如果我想在Hierarchy中制作10个ThirdPersonController,我可以从Assets>中反复拖动新的ThirdPersonController。字符> ThirdPersoncharacter>预制件,但这是很多工作。我想知道是否有办法用c#脚本或其他方式来创建ThirdPersonController数组?
例如,第一个ThirdPersonController在x = 0 y = 0 z = 0时所以当他走路并且到达z = 100时只有z改变然后转回z = 0
另一个ThirdPersonController在x = -1.539 y = 0 z = 0,所以这次也只有当他到100转回z = 0时z变为100
我在c#中有这个工作的航点脚本 问题是,现在两个p层一个接一个地走到了路标上,我想像以前那样第二个玩家走在第一个旁边,比第一个走得快一点。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Waypoints : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform[] waypoint;
public float patrolSpeed;
public bool loop = true;
public int dampingLook = 4;
public float pauseDuration;
private float curTime;
private int currentWaypoint = 0;
public CharacterController character;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
void LateUpdate(){
if(currentWaypoint < waypoint.Length){
void patrol(){
Vector3 nextWayPoint = waypoint[currentWaypoint].position;
// Keep waypoint at character's height
nextWayPoint.y = transform.position.y;
// Get the direction we need to move to
// reach the next waypoint
Vector3 moveDirection = nextWayPoint - transform.position;
if(moveDirection.magnitude < 1.5){
Debug.Log("enemy is close to nextwaypoint");
// This section of code is called only whenever the enemy
// is very close to the new waypoint
// so it is called once after 4-5 seconds.
if (curTime == 0)
// Pause over the Waypoint
curTime = Time.time;
if ((Time.time - curTime) >= pauseDuration){
Debug.Log("increasing waypoint");
curTime = 0;
Debug.Log("reaching in rotation " + moveDirection.magnitude);
// This code gets called every time update is called
// while the enemy if moving from point 1 to point 2.
// so it gets called 100's of times in a few seconds
// Now we need to do two things
// 1) Start rotating in the desired direction
// 2) Start moving in the desired direction
// 1) Let' calculate rotation need to look at waypoint
// by simply comparing the desired waypoint & current transform
var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(nextWayPoint - transform.position);
// A slerp function allow us to slowly start rotating
// towards our next waypoint
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation,
Time.deltaTime * dampingLook);
// 2) Now also let's start moving towards our waypoint
character.Move(moveDirection.normalized * patrolSpeed * Time.deltaTime);