我正在使用GHC 7.10.2。
中生成20到100 MB的输出。
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
( forever
, unless
import Control.Monad.Loops
import System.IO
import System.Random
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
type Coord = (Double, Double)
type Trace = [Coord]
-- | Represents a rectangle in the complex plane, bounded by a lower left
-- coordinate and an upper right coordinate.
data Plane
= Plane { ll :: Coord, ur :: Coord }
deriving (Show)
-- | Adds two coordinates.
(+.) :: Coord -> Coord -> Coord
(r1, i1) +. (r2, i2) = (r1 + r2, i1 + i2)
-- | Multiplies two coordinates.
(*.) :: Coord -> Coord -> Coord
(r1, i1) *. (r2, i2) = (r1*r2 - i1*i2, r1*i2 + r2*i1)
-- | Computes the square of a coordinate.
square :: Coord -> Coord
square (r, i) = (r*r - i*i, 2*r*i)
-- | Distance from origin to a given coordinate.
distFromOrigin :: Coord -> Double
distFromOrigin (r, i) = r*r + i*i
-- | A structure for passing data to the worker threads.
data WorkerData
= WorkerData { wdMinIt :: Int
, wdMaxIt :: Int
, wdTraceQueue :: TQueue Trace
-- ^ A queue of traces to be written to disk.
-- | A structure for passing data to the manager thread.
data ManagerData
= ManagerData { mdOutHandle :: Handle
-- ^ Handle to the output file.
, mdNumTraces :: Integer
-- ^ Number of traces to gather.
, mdTraceQueue :: TQueue Trace
-- ^ A queue of traces to be written to disk.
-- | Encodes an entity to binary bytestring.
encode :: B.Binary a => a -> BS.ByteString
encode = B.encode
-- | Writes a lazy bytestring to file.
writeToFile :: Handle -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
writeToFile = BS.hPut
mkManagerData :: TQueue Trace -> IO ManagerData
mkManagerData t_queue =
do let out_f = "test.out"
out_h <- openBinaryFile out_f WriteMode
let num_t = 1000
return $ ManagerData { mdOutHandle = out_h
, mdNumTraces = num_t
, mdTraceQueue = t_queue
mkWorkerData :: TQueue Trace -> IO WorkerData
mkWorkerData t_queue =
do let min_it = 10 -- 1000
max_it = 20 -- 10000
return $ WorkerData { wdMinIt = min_it
, wdMaxIt = max_it
, wdTraceQueue = t_queue
-- | The actions to be performed by the manager thread.
runManager :: ManagerData -> IO ()
runManager m_data =
do execute 0
return ()
where execute count =
do new_traces <- purgeTQueue $ mdTraceQueue m_data
let new_count = count + (toInteger $ length new_traces)
putStrLn $ "Found " ++ (show $ new_count) ++ " traces so far. "
if length new_traces > 0
then do putStrLn $ "Writing new traces to file..."
_ <- mapM (writeToFile (mdOutHandle m_data))
(map encode new_traces)
putStr "Done"
else return ()
putStrLn ""
unless (new_count >= mdNumTraces m_data) $
do threadDelay (1000 * 1000) -- Sleep 1s
execute new_count
-- | The actions to be performed by a worker thread.
runWorker :: WorkerData -> IO ()
runWorker w_data =
forever $
do c <- randomCoord
case computeTrace c (wdMinIt w_data) (wdMaxIt w_data) of
Just t -> atomically $ writeTQueue (wdTraceQueue w_data) t
Nothing -> return ()
-- | Reads all values from a given 'TQueue'. If any other thread reads from the
-- same 'TQueue' during the execution of this function, then this function may
-- deadlock.
purgeTQueue :: Show a => TQueue a -> IO [a]
purgeTQueue q =
whileJust (atomically $ tryReadTQueue q)
(return . id)
-- | Generates a random coordinate to trace.
randomCoord :: IO Coord
randomCoord =
do x <- randomRIO (-2.102613, 1.200613)
y <- randomRIO (-1.237710, 1.239710)
return (x, y)
-- | Computes a trace, using the classical Mandelbrot function, for a given
-- coordinate and minimum and maximum iteration count. If the length of the
-- trace is less than the minimum iteration count, or exceeds the maximum
-- iteration count, 'Nothing' is returned.
:: Coord
-> Int
-- ^ Minimum iteration count.
-> Int
-- ^ Maximum iteration count.
-> Maybe Trace
computeTrace c0 min_it max_it =
if isUsefulCoord c0
then let step c = square c +. c0
computeIt c it = if it < max_it
then computeIt (step c) (it + 1)
else it
computeTr [] = error "computeTr: empty list"
computeTr (c:cs) = if length cs < max_it
then computeTr (step c:(c:cs))
else (c:cs)
num_it = computeIt c0 0
in if num_it >= min_it && num_it <= max_it
then Just $ reverse $ computeTr [c0]
else Nothing
else Nothing
-- | Checks if a given coordinate is useful by checking if it belongs in the
-- cardioid or period-2 bulb of the Mandelbrot.
isUsefulCoord :: Coord -> Bool
isUsefulCoord (x, y) =
let t1 = x - 1/4
p = sqrt (t1*t1 + y*y)
is_in_cardioid = x < p - 2*p*p + 1/4
t2 = x + 1
is_in_bulb = t2*t2 + y*y < 1/16
in not is_in_cardioid && not is_in_bulb
main :: IO ()
main =
do t_queue <- newTQueueIO
m_data <- mkManagerData t_queue
w_data <- mkWorkerData t_queue
let num_workers = 1
workers <- mapM async (replicate num_workers (runWorker w_data))
runManager m_data
_ <- mapM cancel workers
_ <- mapM waitCatch workers
putStrLn "Tracing finished"
在回顾下面的答案后,我终于意识到为什么它没有按预期工作。程序不会挂起,但是管理器线程对单个跟踪进行编码所花费的时间大约为几十秒(并且在编码时它消耗几兆字节)!这意味着即使队列耗尽时仍有数十条痕迹 - 在我的机器上,工作人员在队列被管理器线程耗尽之前设法产生大约250条痕迹 - 它将在下一次耗尽之前永远消耗。 / p>
答案 0 :(得分:3)
(1)经理线程不处理任何 跟踪,直到它耗尽队列。
这导致经理人线程很少获胜的竞赛。 [这也解释了-O2
观察到的行为 - 优化只是使工作线程更快。 ]
添加一些调试代码表明worker可以添加 队列中的项目超过每秒100K Traces。 而且,即使经理只对此感兴趣 写出前1000个痕迹,工人没有 停在这个极限。所以,在某些情况下, 经理永远无法退出这个循环:
purgeTQueue q =
whileJust (atomically $ tryReadTQueue q)
(return . id)
purgeTQueue = do item <- atomically $ readTQueue (mdTraceQueue m_data)
return [item]