cv :: Mat序列的像素中位数

时间:2016-08-12 06:00:45

标签: c++ opencv

注意:我不是在询问Median Filter。


std::array<cv::Mat,N> sequence;



Result(i,j)=median(sequence[0](i,j), sequence[1](i,j), ..., sequence[N](i,j));



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


假设您正在使用Mat1b图像,每个直方图将具有256个值。 您需要存储直方图以及所有箱的总和:

struct Hist {
    vector<short> h;
    int count;
    Hist() : h(256, 0), count(0) {};

中值是直方图中与一半像素count / 2对应的索引。来自Rosetta Code的代码段:

int i;
int n = hist.count / 2; // 'hist' is the Hist struct at a given pixel location
for (i = 0; i < 256 && ((n -= hist.h[i]) >= 0); ++i);
// 'i' is the median value



  1. 这仅适用于uchar值,否则每个直方图的长度会太大
  2. 这种方法会使用大量的RAM,因为它需要rows x cols个直方图。它可能不适用于大型图像。
  3. 以下实施适用于单通道图像,但可以轻松扩展到3个通道。
  4. 您可以使用基于两个堆或近似方法的方法。你可以在这里找到详细信息:

  5. 代码:

    #include <vector>
    #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace cv;
    struct Hist {
        vector<short> h;
        int count;
        Hist() : h(256, 0), count(0) {};
    void addImage(vector<Mat1b>& images, Mat1b& img, vector<vector<Hist>>& M, Mat1b& med)
        assert(img.rows == med.rows);
        assert(img.cols == med.cols);
        for (int r = 0; r < img.rows; ++r) {
            for (int c = 0; c < img.cols; ++c){
                // Add pixel to histogram
                Hist& hist = M[r][c];
                ++hist.h[img(r, c)];
                // Compute median
                int i;
                int n = hist.count / 2;
                for (i = 0; i < 256 && ((n -= hist.h[i]) >= 0); ++i);
                // 'i' is the median value
                med(r,c) = uchar(i);
        // Add image to my list
    void remImage(vector<Mat1b>& images, int idx, vector<vector<Hist>>& M, Mat1b& med)
        assert(idx >= 0 && idx < images.size());
        Mat1b& img = images[idx];
        for (int r = 0; r < img.rows; ++r) {
            for (int c = 0; c < img.cols; ++c){
                // Remove pixel from histogram
                Hist& hist = M[r][c];
                --hist.h[img(r, c)];
                // Compute median
                int i;
                int n = hist.count / 2;
                for (i = 0; i < 256 && ((n -= hist.h[i]) >= 0); ++i);
                // 'i' is the median value
                med(r, c) = uchar(i);
        // Remove image from list
        images.erase(images.begin() + idx);
    void init(vector<vector<Hist>>& M, Mat1b& med, int rows, int cols)
        med = Mat1b(rows, cols, uchar(0));
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
    int main()
        // Your images... be sure that they have the same size
        Mat1b img0 = imread("path_to_image", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
        Mat1b img1 = imread("path_to_image", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
        Mat1b img2 = imread("path_to_image", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
        resize(img0, img0, Size(800, 600));
        resize(img1, img1, Size(800, 600));
        resize(img2, img2, Size(800, 600));
        int rows = img0.rows;
        int cols = img0.cols;
        vector<Mat1b> images;   // All your images, needed only if you need to remove an image
        vector<vector<Hist>> M; // histograms
        Mat1b med;              // median image
        // Init data strutctures
        init(M, med, rows, cols);
        // Add images. 'med' will be the median image and will be updated each time
        addImage(images, img0, M, med);
        addImage(images, img1, M, med);
        addImage(images, img2, M, med);
        // You can also remove an image from the median computation
        remImage(images, 2, M, med);
        // Hey, same median as img0 and img1 ;D
        return 0;