
时间:2016-07-31 02:43:41

标签: c# string indexing range substring


string myString = "子で子にならぬ時鳥,0:こ;2:こ;7-8:ほととぎす"




子[こ]で 子[こ]にならぬ 時鳥[ほととぎす]

修改 :(感谢您的评论)


static void Main(string[] args)
            string myString = "ABCDEF,1:test;3:test2";

            //Split Kanjis / Indices
            string[] tokens = myString.Split(',');

            //Extract furigana indices
            string[] indices = tokens[1].Split(';');

            //Dictionnary to store furigana indices
            Dictionary<string, string> furiganaIndices = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            foreach (string index in indices)
                string[] splitIndex = index.Split(':');
                furiganaIndices.Add(splitIndex[0], splitIndex[1]);

            string result = tokens[0] + ",";

            for (int i = 0; i < tokens[0].Length; i++)
                string currentIndex = i.ToString();

                if (furiganaIndices.ContainsKey(currentIndex)) //add [furigana]
                    string currentFurigana = furiganaIndices[currentIndex].ToString();
                    result = result + " " + tokens[0].ElementAt(i) + string.Format("[{0}]", currentFurigana);
                else //nothing to add
                    result = result + tokens[0].ElementAt(i);

            File.AppendAllText(@"D:\test.txt", result + Environment.NewLine);


ABCDEF,A B[test]C D[test2]EF


string myString = "ABCDEF,1:test;2-3:test2";
Result : ABCDEF,A B[test] CD[test2]EF

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这应该做(甚至处理远程索引),基于你输入字符串的格式 -

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class stringParser
    private struct IndexElements 
        public int start;
        public int end;
        public string value;

    public static void Main()
        //input string
        string myString = "子で子にならぬ時鳥,0:こ;2:こ;7-8:ほととぎす";
        int wordIndexSplit = myString.IndexOf(',');
        string word = myString.Substring(0,wordIndexSplit);
        string indices = myString.Substring(wordIndexSplit + 1);

        string[] eachIndex = indices.Split(';');
        Dictionary<int,IndexElements> index = new Dictionary<int,IndexElements>();
        string[] elements;
        IndexElements e;
        int dash;
        int n = 0;
        int last = -1;
        string results = "";

        foreach (string s in eachIndex)
            e = new IndexElements();
            elements = s.Split(':');
            if (elements[0].Contains("-"))
                dash = elements[0].IndexOf('-');
                e.start = int.Parse(elements[0].Substring(0,dash));
                e.end = int.Parse(elements[0].Substring(dash + 1));
                e.start = int.Parse(elements[0]);
                e.end = e.start;
            e.value = elements[1];


        //this is the part that takes the "setup" from the parts above and forms the result string
        //loop through each of the "indices" parsed above
        for (int i = 0; i < index.Count; i++)
            //if this is the first iteration through the loop, and the first "index" does not start 
            //at position 0, add the beginning characters before its start
            if (last == -1 && index[i].start > 0)
                results += word.Substring(0,index[i].start);
            //if this is not the first iteration through the loop, and the previous iteration did
            //not stop at the position directly before the start of the current iteration, add
            //the intermediary chracters
            else if (last != -1 && last + 1 != index[i].start)
                results += word.Substring(last + 1,index[i].start - (last + 1));

            //add the space before the "index" match, the actual match, and then the formatted "index"
            results += " " + word.Substring(index[i].start,(index[i].end - index[i].start) + 1)
                + "[" + index[i].value + "]";
            //remember the position of the ending for the next iteration
            last = index[i].end;

        //if the last "index" did not stop at the end of the input string, add the remaining characters
        if (index[index.Keys.Count - 1].end + 1 < word.Length)
            results += word.Substring(index[index.Keys.Count-1].end + 1);
        //trimming spaces that may be left behind
        results = results.Trim();

        Console.WriteLine("INPUT  - " + myString);
        Console.WriteLine("OUTPUT - " + results);


input - 子で子にならぬ時鳥,0:こ;2:こ;7-8:ほととぎす

output - 子[こ]で 子[こ]にならぬ 時鳥[ほととぎす]

请注意,如果您想使用英语,这也适用于英文字母 -

input - iliketocodeverymuch,2:A;4-6:B;9-12:CDEFG

output - il i[A]k eto[B]co deve[CDEFG]rymuch

答案 1 :(得分:1)


class Program
    private const string _kinvalidFormatException = "Invalid format for edit specification";

    private static readonly Regex
        regex1 = new Regex(@"(?<word>[^,]+),(?<edit>(?:\d+)(?:-(?:\d+))?:(?:[^;]+);?)+", RegexOptions.Compiled),
        regex2 = new Regex(@"(?<start>\d+)(?:-(?<end>\d+))?:(?<furigana>[^;]+);?", RegexOptions.Compiled);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string myString = "子で子にならぬ時鳥,0:こ;2:こ;7-8:ほととぎす";
        string result = EditString(myString);

    private static string EditString(string myString)
        Match editsMatch = regex1.Match(myString);

        if (!editsMatch.Success)
            throw new ArgumentException(_kinvalidFormatException);

        int ichCur = 0;
        string input = editsMatch.Groups["word"].Value;
        StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();

        foreach (Capture capture in editsMatch.Groups["edit"].Captures)
            Match oneEditMatch = regex2.Match(capture.Value);

            if (!oneEditMatch.Success)
                throw new ArgumentException(_kinvalidFormatException);

            int start, end;

            if (!int.TryParse(oneEditMatch.Groups["start"].Value, out start))
                throw new ArgumentException(_kinvalidFormatException);

            Group endGroup = oneEditMatch.Groups["end"];

            if (endGroup.Success)
                if (!int.TryParse(endGroup.Value, out end))
                    throw new ArgumentException(_kinvalidFormatException);
                end = start;

            text.Append(input.Substring(ichCur, start - ichCur));
            if (text.Length > 0)
                text.Append(' ');
            ichCur = end + 1;
            text.Append(input.Substring(start, ichCur - start));
            text.Append(string.Format("[{0}]", oneEditMatch.Groups["furigana"]));

        if (ichCur < input.Length)

        return text.ToString();


  • 此实现假定编辑规范将按顺序列出,并且不会重叠。它没有尝试验证输入的那部分;根据您从中获取输入的位置,您可能希望添加该输入。如果它对于无序列出的规范有效,您还可以扩展上面的内容,首先将编辑存储在列表中,然后在实际编辑字符串之前按起始索引对列表进行排序。 (与其他提议的答案的工作方式类似;但是,为什么他们使用字典而不是简单的列表来存储个别编辑,我不知道......这对我来说似乎是任意复杂的。)
  • 我包括基本输入验证,抛出模式匹配中发生故障的异常。更加用户友好的实现将为每个异常添加更多特定信息,描述输入的哪些部分实际上是无效的。
  • Regex类实际上有Replace()方法,允许完全自定义。上述内容可以通过这种方式实现,使用Replace()MatchEvaluator来提供替换文本,而不是仅仅将文本附加到StringBuilder。如果您需要更灵活的实施选项(即,如果结果的确切格式可能有所不同),那么以哪种方式执行此操作主要是首选问题,但MatchEvaluator可能更受欢迎。
  • 如果您确实选择使用其他建议的答案,我强烈建议您使用StringBuilder而不是简单地连接到results变量。对于短字符串来说,这并不重要,但是当你有一个循环逐渐添加到字符串值时,你应该养成总是使用StringBuilder的习惯,因为对于长字符串使用串联的性能影响可能非常消极。