使用EOF 10分钟后smtp.SendMail失败

时间:2012-07-26 03:40:21

标签: smtp go


// excerpt from the calling function
// --- snip ---
if e := mailNotify(board, validPosts, ipMinusPort, delTime); e != nil {
    errorPage(w, tmpl, "Contact Administrator",
        "Email notification failed, please contact archive admin.")
    log.Println("ERROR: Failed to send notification email: " + e.Error())
// --- snip ---

func mailNotify(board *config.Board, validPosts []int64, 
                        ip string, delTime time.Time) error {

    addresses := strings.Split(board.NotifyAddr, ",")
    if len(addresses) < 1 {
        return nil

    msg := new(bytes.Buffer)
    type values struct {
        IP      string
        Posts   []int64
        DelTime time.Time
    t.ExecuteTemplate(msg, "post_reported", &values{ip, validPosts, delTime})
    auth:= smtp.PlainAuth("", board.NotifyAddr, board.NotifyPass,
        strings.Split(board.SMTPServer, ":")[0])
    return smtp.SendMail(board.SMTPServer, auth,
        board.FromEmail, addresses, msg.Bytes())



2012/07/25 22:57:58错误:无法发送通知电子邮件:EOF


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)

Gmail的端口465用于通过TLS进行连接,但SendMail需要普通的旧TCP。尝试连接到端口587。 SendMail会在可用时自动升级到TLS(在这种情况下就是这样)。