
时间:2016-08-19 04:15:44

标签: python



  • "a{1;4:6}" =“a1a4a5a6”
  • "a{1;2}b{2:4}" = "a1b2b3b4a2b2b3b4"



>>> s = "a{1;4:6}"
>>> splitted = s.split("}")
>>> splitted
['a{1;4:6', '']
>>> splitted2 = [s.split("{") for s in splitted]
>>> splitted2
[['a', '1;4:6'], ['']]
>>> splitted3 = [s.split(";") for s in splitted2[0]]
>>> splitted3
[['a'], ['1', '4:6']]

# ... etc, then build up the strings manually once the ranges are figured out.


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


from pyparsing import nums, Literal, Word, oneOf, Optional, OneOrMore, Group, delimitedList
from string import ascii_lowercase as letters

# transform a '123' to 123
number = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: int(t[0]))

# parses 234:543 ranges
range_ =  number + Literal(':').suppress() + number

# transforms the range x:y to a list [x, x+1, ..., y]
range_.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: list(range(t[0], t[1]+1)))

# parse the comma delimited list of ranges or individual numbers
range_list = delimitedList(range_|number,",")

# and pack them in a tuple
range_list.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: tuple(t))

# parses 'a{2,3,4:5}' group
group = Word(letters, max=1) + Literal('{').suppress() + range_list + Literal('}').suppress()

# transform the group parsed as ['a', [2, 4, 5]] to ['a2', 'a4' ...]
group.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: tuple("%s%d" % (t[0],num) for num in t[1]))

# the full expression is just those group one after another
expression = OneOrMore(group)

def pack_tokens(s, l, tokens):
    current, *rest = tokens
    if not rest:
        return ''.join(current)  # base case
    return ''.join(token + pack_tokens(s, l, rest) for token in current)


parsed = expression.parseString('a{1,2,3}')[0]
parsed = expression.parseString('a{1,3:7}b{1:5}')[0]

答案 1 :(得分:4)

import re

def expand(compressed):

    # 'b{2:4}' -> 'b{2;3;4}' i.e. reduce the problem to just one syntax
    normalized = re.sub(r'(\d+):(\d+)', lambda m: ';'.join(map(str, range(int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)) + 1))), compressed)

    # 'a{1;2}b{2;3;4}' -> ['a{1;2}', 'b{2;3;4}']
    elements = re.findall(r'[a-z]\{[\d;]+\}', normalized)

    tokens = []

    # ['a{1;2}', 'b{2;3;4}'] -> [['a1', 'a2'], ['b2', 'b3', 'b4']]
    for element in elements:
        match = re.match(r'([a-z])\{([\d;]+)\}', element)

        alphanumerics = []  # match result already guaranteed by re.findall()

        for number in match.group(2).split(';'):
            alphanumerics.append(match.group(1) + number)


    # [['a1', 'a2'], ['b2', 'b3', 'b4']] -> 'a1b2b3b4a2b2b3b4'
    def pack_tokens(tokens):

        current, *rest = tokens

        if not rest:
            return ''.join(current)  # base case

        return ''.join(token + pack_tokens(rest) for token in current)

    return pack_tokens(tokens)

strings = ['a{1;4:6}', 'a{1;2}b{2:4}', 'a{1;2}b{2:4}c{3;6}']

for string in strings:
    print(string, '->', expand(string))


a{1;4:6} -> a1a4a5a6
a{1;2}b{2:4} -> a1b2b3b4a2b2b3b4
a{1;2}b{2:4}c{3;6} -> a1b2c3c6b3c3c6b4c3c6a2b2c3c6b3c3c6b4c3c6

答案 2 :(得分:2)


import re
import functools

class Group(object):
    def __init__(self, prefix, items):
        self.groups = [[prefix + str(x) for x in items]]

    def __add__(self, other):
        return self

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.pack_tokens(self.groups)

    # adapted for Python 2.7 from @cdlane's code
    def pack_tokens(self, tokens):
        current = tokens[:1][0]
        rest = tokens[1:]
        if not rest:
            return ''.join(current)
        return ''.join(token + self.pack_tokens(rest) for token in current)

def createGroup(str, *items):
    return Group(str, items)

def expand(compressed):

    # Replace a{...}b{...} with a{...} + b{...} as we will overload the '+' operator to help during the evaluation
    expr = re.sub(r'(\}\w+\{)', lambda m: '} + ' + m.group(1)[1:-1] + '{', compressed)

    # Expand : range to explicit list of items (from @cdlane's answer)
    expr = re.sub(r'(\d+):(\d+)', lambda m: ';'.join(map(str, range(int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)) + 1))), expr)

    # Convert a{x;y;..} to a(x,y, ...) so that it evaluates as a function
    expr = expr.replace('{', '(').replace('}', ')').replace(";", ",")

    # Extract the group prefixes ('a', 'b', ...)
    groupPrefixes = re.findall(ur'(\w+)\([\d,]+\)', expr)

    # Build a namespace mapping functions 'a', 'b', ... to createGroup() capturing the groupName prefix in the closure
    ns = {prefix: functools.partial(createGroup, prefix) for prefix in groupPrefixes}

    # Evaluate the expression using the namespace
    return eval(expr, ns)

tests = ['a{1;4:6}', 'a{1;2}b{2:4}', 'a{1;2}b{2:4}c{3;6}']
for test in tests:
    print(test, '->', expand(test))


('a{1;4:6}', '->', a1a4a5a6)
('a{1;2}b{2:4}', '->', a1b2b3b4a2b2b3b4)
('a{1;2}b{2:4}c{3;6}', '->', a1b2c3c6b3c3c6b4c3c6a2b2c3c6b3c3c6b4c3c6)