
时间:2016-08-29 03:12:02

标签: c++ algorithm vector merge time-complexity

在研究合并k个排序连续数组/向量的问题以及它在实现方面与合并k个排序链表之间的差异时,我发现了两个相对简单的天真解决方案,用于合并k个连续数组和一个基于成对的优化方法 - 合并模拟mergeSort()的工作方式。我实现的两个天真的解决方案似乎具有相同的复杂性,但是在一个大的随机测试中我运行它似乎比另一个更低效。


我天真的合并方法如下工作。我们创建一个输出vector<int>并将其设置为我们给出的k向量中的第一个。然后我们合并第二个向量,然后合并第三个,依此类推。由于采用两个向量并返回一个向量的典型merge()方法在空间和时间上与两个向量中的元素数量渐近线性,因此总复杂度为O(n + 2n + 3n + ... + kn),其中n为每个列表中的平均元素数。由于我们正在添加1n + 2n + 3n + ... + kn,因此我认为总复杂度为O(n*k^2)。请考虑以下代码:

vector<int> mergeInefficient(const vector<vector<int> >& multiList) {
  vector<int> finalList = multiList[0];
  for (int j = 1; j < multiList.size(); ++j) {
    finalList = mergeLists(multiList[j], finalList);

  return finalList;



 * The logic behind this algorithm is fairly simple and inefficient.
 * Basically we want to start with the first values of each of the k
 * vectors, pick the smallest value and push it to our finalList vector.
 * We then need to be looking at the next value of the vector we took the
 * value from so we don't keep taking the same value. A vector of vector
 * iterators is used to hold our position in each vector. While all iterators
 * are not at the .end() of their corresponding vector, we maintain a minValue
 * variable initialized to INT_MAX, and a minValueIndex variable and iterate over
 * each of the k vector iterators and if the current iterator is not an end position
 * we check to see if it is smaller than our minValue. If it is, we update our minValue
 * and set our minValue index (this is so we later know which iterator to increment after
 * we iterate through all of them). We do a check after our iteration to see if minValue
 * still equals INT_MAX. If it has, all iterators are at the .end() position, and we have
 * exhausted every vector and can stop iterative over all k of them. Regarding the complexity
 * of this method, we are iterating over `k` vectors so long as at least one value has not been
 * accounted for. Since there are `nk` values where `n` is the average number of elements in each
 * list, the time complexity = O(nk^2) like our other naive method.
vector<int> mergeInefficientV2(const vector<vector<int> >& multiList) {
  vector<int> finalList;
  vector<vector<int>::const_iterator> iterators(multiList.size());

  // Set all iterators to the beginning of their corresponding vectors in multiList
  for (int i = 0; i < multiList.size(); ++i) iterators[i] = multiList[i].begin();

  int k = 0, minValue, minValueIndex;

  while (1) {
    minValue = INT_MAX;
    for (int i = 0; i < iterators.size(); ++i){
      if (iterators[i] == multiList[i].end()) continue;

      if (*iterators[i] < minValue) {
        minValue = *iterators[i];
        minValueIndex = i;


    if (minValue == INT_MAX) break;

  return finalList;



clock_t clock_a_start = clock();
finalList = mergeInefficient(multiList);
clock_t clock_a_stop = clock();

clock_t clock_b_start = clock();
finalList = mergeInefficientV2(multiList);
clock_t clock_b_stop = clock();




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




对于您的情况,尽管您的复杂度计算似乎是正确的,但在第一种情况下,实际运行时间应为(nk^2 + nk)/2,而在第二种情况下,运行时间应为nk^2 。请注意,按2划分可能很重要,因为k增加nk项可能会忽略不计。
