
时间:2016-08-07 03:22:13

标签: vbscript



'Formally declare variables used by the script before trying to use them
Dim WshShl, Answer, CardImage

'Create an instance of the WScript object in order to later use the
'Popup method
Set WshShl = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'Input for player name
Reply1 = InputBox("Hello. What is your name?")
'Display greeting and player name
MsgBox "Hello " & Reply1 & "! Welcome to Rock, Paper Scissors!"

'Display the rules of the game
WshShl.Popup "Welcome to Rock, Paper and Scissors game. Here are the " & _
  "rules of the game: 1. Guess the same thing as the computer " & _
  "to tie. 2. Paper covers rock and wins. 3. Rock breaks " & _
  "scissors and wins. 4. Scissors cut paper and wins."

'Prompt the user to select a choice
Answer = InputBox("Type Paper, Rock, or Scissors.", _
  "Let's play a game!")

'Time for the computer to randomly pick a choice
GetRandomNumber = Round(FormatNumber(Int((3 * Rnd()) + 1)))

'Assign a value to the randomly selected number
If GetRandomNumber = 3 then CardImage = "rock"
If GetRandomNumber = 2 then CardImage = "scissor"
If GetRandomNumber = 1 then CardImage = "paper"

'Display the game's results so that the user can see if he or she won
WshShl.Popup "You picked: " & Answer & Space(12) & "Computer picked: " & _

If Answer = "Rock" & Computer <> "Paper" Then MsgBox "Paper Covers Rock: Computer Wins"
ElseIfAnswer = "Paper" & Computer <> "Scissors" Then MsgBox "Scissors Cuts Paper: Computer Wins"
ElseIfAnswer = "Scissors" & Computer <> "Rock" Then MsgBox "Rock Breaks Scissors: Computer Wins"
ElseIfComputer = "Rock" & Answer <> "Paper" Then MsgBox "Paper Covers Rock: You Win "
ElseIfComputer = "Paper" & Answer <> "Scissors" Then MsgBox "Scissors Cuts Paper: You Win "
ElseIfComputer = "Scissors" & Answer <> "Rock" Then MsgBox "Rock Breaks Scissors: You Win "
ElseIfComputer = "Rock" & Answer <> "Rock" Then MsgBox "TIE "
ElseIfComputer = "Paper" & Answer <> "Paper" Then MsgBox "TIE "
Else Computer = "Scissor" & Answer <> "Scissor" Then MsgBox "TIE "

End If

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


ElseIf Answer = "Paper" & Computer <> "Scissors" Then MsgBox "Scissors Cuts Paper: Computer Wins"
ElseIf Answer = "Scissors" & Computer <> "Rock" Then MsgBox "Rock Breaks Scissors: Computer Wins"
ElseIf Computer = "Rock" & Answer <> "Paper" Then MsgBox "Paper Covers Rock: You Win "
ElseIf Computer = "Paper" & Answer <> "Scissors" Then MsgBox "Scissors Cuts Paper: You Win "
ElseIf Computer = "Scissors" & Answer <> "Rock" Then MsgBox "Rock Breaks Scissors: You Win "
ElseIf Computer = "Rock" & Answer <> "Rock" Then MsgBox "TIE "
ElseIf Computer = "Paper" & Answer <> "Paper" Then MsgBox "TIE "

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您的关键字和变量之间需要空格。 Else If是两个字。逻辑运算符为And,而不是&。你的最后一个条件没有意义,因为没有Else的{​​{1}}之后不允许一个条件(如果之前的条件都不匹配,则整个想法就是Else语句运行)。我想你应该花一点时间来回顾基本语法。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


Option Explicit

Dim Reply, Answer, RandomNumber, Computer, Result, UserChoice

' Init the random number generator

' Input for player name
Reply = InputBox("Hello. What is your name?")

' Display greeting and player name
MsgBox "Hello " & Reply & "! Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors!"

' Loop begin - start the turn
    ' Display the rules of the game and prompt the user to select a choice
        Answer = InputBox(_
            "Here are the rules of the game:" & vbCrLf & _
            "1. Guess the same thing as the computer to tie." & vbCrLf & _
            "2. Paper covers Rock and wins." & vbCrLf & _
            "3. Rock breaks Scissors and wins." & vbCrLf & _
            "4. Scissors cut Paper and wins." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
            "Type Paper, Rock, or Scissors.", "Let's play a game!")
    Loop Until Answer = "Paper" Or Answer = "Rock" Or Answer = "Scissors" ' Repeat until proper user input

    ' Time for the computer to randomly pick a choice
    RandomNumber = Int(3 * Rnd()) + 1

    ' Assign a value to the randomly selected number
    Select Case RandomNumber
        Case 1 Computer = "Paper"
        Case 2 Computer = "Rock"
        Case Else Computer = "Scissors"
    End Select

    ' Check the game's results
    If Answer = Computer Then
        Result = "Tie"
        Select Case Answer & Computer
            Case "PaperRock" Result = "Paper Covers Rock: You Win"
            Case "RockScissors" Result = "Rock Breaks Scissors: You Win"
            Case "ScissorsPaper" Result = "Scissors Cut Paper: You Win"
            Case "RockPaper" Result = "Paper Covers Rock: Computer Win"
            Case "ScissorsRock" Result = "Rock Breaks Scissors: Computer Win"
            Case "PaperScissors" Result = "Scissors Cut Paper: Computer Win"
        End Select
    End If

    ' Display the game's results so that the user can see if he or she won
    UserChoice = MsgBox(_
        "You picked: " & Answer & vbCrLf & _
        "Computer picked: " & Computer & vbCrLf & _
        Result, vbRetryCancel, "Result")

Loop While UserChoice = vbRetry ' Check user choice to continue or exit

' Say goodbye
MsgBox "Bye " & Reply & "!"