我试图在c中编写一个程序,告诉你圣诞节前的天数。我之前从未使用过time.h库,所以我大部分时间都在使用它。我可以很容易地获得当前时间,但我的问题是我不确定如何正确地输入圣诞节的信息,这会弄乱 差异计算。下面的代码在每次运行时都会输出不同的数字,但无论我尝试什么,我都无法使其正常工作。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main()
time_t currentDate;
time (¤tDate);
struct tm * now;
now = localtime (¤tDate);
struct tm xmas;
xmas = *localtime(¤tDate);
xmas.tm_yday = 359;
double seconds = difftime(asctime(&xmas),asctime(&now));
double days=seconds/86400;
printf("%g days\n", days);
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:3)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main()
double seconds, days;
time_t currentDate;
struct tm *xmas, today;
time (¤tDate);
today = *localtime(¤tDate);
xmas = localtime(¤tDate);
xmas->tm_mon = 11; // 0 == January, 11 == December
xmas->tm_mday = 25;
if (today.tm_mday > 25 && today.tm_mon == 11)
xmas->tm_year = today.tm_year + 1;
seconds = difftime(mktime(xmas),currentDate);
days = seconds/86400;
printf("%g days\n", days);
return 0;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(void)
time_t now;
time_t christmas;
struct tm tmp;
double seconds;
double days;
tmp.tm_sec = 0;
tmp.tm_min = 0;
tmp.tm_hour = 0;
tmp.tm_mday = 25;
tmp.tm_mon = 11; /* December == 11 */
tmp.tm_year = 116; /* 2016 */
tmp.tm_isdst = -1;
christmas = mktime(&tmp);
seconds = difftime(christmas, now);
days = seconds/86400;
printf("%g days untils christmas.\n", days);
return 0;
答案 2 :(得分:1)
int days_before_christ_mass()
int months_day_size[] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
int christ_mass_day = 25;
int months = 12;
int day = 26;
cout << "Month: " << months << endl;
cout << "Day: " << day << endl;
int zero_starter_month = months - 1;
if (zero_starter_month < 11) {
if (day <= months_day_size[zero_starter_month]) {
int daysSummation = abs(day - months_day_size[zero_starter_month]);
//cout << daysSummation << endl;
for (int i = zero_starter_month + 1; i < 11; i++)
daysSummation += months_day_size[i];
daysSummation = daysSummation + christ_mass_day;
//cout << daysSummation << endl;;
return daysSummation;
else {
cout << "No such day" << endl;
return -1;
else if (zero_starter_month == 11) {
if (day <= months_day_size[zero_starter_month]) {
if (day <= christ_mass_day) {
return christ_mass_day - day;
else {
int day_summation = abs(day - months_day_size[zero_starter_month]);
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
day_summation += months_day_size[i];
day_summation += christ_mass_day;
return day_summation;
else {
cout << "No such day" << endl
return -1;
else {
cout << "There is no such month" << endl;
return -1;
答案 3 :(得分:0)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
// format here is ISO-like: year, month, day; 1-based
int daydiff(int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2, int *diff)
int days1, days2;
const int mdays_sum[] =
{ 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
// no checks for the other bounds here, feel free to add them
if (y1 < 1708 || y2 < 1708) {
*diff = INT_MAX;
return 0;
// we add the leap years later, so for now
// 356 days
// + the days in the current month
// + the days from the month(s) before
days1 = y1 * 365 + d1 + mdays_sum[m1 - 1];
// add the days from the leap years skipped above
// (no leap year computation needed until it is March already)
// TODO: if inline functions are supported, make one out of this mess
days1 += (m1 <= 2) ?
(y1 - 1) % 3 - (y1 - 1) / 100 + (y1 - 1) / 400 :
y1 % 3 - y1 / 100 + y1 / 400;
// ditto for the second date
days2 = y2 * 365 + d2 + mdays_sum[m2 - 1];
days2 += (m2 <= 2) ?
(y2 - 1) % 3 - (y2 - 1) / 100 + (y2 - 1) / 400 :
y2 % 3 - y2 / 100 + y2 / 400;
// Keep the signed result. If the first date is later than the
// second the result is negative. Might be useful.
*diff = days2 - days1;
return 1;
#include <time.h>
// Or Boxing-Day for our British friends
int days_until_next_xmas()
int diff;
time_t now;
struct tm *today;
// get seconds since epoch and store it in
// the time_t struct now
// apply timezone
today = localtime(&now);
// compute difference in days to the 25th of December
daydiff(today->tm_year + 1900, today->tm_mon + 1, today->tm_mday,
today->tm_year + 1900, 12, 25, &diff);
// Too late, you have to wait until next year, sorry
if (diff < 0) {
// Just run again.
// Alternatively compute leap year and add 365/366 days.
// I think that running it again is definitely simpler.
daydiff(today->tm_year + 1900, today->tm_mon + 1, today->tm_mday,
today->tm_year + 1900 + 1, 12, 25, &diff);
return diff;
int main()
// days_until_next_xmas() returns INT_MAX in case of error
// you might want to check
printf("Next X-mas in %d days\n", days_until_next_xmas());
的检查。这将适用于16位MCU。承认, 会让8位MCU变得更加复杂。