时间:2016-09-08 01:28:08

标签: r parallel-processing glm parallel-foreach



PlayTennis ~ Precip
PlayTennis ~ Temp, 
PlayTennis ~ Relative_Humidity
PlayTennis ~ WindSpeed)

我们说PlayTennis ~ Precip具有最低的p值。因此,重复中的下一个循环迭代是查看其他变量将具有最低p值。

PlayTennis ~ Precip + Temp
PlayTennis ~ Precip + Relative_Humidity 
PlayTennis ~ Precip + WindSpeed

这将持续到没有更重要的变量(P值大于0.05)。因此,我们得到PlayTennis ~ Precip + WindSpeed的最终输出(这都是假设的)。


d =

Time          Precip    Temp    Relative_Humidity   WindSpeed   …   PlayTennis    
1/1/2000 0:00   0        88           30                0              1    
1/1/2000 1:00   0        80           30                1              1    
1/1/2000 2:00   0        70           44                0              1    
1/1/2000 3:00   0        75           49               10              0    
1/1/2000 4:00   0.78     64           99               15              0    
1/1/2000 5:00   0.01     66           97               15              0    
1/1/2000 6:00   0        74           88                8              0    
1/1/2000 7:00   0        77           82                1              1    
1/1/2000 8:00   0        78           70                1              1    
1/1/2000 9:00   0        79           71                1              1


newNames <- names(d)
FRM <- "PlayTennis ~" 

    for (i in 1:length(newNames))
        frm <- as.formula(paste(FRM, newNames[i], sep =""))
        GLM <- glm(formula = frm, na.action = na.exclude, # exclude NA values where they exist
                    data = d, family = binomial())
        # GLM <- speedglm(formula = frm, na.action = na.exclude, # exclude NA values where they exist
        #                 data = d, family = binomial())

        temp <- coef(summary(GLM))[,4][counter]

        if (i == 1) # assign min p value, location, and variable name to the first iteration
            MIN <- temp
            LOC <- i
            VAR <- newNames[i]

        if (temp < MIN) # adjust the min p value accordingly
            MIN <- temp
            LOC <- i
            VAR <- newNames[i]

    if(MIN > 0.05) # break out of the repeat loop when the p-value > 0.05

    FRM <- paste(FRM, VAR, " + ", sep = "") # create new formula
    newNames <- newNames[which(newNames != VAR)] # removes variable that is the most significant
    counter <- counter + 1


newNames <- names(d)
FRM <- "PlayTennis ~" 

    foreach (i = 1:length(newNames)) %dopar%
        frm <- as.formula(paste(FRM, newNames[i], sep =""))
        GLM <- glm(formula = frm, na.action = na.exclude, # exclude NA values where they exist
                    data = d, family = binomial())
        # GLM <- speedglm(formula = frm, na.action = na.exclude, # exclude NA values where they exist
        #                 data = d, family = binomial())

        temp <- coef(summary(GLM))[,4][counter]

        if (i == 1) # assign min p value, location, and variable name to the first iteration
            MIN <- temp
            LOC <- i
            VAR <- newNames[i]

        if (temp < MIN) # adjust the min p value accordingly
            MIN <- temp
            LOC <- i
            VAR <- newNames[i]

    if(MIN > 0.05) # break out of the repeat loop when the p-value > 0.05

    FRM <- paste(FRM, VAR, " + ", sep = "") # create new formula
    newNames <- newNames[which(newNames != VAR)] # removes variable that is the most significant
    counter <- counter + 1

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