outEdges :: MyNode -> [MyNode]
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
alphabet :: String
alphabet = ['a'..'z']
wordNeighbors :: String -> [String]
wordNeighbors word = deletions ++ insertions where
insertions = [pre++[c]++suf | (pre,suf) <- splits, c <- alphabet]
deletions = [pre++suf | (pre,_:suf) <- take (length word) splits]
splits = zip (inits word) (tails word)
shortestDistance :: (Eq a,Hashable a)=> (a -> [a]) -> a -> a -> Maybe Int
shortestDistance edgeFunc source target =
-- 8 lines of code where I do a breadth-first traversal,
-- using a HashSet to track previously visited nodes;
-- yawn...
editDistance :: String -> String -> Int
editDistance a b = fromJust $ shortestDistance wordNeighbors a b
main = print $ editDistance "cat" "can" -- prints 2
-- Useful for organizing the computation of a recursively-defined
-- property of the nodes in an acyclic graph, such as nimbers.
dfsPostOrder :: (v -> [v]) -> v -> [v]
dfsPostOrder adjFunc root = ...
-- Find all nodes connected in some manner to the root node.
-- In case I know the components are finite size, but am not sure
-- of a nice way to express their contents.
-- (Note: The API below is only good for undirected graphs)
getComponent :: (v -> [v]) -> v -> Set v
getComponent adjFunc root = ...
-- Lazily organize the graph into groups by their minimum distance
-- to any of the nodes in @roots@.
-- One could use this to help incrementalize parts of e.g. a Game
-- of Life or Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation by locating regions
-- invalidated by changes in the state.
groupsByProximity :: (v -> [v]) -> Set v -> [Set v]
groupsByProximity adjFunc roots = ...
TL; DR:是否有任何通用的方法来编写可能无限的,可能是循环的有向图的算法 - 例如由邻接函数定义的算法(Node -> [Node]
还是Node -> [(Node, Weight)]
答案 0 :(得分:6)
我认为大多数“广度优先”搜索算法实际上都是某种"best-first" algorithm。也就是说,搜索边界位于优先级队列中 它决定了访问节点的顺序。
这两个模块都有非常通用的接口 - 即您提供邻居 函数,节点间距离函数和(在A星的情况下)启发式 功能
通过适当选择启发式和距离函数,您可以映射 您搜索其中一种算法。 例如,this patent描述了使用A-star的方法 解决编辑距离问题。