
时间:2016-08-18 11:37:18

标签: php apache email phpmailer

我有一个REST PHP脚本(在Windows服务器2012 R2上的Apache上运行),使用PHPMailer通过另一台机器上的Postfix SMTP服务器发送邮件。



无法连接到服务器:无法执行对套接字的操作,因为系统缺少足够的缓冲区空间或队列已满。 (10055)



所以我的问题是,如果我需要处理某种连接处理,当我完成发送邮件时,我是否必须在PHPMailer中关闭句柄或类似处理(某些事情并非如此)如例所示)?在某处进行配置更改?我是一名C ++程序员,对PHP的内部工作知之甚少。



require '../../phpmailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';

abstract class Status {
    const SUCCESS = 0;
    const FAILED = 1;
    const ABORTED = 2;
    const INVALID = 3;

class JobController extends MyController
    public function postAction($request) {
        // Do stuff

    public function putAction($request) {
        // Do stuff

    public function deleteAction($request) {
        // Make sure there is a job id at the end of the url
        if (count($request->url_elements) != 3)
            return new Result(404, array('message' => 'Invalid command'));

        // Initialize the session and check if it is set
        if (!$this->mySessionStart())
            return new Result(401, array('message' => 'Not logged in'));

        // Check if the mirror parameter exists
        $mirror = null;
        if (isset($request->parameters['mirror']))
            $mirror = base64_decode($request->parameters['mirror']);

        // Check that status parameter exists
        if (!isset($request->parameters['result']))
            return new Result(400, array('message' => 'Missing result parameter'));

        // Parse status parameter
        if (strcasecmp($request->parameters['result'], 'success') === 0)
            $status = Status::SUCCESS;
        else if (strcasecmp($request->parameters['result'], 'failed') === 0)
            $status = Status::FAILED;
        else if (strcasecmp($request->parameters['result'], 'aborted') === 0)
            $status = Status::ABORTED;
            $status = Status::INVALID;

        // Check that the status value is valid
        if ($status === Status::INVALID)
            return new Result(400, array('message' => 'Invalid result value'));

        // Check that download parameter exists if status is 'success'
        if (($status == Status::SUCCESS) && !isset($request->parameters['download']))
            return new Result(400, array('message' => 'Missing download parameter'));

        // Check that reason parameter exists if status is 'failed'
        if (($status == Status::FAILED) && !isset($request->parameters['reason']))
            return new Result(400, array('message' => 'Missing reason parameter'));

        $jobid = $request->url_elements[2];
        $filepath = ACTIVE_JOBS_PATH . $jobid . '.json';

        if (!file_exists($filepath))
            return new Result(404, array('message' => 'Unknown job'));

        $templates = __DIR__ . '\\..\\templates\\';

        if ($status === Status::SUCCESS) {
            $str = file_get_contents($filepath);
            $json = $this->decodeJson($str);
            $email_addr = $json['userEmail'];
            $name = $json['jobName'];
            $path = base64_decode($request->parameters['download']);

            if (Empty($name))
                $name = 'Unnamed';

            $raw_text = "Your volume export $name is finished and can be downloaded here:\r\n$path";
            $template_name = (Empty($mirror) ? 'success_name.html' : 'success_name_mirror.html');

            // If FTP then override the name with the ftp template.
            if (substr($path, 0, 4) == 'ftp:')
                $template_name = 'success_name_ftp.html';

            $html_text = file_get_contents($templates . $template_name);
            $html_text = str_replace(array("%name%", "%path%", "%mirror%", "%server%"), array($name, $path, $mirror, SERVER_PATH), $html_text);

            $mail = $this->createMail($email_addr, "Your volume extraction job is complete", $html_text, $raw_text);

                return new Result(500, array('message' => 'failed to send mail', 'mail error' => $mail->ErrorInfo));

            // Delete job first when we have managed to send a mail correctly
        elseif ($status === Status::FAILED) {
            $str = file_get_contents($filepath);
            $json = $this->decodeJson($str);
            $email_addr = $json['userEmail'];
            $name = $json['jobName'];
            $msg = base64_decode($request->parameters['reason']);

            if (Empty($name))
                $name = 'Unnamed';

            $raw_text = "Your volume export $name has failed and the reason given was:\r\n$msg";

            $msg = str_ireplace("\r\n", "<br>", $msg);  // Replace any newlines with <br> tags
            $msg = str_ireplace("\n", "<br>", $msg);

            $html_text = file_get_contents($templates . 'fail_name.html');
            $html_text = str_replace(array("%name%", "%msg%", "%server%"), array($name, $msg, SERVER_PATH), $html_text);

            $mail = $this->createMail($email_addr, "Your volume extraction job has failed", $html_text, $raw_text);

                return new Result(500, array('message' => 'failed to send mail', 'mail error' => $mail->ErrorInfo));

            // Delete job first when we have managed to send a mail correctly
        elseif ($status === Status::ABORTED) {
            rename($filepath, JOBS_PATH . $jobid . '.json');

        return new Result(200, array('jobId' => $jobid));

    private function createMail($to, $subject, $body_html, $alt_body) {
        $settings = parse_ini_file('..\\..\\settings.ini');

        $mail = new PHPMailer;

        $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
        $mail->isSMTP();                                // Set mailer to use SMTP
        $mail->Host = $settings['MAIL_HOST'];           // Specify main and backup SMTP servers
        $mail->SMTPAuth = true;                         // Enable SMTP authentication
        $mail->Username = $settings['MAIL_USER'];       // SMTP username
        $mail->Password = $settings['MAIL_PASS'];       // SMTP password
        $mail->SMTPSecure = $settings['MAIL_SECURE'];   // Enable TLS encryption, `ssl` also accepted
        $mail->Port = $settings['MAIL_PORT'];           // TCP port to connect to

        $mail->From = 'example@example.com';
        $mail->FromName = 'Example';

        $mail->isHTML(true);                        // Set email format to HTML

        $mail->Subject = $subject;
        $mail->Body    = $body_html;
        $mail->AltBody = $alt_body;

        return $mail;

    private function decodeJson($str) {
        $char = json_decode('"\uFEFF"');    // UTF-8 byte order mark
        return json_decode(trim(str_replace($char, '', $str)), true);   // Replace BOM if needed


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