我有一个转换图像的矩阵。旧矩阵是尺度和平移的函数。 现在,如何在旧Matrix中从中心应用旋转,而不影响其他变换,如缩放和平移。
//get old matrix
Matrix matrix = getImageMatrix();
float tx = getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MTRANS_X);
float ty = getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MTRANS_Y);
float scaleX = getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MSCALE_X);
float scaleY = getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MSCALE_Y);
float skewX = getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MSKEW_X);
float skewY = getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MSKEW_Y);
//calculating the actual scale
float sx = (float)Math.sqrt((scaleX*scaleX)+(skewY*skewY));
float sy = (float)Math.sqrt((scaleY*scaleY)+(skewX*skewX));
//calculating the rotateAngle
float rAngle = Math.round(Math.atan2(scaleX, skewX) * (180 / Math.PI));
//calculate the actual width and height of image
float width = sx * drawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
float height = sy * drawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
//calculate the center pivot for rotation
float cx = (width/2)+tx;
float cy = (height/2)+ty;
//Applying Rotation from center pivot
matrix.postTranslate(-cx , -cy);
matrix.postRotate(rotateAngle, (width/2)+tx, (height/2)+ty);
matrix.postTranslate(cx, cy);
查看完整代码(第220行以后) http://pastebin.com/NWrNw0Nd
答案 0 :(得分:2)
private RectF rect = new RectF(); // only allocate once
public void rotate(int rotateAngle) {
if (rotateAngle % 90 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("angle must be a multiple of 90 degrees");
Matrix matrix = getImageMatrix();
// get the original dimensions of the drawable
rect.set(0, 0, drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight());
// calculate where the current matrix has put the image
matrix.mapRect(rect); // rect now has updated coordinates
// rotate pivoting on the center point
matrix.postRotate(rotateAngle, rect.centerX(), rect.centerY());
setImageMatrix(matrix); // i think setImageMatrix() will call invalidate() itself
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我不是100%肯定,但我认为问题在于您尝试提取然后重新应用tx和ty值。矩阵有点“记住”已经完成的事情,所以如果你使用postRotate / postTranslate / post *函数则没有必要。尝试这样的事情:
Matrix matrix = getImageMatrix();
float rotateAngle = 90.0; // or whatever
//calculate the actual width and height of image
float width = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
float height = drawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
//calculate the center pivot for rotation
float cx = (width/2);
float cy = (height/2);
//Applying Rotation from center pivot
matrix.postTranslate(-cx , -cy);
matrix.postTranslate(cx, cy);