIn, ripLevel, w0In, BW, bwInHz, tzFreq)
 %% Function to generate S parameters for a bandpass filter.
 % Use a Chebyshev response for prototype values, then create the coupling coefficients. 
 % Overall resistance matrix built up of real resistances, frequency
 % components, and coupling coefficients. This matrix is then inverted, and the appropriate 
 % formulas used to create S11 and S21. 
 % nIn is filter order. 
 % ripLevel is max ripple allowed in Passband.
 % w0In is input center frequency. 
 % BW is bandwidth in Hz or percent
 % bwInHz is flag value to handle both Hz and percent bandwidth inputs.
 % tzFreq is frequency for cross-coupling zero (Hz)

% Chebyshev and filter parameters
g = gVals(nIn, ripLevel);
n = nIn;
m = floor(n/2);

% Center frequency and bandwidth used to find edges of passband.
if bwInHz % BW given in Hz (w2-w1)
    w1 = w0In - BW/2;
    w2 = w0In + BW/2;
    w0 = w1 + w2 - sqrt( (w2-w1)^2 + w1*w2 );
    FBW = (w2-w1)/w0;
else % BW given in percent (w2-w1)/w0
    w0 = w0In;
    w1 = (-(BW*w0In) + sqrt( (BW*w0In)^2 + 4*(w0In^2) )) / 2;
    w2 = w0In^2/w1;
    FBW = (w2 - w1)/w0;

% Source and load external quality coefficients.
qSource = (g(1)*g(2))/FBW;
qLoad = (g(n+1)*g(n+2))/FBW;

% Building resistance, frequency, and coupling matrices.
R = zeros(n);
R(1,1) = 1/qSource;
R(n,n) = 1/qLoad;
S = eye(n);
M = zeros(n);

% Calculating direct-coupling coefficients
% display('Coefficients founds as FBW / sqrt(g(i)*g(i+1))');
for i = 2:n
    M(i-1, i) = FBW/sqrt(g(i)*g(i+1));
    M(i, i-1) = M(i-1, i); % Filling lower diagonal with same coupling

% Cross coupling coefficients from given ratio
% m1 = (tzFreq)/w0;
% M(m,m+2) = -m1;
% M(m+2,m) = -m1;

% Different frequency values for plotting:
w = 4*10^9:10^6:6*10^9; % for 5 Ghz in Mhz steps.
x = length(w);

% % For storing regular values.
S21 = zeros(1,x);
S11 = zeros(1,x);

% Generate S21 and S11 response from admittance/impendace matrix.
for s = 1:x
    % Definition of overall impedance matrix.
    A = (R + 1i*(w(s)/w0 - w0/w(s))*S - 1i*M);
    # Works fine.
    inva = inv(A);
    % Conversion to S parameters with external quality coefficients.
    S21(s) = (2/sqrt(qSource*qLoad))*inva(n,1);
    S11(s) = 1 - (2/qLoad)*inva(1,1);

% Convert to dB again
S11 = 20*log10(abs(S11));
S21 = 20*log10(abs(S21));


g values for n = 7, and rip level = 0.5:

g = 

    1.0000   1.7373   1.2582   2.6383   1.3443   2.6383   1.2582   1.7373   1.0000

         0   0.0271        0        0        0        0        0
    0.0271        0   0.0220        0        0        0        0
         0   0.0220        0   0.0213        0        0        0
         0        0   0.0213        0   0.0213        0        0
         0        0        0   0.0213        0   0.0220        0
         0        0        0        0   0.0220        0   0.0271
         0        0        0        0        0   0.0271        0

编辑2:仍在研究这个例子。 虽然我对它进行了测试,但看起来似乎是对s11 / s21和/或20 * log10()操作的计算。对于Python和Matlab,矩阵A和inv_a是相同的。但是,用公式计算s21和s11,然后取20 * log10()幂,答案会发生剧烈变化。任何人都看到我忽视的那个区域的愚蠢错误?谢谢!

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