Python - 打印和类

时间:2016-08-08 01:57:21

标签: python python-2.7 oop methods printing



def get_ordered_adoption_center_list(adopter, list_of_adoption_centers):
    The method returns a list of an organized adoption_center such that the scores for each AdoptionCenter to the Adopter will be ordered from highest score to lowest score.
    list_of_adoption_centers.sort(key=lambda center:adopter.get_score(center), reverse=True)
    return list_of_adoption_centers


import random
import string

class AdoptionCenter:
    The AdoptionCenter class stores the important information that a
    client would need to know about, such as the different numbers of
    species stored, the location, and the name. It also has a method to adopt a pet.
    def __init__(self, name, species_types, location): = name
        self.species_types = species_types
        self.location = (float(location[0]), float(location[1]))
    def get_number_of_species(self, species):
        return self.species_types.get(species, 0)
    def get_location(self):
        return self.location
    def get_species_count(self):
        return self.species_types.copy()
    def get_name(self):
    def adopt_pet(self, species):
        self.species_types[species] = self.species_types[species] - 1
        if self.species_types[species] <= 0:
            del self.species_types[species]
    def __str__(self):
        return "%s" % (

class Adopter:
    Adopters represent people interested in adopting a species.
    They have a desired species type that they want, and their score is
    simply the number of species that the shelter has of that species.
    def __init__(self, name, desired_species): = name
        self.desired_species = desired_species
    def get_name(self):
    def get_desired_species(self):
        return self.desired_species
    def get_score(self, adoption_center):
        num_desired = adoption_center.get_number_of_species(self.desired_species)
        score = float(1 * num_desired)
        return score
    def __str__(self):
        return "%s and score is %d" % (, self.get_score)

class FlexibleAdopter(Adopter):
    A FlexibleAdopter still has one type of species that they desire,
    but they are also alright with considering other types of species.
    considered_species is a list containing the other species the adopter will consider
    Their score should be 1x their desired species + .3x all of their desired species
    def __init__(self, name, desired_species, considered_species):
        Adopter.__init__(self, name, desired_species)
        self.considered_species = considered_species
    def get_score(self, adoption_center):
        num_Other = 0
        for animal in self.considered_species:
            if adoption_center.get_number_of_species(animal) > 0:
                num_Other += adoption_center.get_number_of_species(animal)
        adopter_score = Adopter.get_score(self, adoption_center)
        score = adopter_score + 0.3 * num_Other
        return score
    def __str__(self):
        return "%s and score is %d" % (, self.get_score)

class FearfulAdopter(Adopter):
    A FearfulAdopter is afraid of a particular species of animal.
    If the adoption center has one or more of those animals in it, they will
    be a bit more reluctant to go there due to the presence of the feared species.
    Their score should be 1x number of desired species - .3x the number of feared species
    def __init__(self, name, desired_species, feared_species):
        Adopter.__init__(self, name, desired_species)
        self.feared_species = feared_species
    def get_score(self, adoption_center):
        num_feared = adoption_center.get_number_of_species(self.feared_species)
        adopter_score = Adopter.get_score(self, adoption_center)
        score = adopter_score - (0.3 * num_feared)
        return max(0.0, score)
    def __str__(self):
        return "%s and score is %d" % (, self.get_score)

class AllergicAdopter(Adopter):
    An AllergicAdopter is extremely allergic to a one or more species and cannot
    even be around it a little bit! If the adoption center contains one or more of
    these animals, they will not go there.
    Score should be 0 if the center contains any of the animals, or 1x number of desired animals if not
    def __init__(self, name, desired_species, allergic_species):
        Adopter.__init__(self, name, desired_species)
        self.allergic_species = allergic_species
    def get_score(self, adoption_center):
        for animal in self.allergic_species:
            if animal in adoption_center.get_species_count().keys():
                return 0.0
        return 1.0 * adoption_center.get_number_of_species(self.desired_species)
    def __str__(self):
        return "%s and score is %d" % (, self.get_score)

我尝试在各个类中放置__str____repr__方法。我所读到的建议__str__就是我所追求的。我也尝试过一个简单的&#34; for循环&#34;在函数体本身中使用print语句。后一种方法导致屏幕充满错误。我在成功之前使用__str__进行了打印,但是这一切似乎都让我失望了。任何见解将不胜感激。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

根据您的评论,您将在列表中打印这些内容。 print函数检索由__str__定义的要打印的每个参数的字符串表示形式。列表的字符串表示由方括号组成,括起逗号+以空格分隔的每个项目repr表示的序列,由__repr__定义。

>>> class A:
...     def __str__(self):
...             return 's'
...     def __repr__(self):
...             return 'r'
>>> l = [A(), A()]
>>> print(l)
[r, r]
>>> print(*l)
s s
