Why `this` is a type-dependent expression even if the template class has no base class?

时间:2016-08-30 04:37:07

标签: c++ templates dependent-name

The following code can be compiled without error:

template <typename T> struct A {
    void f() { this->whatever; } // whatever is not declared before
int main() {
    A<int> a;

And I know it's because this is a type-dependent expression, which makes name lookup for whatever is postponed until the actual template argument is known. Since member function f() is never used in this case, so that no instantiation of A<T>::f exists, and name lookup for whatever is never performed.

I can understand that this is type-dependent if the class template has a type-dependent base like:

template <typename T> struct B { T whatever; };
template <typename T> struct A : B<T> {
    void f() { this->whatever; }
int main() {
    A<int> a;

When parsing the definition of template class A, it's impossible to know what's type of its base, which makes this->whatever potentially legal (B<T> could has a member named whatever). On the contrary, I haven't see any potential that this->whatever would be legal in the first example as soon as member function f is used somewhere.

So, could this->whatever be legal at some points in the first example? If not, is there any other reason that this should be treated as type-dependent expression in that case?

3 个答案:

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答案 1 :(得分:0)


template <typename T> struct A {
    void f() { this = 1; }
int main() {
    A<int> a;

语句this = 1;永远不应该编译,即使A<T>具有类型相关的基类,也无法修复。但是,在实例化函数A<T>::f()之前,编译器不会抱怨。

由于Johannes Schaub - litb已经answered,这可能是“无需诊断”的情况。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


$14.6/9 Name resolution [temp.res]


