
时间:2016-09-02 09:14:59

标签: scala higher-kinded-types


trait VecT

abstract sealed class Vec[T,V[T] <: VecT](elems: T*)(implicit num: VecIntegral[T]) extends VecT {
  import num._

  def +(v: V[T]): V[T] = ???
  def -(v: V[T]): V[T] = ???
  def cross(v: V[T]): V[T] = ???
  def dot(v: V[T]): T = ???
  def unary_-(): V[T] = ???
  def *(scalar: T): V[T] = ???
  def abs: T = ???
  def *(v: V[T]): V[T] = cross(v)
  def apply(n: Int): T = ???

class Vec2[T](x: T, y: T)(implicit num: VecIntegral[T]) extends Vec[T, Vec2](x,y)
class Vec3[T](x: T, y: T, z: T)(implicit num: VecIntegral[T]) extends Vec[T, Vec3](x,y,z)


(new Vec3[Int](1,2,3)) + (new Vec3[Int](1,2,3))
(new Vec3[Int](1,2,3)) + (new Vec2[Int](1,2)) // Failes compilation



def map[A](f: T => A): V[A] = Vec(*)


object Vec {
  def apply[T, V[T] <: VecT](elemes: T*)(implicit num: VecIntegral[T]): V[T] = elems match {
    case Seq(x,y)   => new V[T](x,y)
    case Seq(x,y,z) => new V[T](x,y,z)

但那不起作用,expression of type V does not comform to exptected type V[T]


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

为什么new V[T](...)没有也不应该有效,请参阅。一种解决方案是

trait VecFactory[V[_]] { def newVec[T](elems: Seq[T]): V[T] }

abstract sealed class Vec[T,V[T] <: VecT](elems: T*)(implicit num: VecIntegral[T], factory: VecFactory[V]) {
  def map[A](f: T => A): V[A] = factory.newVec(
class Vec2[T](x: T, y: T)(implicit num: VecIntegral[T]) extends Vec[T, Vec2](x,y)
object Vec2 {
  implicit val factory: VecFactory[Vec2] = new VecFactory[Vec2] { 
    def newVec[T](elems: Seq[T]) = new Vec2(elems(0), elems(1))

class Vec3[T](x: T, y: T, z: T)(implicit num: VecIntegral[T]) extends Vec[T, Vec3](x,y,z)
object Vec3 {
  implicit val factory: VecFactory[Vec3] = ...
