我正在尝试使用蒙版和金字塔方法混合到图像。我试图这样做,但我有一个问题,我可以混合图片,但颜色是错误的。 这是代码:
void main()
int level = 4;
Mat src1, src2, mask, nMask, result, one, two, temp, back1, back2;
src2 = imread("bee.jpg"); // openning the first picture
src1 = imread("roundflower.jpg"); // second
mask = imread("beeMask.jpg"); // mask
resize(src2, src2, Size(src1.cols, src1.rows)); // resizing to the same size
resize(mask, mask, Size(src1.cols, src1.rows)); // resizing to the same size
src2.convertTo(src2, CV_32F, 1.0 / 255.0); // converting to 1.0 colors mode
src1.convertTo(src1, CV_32F, 1.0 / 255.0);
mask.convertTo(mask, CV_32F, 1.0 / 255.0);
nMask.convertTo(nMask, CV_32F, 1.0 / 255.0);
subtract(1, mask, nMask); // creating the oposite mask
back1 = mask.mul(src1); // creating the background
back2 = mask.mul(src2); // creating the object
vector<Mat> LA,LB,GR; // the pyarmids
buildPyramid(src1, LA, level); // building gaussian pyramid for pic1
buildPyramid(src2, LB, level);
buildPyramid(mask, GR, level); // gaussian pyramid of the mask
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
// creating laplacian pyramids for the pictures
temp = LA[i + 1];
pyrUp(temp, temp,Size(LA[i].cols, LA[i].rows));
LA[i] = LA[i] - temp;
temp = LB[i + 1];
pyrUp(temp, temp, Size(LB[i].cols, LB[i].rows));
LB[i] = LB[i] - temp;
vector<Mat> LS;
// function
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
// using the function : LS(i) = GR(i)*LA(i) + (1-GR(i))*LB(i)
GR[i].copyTo(temp); // copying the mask
one = temp.mul(LA[i]); // the first part
subtract(1, temp, nMask); // oposite mask
two = nMask.mul(LB[i]); // the second part
temp = one + two;
LS.push_back(temp); // pushing to the new piramid
result = LS[0];
Size size = Size(LS[0].cols, LS[0].rows);
while (LA.size() != 1)
// colapsing the pyramid
for (int i = LS.size()-1; i > 0; i--)
temp = LS[i];
pyrUp(temp, temp, Size(LS[i-1].cols, LS[i-1].rows));
LA.push_back(temp + LS[i - 1]);
reverse(LA.begin(), LA.end());
LS = LA;
result = LS[0]; // showing the result
imwrite("result.jpg", result);
imshow("Result", result);