How can I improve the performance of this regex:
This is used to match string having 0 or more of A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /. =
EDIT: This is the code:
internal static class Base64Determinator
private static Regex base64Regex;
static Base64Determinator()
var base64Pattern = "^(?>[A-Za-z0-9+/=]?)*$";
base64Regex = new Regex(base64Pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled);
internal static bool IsBase64(string input)
return input != null && base64Regex.IsMatch(input);
I am testing it in a loop in nunit:
public void TestInputs()
var inputs = new List<Tuple<string, bool>>
new Tuple<string, bool>(null, false),
new Tuple<string, bool>("asd", true),
new Tuple<string, bool>("qwertyuiop", true),
new Tuple<string, bool>("QWERTYUIOP", true),
new Tuple<string, bool>(
new Tuple<string, bool>("=+/Z0", true),
new Tuple<string, bool>("=+/Z01234567890", true),
new Tuple<string, bool>("!@#$%^&*()P", false),
new Tuple<string, bool>("!", false),
new Tuple<string, bool>("<", false),
new Tuple<string, bool>(">", false),
new Tuple<string, bool>(".", false),
new Tuple<string, bool>("qwertyuiopoiuytrewqwertyuioplkjhgfdsadfghjklmnbvcxzxcvbnm<script>", false),
new Tuple<string, bool>("qwertyuiopoiuytrewqwertyuioplkjhgfdsadfghjklmnbvcxzxcvbnm", true),
var startNew = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int j = 0; j < 10000000; j++)
//inputs.ForEach(i => Assert.AreEqual(i.Item2, Base64Determinator.IsBase64(i.Item1)));
inputs.ForEach(i => Base64Determinator.IsBase64(i.Item1));
This takes approx 2.36 mins. I have seen other implementations that take 2 secs. So I am wondering if there is a better way to form this regex with minimum backtracking.
Thanks, Rashmi
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性能取决于输入的复杂性。您可以使用Regex.MatchTimeout属性。 您可以根据需要定义时间跨度(例如200毫秒),并且可以显示超时的相应消息。