
时间:2016-09-08 16:50:12

标签: r loops


我想过一个循环,但它没有用。所以我宁愿在 pseudo -code:

d = runif(100, min = 1e-10, max = 1e-5) # Toy data with 100 elements in a vector
position = rep(0, 100)                  # Starting an empty vector to place results
for(j in 1:100){                        # Looping through d
  for(i in 1:10){                       # Exponents from 1 to 10
    if(d[j]]) * 10^i >= 1)              # First power of 10 turning the value >  or = 1
    position[j] = i                     # Assign i to the position
    stop the looping through i and move on to the next j




    position = rep(0, 100)
    for(j in 1:100){
      for(i in 1:10){
    if(d[j]]) * 10^i >= 0) position[j] = i AND next
    CONTINUE with i

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


如果您要在for(j in 1:3){ for(i in 1L:6L){ # The result of this if statement is that we skip this iteration # when i==2. if(i == 2){ next } # The result of this if statement is that we kick out of the # for loop indexed by i. The result being that we reach the end # of the code block for the for loop indexed by j so if we aren't # finished iterating over all of the values for j we go to the next # value for j and start the for loop with i all over again. if(i == 5){ break } # Just print out what i and j are equal to. We do this after the # if statements so any iteration that isn't stopped by the if # statements will end up printing a result. print(sprintf("i: %i j: %i", i, j)) } } 语句中包含多个条件,请务必将其全部用大括号括起来。

[1] "i: 1 j: 1"
[1] "i: 3 j: 1"
[1] "i: 4 j: 1"
[1] "i: 1 j: 2"
[1] "i: 3 j: 2"
[1] "i: 4 j: 2"
[1] "i: 1 j: 3"
[1] "i: 3 j: 3"
[1] "i: 4 j: 3"


d = runif(100, min = 1e-10, max = 1e-5) # Toy data with 100 elements in a vector
position = rep(0, 100)                  # Starting an empty vector to place results
for(j in 1:100){                        # Looping through d
  for(i in 1:10){                       # Exponents from 1 to 10
    if((d[j] * 10^i) >= 1){             # First power of 10 turning the value >  or = 1
        position[j] = i                     # Assign i to the position

所以通过使用next,我跳过每次迭代,其中i == 2并且通过使用break我停止任何i> = 5并继续j的下一个值

如果您在使用代码时遇到麻烦,则需要发布您实际尝试过的内容。在您的代码中存在除“break”之外的其他问题(您使用d [j]]注意不匹配的方括号,我认为您在if语句中弄乱了括号)。这就是我认为你想要的:

@Table(name = "folder")

public class Folder {

    @SequenceGenerator(name = "folder_seq_gen", sequenceName = "FOLDER_SEQ", allocationSize = 1)
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "folder_seq_gen")
    private long id;

    private Date date;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "folder_documents_compositeKey.folder",
            cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private Set<Folder_Documents> folder_documents;

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  1. 将数字转换为scientificfic格式并转换为字符串
  2. 拆分字符串
  3. 提取指数系数
  4. 对于您的示例,它看起来像这样(var1 =您的输入数据,place是结果小数位):

    var1<-as.character(format(var1, scientific = T))

    (假设你有值&lt;&lt; 1.当然,大值的输入数据必须以不同的方式解释。)

答案 2 :(得分:1)

如果你想使用循环,我认为这类问题是while循环的理想选择,因为你事先并不知道需要多少次迭代。 (由于一个小错字,它们也更有可能开始永远运行,要求你重新启动你的R会话。)

x = 0.0000082109314

zero_first = TRUE
exponent = -1
while(zero_first) {
    exponent = exponent + 1
    if(x * 10^exponent >= 1) zero_first = FALSE
# [1] 6
