
时间:2016-08-10 00:40:43

标签: r plot


class PrivateAPI;
class Cookie;

class CookieJar {
    Cookie getCookie(PrivateAPI);

class CookieMonster {
    void feed(CookieJar cookieJar);

    bool isHungry();

class PrivateAPI {};

void CookieMonster::feed(CookieJar cookieJar) {
    while (isHungry()) {

Click to see my flow-duration curve

我无法在同一图上绘制额外的流量持续时间曲线。我按照其他帖子的建议尝试了library(waterData) library(lattice) library(latticeExtra) site.no <- "16068000" # streamflow station number site.file <- importDVs(site.no, code = "00060", stat = "00003") # reads data from NWIS PrbGrd <- qnorm(c(.001, .01, .10, .30, .50, .70, .90, .99, .999)) # create probablity scale lines PrbGrdL<-c("99.9", "99", "90", "70", "50", "30", "10", "1", "0.1") # exceedence probability scale labels ValGrd<-c(seq(0.001,0.01,0.001),seq(0.01,0.1,0.01),seq(0.1,1,0.1),seq(1,10,1),seq(10,100,10)) # create value grid lines ValGrd<-log10(ValGrd) # convert value grid lines to log qqmath(~ val, # val = data column with streamflow data data = site.file, distribution = function(p) qnorm(p), main = "Flow-duration curves for streamgages on Kauai", pch = 20, cex = 0.5, xlab = "Percentage of time discharge was equaled or exceeded (%)", ylab = "Daily mean discharge, in cubic feet per second", xlim = c(max(PrbGrd),min(PrbGrd)), scales = list(y=list(log=10,alternating=1),x = list(at = PrbGrd, labels = PrbGrdL, cex = 0.8)), yscale.components=yscale.components.log10ticks, panel = function(x,...){ panel.abline(v=PrbGrd ,col="grey",lty=3) panel.abline(h=ValGrd,col="grey",lty=3) panel.qqmath(x,distribution=qnorm) } ) lines(),但它们无效。理想情况下,我希望有一个文本文件,其中包含一个流量站号列表和一个带有流量持续时间曲线的图表,用于文本文件中列出的所有流量站点。任何输入都非常感谢。谢谢!

回应Hack-R的评论,这是一个例子。我有一个名为&#34; Input_FDC.txt&#34;的文本文件。带有站号列表。为简单起见,我有4个站号(但实际上,我有30多个站)。以下是文本文件的内容:



qqmath(~ val + val2 ...)

但是有30多条曲线,我正在寻找一种解决方案,允许我循环遍历&#34; Input_FDC.txt&#34;中的电台列表。文件,而不必在代码中包含30多个站点的input.file <- "Input_FDC.txt" # text file with list of station numbers path.R <- "C:/Users/ccheng/Documents/R/" # enter directory of text file stn.file <- read.delim(paste(path.R, input.file, sep = ""), header = TRUE) site.no <- as.character(stn.file$Stations) # for importDVs to work, station no. needs to be in quotes for(i in 1:length(site.no)) { x.1 <- importDVs(site.no[i], code = "00060", stat = "00003") assign(paste("flow",i,sep=""), x.1$val) } PrbGrd <- qnorm(c(.001, .01, .10, .30, .50, .70, .90, .99, .999)) # create probablity scale lines PrbGrdL<-c("99.9", "99", "90", "70", "50", "30", "10", "1", "0.1") # exceedence probability scale labels ValGrd<-c(seq(0.001,0.01,0.001),seq(0.01,0.1,0.01),seq(0.1,1,0.1),seq(1,10,1),seq(10,100,10)) # create value grid lines ValGrd<-log10(ValGrd) # convert value grid lines to log qqmath(~ flow1 + flow2 + flow3 + flow4, distribution = function(p) qnorm(p), main = "Flow-duration curves for streamgages on Kauai", auto.key = list(points = F, lines = T, text = site.no, columns = 4), pch = 20, cex = 0.5, xlab = "Percentage of time discharge was equaled or exceeded (%)", ylab = "Daily mean discharge, in cubic feet per second", xlim = c(max(PrbGrd),min(PrbGrd)), scales = list(y=list(log=10,alternating=1),x = list(at = PrbGrd, labels = PrbGrdL, cex = 0.8)), yscale.components=yscale.components.log10ticks ) 。任何输入都非常感谢。谢谢!

1 个答案:

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site.file$val2 <- site.file$val*.5
qqmath(~ val + val2, # val = data column with streamflow data
       data = site.file,
       distribution = function(p) qnorm(p),
       main = "Flow-duration curves for streamgages on Kauai",
       pch = 20,
       cex = 0.5,
       xlab = "Percentage of time discharge was equaled or exceeded (%)",
       ylab = "Daily mean discharge, in cubic feet per second",
       xlim = c(max(PrbGrd),min(PrbGrd)),
       scales = list(y=list(log=10,alternating=1),x = list(at = PrbGrd, labels = PrbGrdL, cex = 0.8)),

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