
时间:2016-08-06 23:42:04

标签: graph neo4j




  • 所有甜而辛辣的食物
  • 所有酸甜的食物
  • 所有甜,酸,辣的食物


F1 > Spicy
F1 > Sweet
F2 > Sour
F2 > Sweet
F3 > Sour


Spicy => F1, F2, F3, F4, F5
Spicy & Sweet => F1, F3, F5
Spicy & Sweet & Sour => F3
Spicy & Sweet & Sour @ Tangy => F3

Spicy & Sour => ...
Spicy & Sour & Tangy => ...

Spicy & Tangy => ...

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


UNWIND [ {name: 'F1', traits: ['Spicy', 'Sweet'                ]},
         {name: 'F2', traits: ['Sour' , 'Sweet'                ]},
         {name: 'F3', traits: ['Tangy', 'Sour', 'Spicy'        ]},
         {name: 'F4', traits: ['Tangy', 'Sour', 'Spice', 'Tart']}  ] AS food
MERGE (F:Food {name: food.name}) WITH F, food
UNWIND food.traits as trait
  MERGE (T:Trait {name: trait})
  MERGE (F)-[:hasTrait]->(T)

2)现在我们需要获得所有特征组合。为此,我们需要apoc library

MATCH (T:Trait) 
WITH collect(T) as traits

// Here we count the number of combinations of traits as a power of two
WITH traits, toInt(round(exp( log(2) * size(traits) )))-1 as combCount

// Go through all the combinations
UNWIND RANGE(1, combCount) as combIndex
 UNWIND RANGE(0, size(traits)-1 ) as p

 // Check whether the trait is present in the combination
 CALL apoc.bitwise.op( toInt(round( exp(log(2) * p) )),'&',combIndex) YIELD value
 WITH combIndex, collect(CASE WHEN value > 0 THEN traits[p] END) as comb

 // Return all combinations of traits
 RETURN comb ORDER BY size(comb)


MATCH (T:Trait) 
WITH collect(T) as traits

// Here we count the number of combinations of traits as a power of two
WITH traits, toInt(round(exp( log(2) * size(traits) )))-1 as combCount

// Go through all the combinations
UNWIND RANGE(1, combCount) as combIndex
 UNWIND RANGE(0, size(traits)-1 ) as p

 // Check whether the trait is present in the combination
 CALL apoc.bitwise.op( toInt(round( exp(log(2) * p) )),'&',combIndex) YIELD value
 WITH combIndex, collect(CASE WHEN value > 0 THEN traits[p] END) as comb

// Take foods for the first trait:
WITH comb, head(comb) as ft
  OPTIONAL MATCH (ft)<-[:hasTrait]-(F:Food)

// We find the intersection of each food with other traits
WITH comb, collect(F) as testFoods
  UNWIND testFoods as food
    UNWIND comb as trait
      OPTIONAL MATCH p = (food)-[:hasTrait]->(trait)
      WITH comb, food, trait, size(collect(p)) as pairs

      // Check that the number of crossings for food with traits 
      // for each combination of the same number of traits
      WITH comb, food, collect(CASE WHEN pairs > 0 THEN trait END) as pairs
      WITH comb, collect(CASE WHEN size(pairs)=size(comb) THEN food END) as pairs

      // Return combinations where there is a common food
      WITH comb, pairs WHERE size(pairs)>0
RETURN comb, pairs ORDER BY size(comb)

答案 1 :(得分:0)




MATCH (f:Food)
RETURN f.name, EXISTS((f)-[:IS]->(:Trait{name:'tangy'})) AS tangy,
EXISTS((f)-[:IS]->(:Trait{name:'sweet'})) AS sweet, 
EXISTS((f)-[:IS]->(:Trait{name:'sour'})) AS sour, 
EXISTS((f)-[:IS]->(:Trait{name:'spicy'})) AS spicy 

也就是说,如果您决定使用neo4j查询完成整个事情,那么它将会变得混乱,因为您需要跟踪并生成您需要的所有组合。对于交叉口操作,您需要安装APOC procedures library


MATCH (f:Food)-[:IS]->(:Trait{name:'spicy'})
WITH COLLECT(f) AS spicyFood
MATCH (f:Food)-[:IS]->(:Trait{name:'sour'})
WITH COLLECT(f) AS sourFood, spicyFood
MATCH (f:Food)-[:IS]->(:Trait{name:'sweet'})
WITH COLLECT(f) AS sweetFood, sourFood, spicyFood
MATCH (f:Food)-[:IS]->(:Trait{name:'tangy'})
WITH COLLECT(f) AS tangyFood, sweetFood, sourFood, spicyFood


CALL apoc.coll.intersection(tangyFood, sweetFood) YIELD value AS tangySweetFood
CALL apoc.coll.intersection(tangyFood, sourFood) YIELD value AS tangySourFood
CALL apoc.coll.intersection(tangyFood, spicyFood) YIELD value AS tangySpicyFood 
CALL apoc.coll.intersection(tangySweetFood, sourFood) YIELD value AS tangySweetSourFood 
CALL apoc.coll.intersection(tangySweetFood, spicyFood) YIELD value AS tangySweetSpicyFood 
CALL apoc.coll.intersection(tangySourFood, spicyFood) YIELD value AS tangySourSpicyFood 
CALL apoc.coll.intersection(tangySweetSourFood, spicyFood) YIELD value AS tangySweetSourSpicyFood 
CALL apoc.coll.intersection(sweetFood, sourFood) YIELD value AS sweetSourFood
CALL apoc.coll.intersection(sweetFood, spicyFood) YIELD value AS sweetSpicyFood
CALL apoc.coll.intersection(sweetSourFood, spicyFood) YIELD value AS sweetSourSpicyFood
CALL apoc.coll.intersection(sourFood, spicyFood) YIELD value AS sourSpicyFood
RETURN tangyFood, sweetFood, sourFood, spicyFood,
tangySweetFood, tangySourFood, tangySpicyFood, 
tangySweetSourFood, tangySweetSpicyFood, tangySourSpicyFood,
sweetSourFood, sweetSpicyFood, 