def Manip(Strng):
#Strng = 'jayjay'
print (Strng.replace('j','h',1))
#Displays: 'hayjay'
print (Strng.replace('j','h',4))
#Displays: 'hayhay'
def Add_nums(Strng):
Total_per = str(Strng).count('%')
# Get The % Spots Position, So they only get replaced with numbers during permutation
currnt_Pos = 0
per = [] # % position per for percent
rGen = ''
for i in str(Strng):
if i == str('%'):
for num,pos in zip(str(self.ints),per):
rGen = Strng.replace(str(Strng[pos]),str(num),4);
return rGen
for pos in AlphaB: # DataBase Of The Positions Of Alphabets
for letter in self.alphas: #letters in The User Inputs
# Not Fully Formatted yet; you got something like Cat%%%, so you can use another function to change % to nums
# And use the permutations function to generate other passwrds and then
# continue to the rest of this for loop which will generate something like cat222 or cat333
Add_nums(GenPass) # The Function That will add numbers to the Cat%%%
print (rGen);exit()