数据示例:2/1 / 2014,7 / 1 / 2014,23 / 10/2014
此字段数据类型为日/月/年。日期由= DATE(cell1,cell2,cell3) - 年,月,日组合。表中的日期应全部为纯日期,因为我合并了3个单元格(年,月,日)到1个字段(日期)
'Dim two date variables
Dim fromDate As Date
Dim toDate As Date
'Dim 4 integer variables
Dim fromyear As Integer
Dim toyear As Integer
Dim frommonth As Integer
Dim ToMonth As Integer
'add combobox value
With FromYearC
.AddItem 2014
.AddItem 2015
.AddItem 2016
.AddItem 2017
End With
'add combobox value
With FromMonthC
.AddItem 1
.AddItem 2
.AddItem 3
.AddItem 4
.AddItem 5
.AddItem 6
.AddItem 7
.AddItem 8
.AddItem 9
.AddItem 10
.AddItem 11
.AddItem 12
End With
'Store combo box value into these 4 integer variables
fromyear = FromYearC.Value
frommonth = FromMonthC.Value
toyear = ToYearC.Value
ToMonth = ToMonthC.Value
'Now i want to combine these variables and store into fromDate and toDate
fromDate = DateSerial(fromyear, frommonth, 1)
toDate = DateSerial(toyear, ToMonth + 1, 1)
'it is still wrong , no matter orginal date format or new date format"dd/mm/yyyy"
fromDate = Format(fromDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
toDate = Format(toDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
VBA用户界面: 现在我想设置fromdate和todate之间的日期范围(包括两者)
我构建SQL引用: How to combine 3 VBA variable into date datatype in VBA
' This is the new SQL string
WHERE date >= #" & fromdate & "# AND date<#" & toDate & "#"
现在SQL结果完全错误(仍然有输出)。我猜SQL where子句有错误。由于SQL最初是正确的,因此where-date selection子句的SQL会出错。
date between #" & fromDate & "# and #" & toDate & "#
SELECT officer ,NULL, SUM(IIF( isnumeric(mkt) = true and Survey='CPI' and Activity='FI' and Outcome= 'C', Totalmin, 0 )/468) , SUM(IIF( isnumeric(Non) = true and Survey='CPI' and Activity='FI' and Outcome= 'C', Totalmin, 0 )/468) ,NULL ,NULL , IIF(ISNULL(sum(mkt)),0,sum(mkt)),Sum(Non),sum(ICP),(sum(mkt)+Sum(Non)+sum(ICP) ) ,NULL,NULL,NULL,count(IIF( Survey='CPI' and Activity='FI' ,Totalmin, NULL )),NULL,count(IIF( Survey='CPI' and Activity='FI' and (Outcome ='C' OR Outcome='D'OR Outcome='O') , Totalmin, NULL )),NULL,SUM(IIF( Survey='CPI' and Activity='FI' ,Totalmin, 0 )),NULL,SUM(IIF( Survey='CPI' and Activity='FI' and (Outcome ='C' OR Outcome='D') ,Totalmin, 0 )) From (select officer ,rank ,year ,month ,day , survey ,activity ,outcome ,mkt,non,totalmin,ICP ,date from [2014$] UNION ALL select officer ,rank ,year ,month ,day , survey ,activity ,outcome ,mkt,non,totalmin,ICP ,date from [2015$] UNION ALL select officer ,rank ,year ,month ,day , survey ,activity ,outcome ,mkt,non,totalmin,ICP ,date from
[2016$] UNION ALL select officer ,rank ,year ,month ,day , survey ,activity ,outcome ,mkt,non,totalmin,ICP ,date from [2017$])as table3 where officer is not null and officer <> '' and officer <> ' ' and date >= #" & fromDate & "# AND date<#" & toDate & "#" group by officer
and date >= #1-3-2016# AND date<#31-3-2016#
我猜它与UNION ALL有关吗? 当我加入所有4个表记录成为一个大桌子。
我认为它与UNION ALL无关。 由于excel列日期合并为3个单元格 - 年,月,日,我再次复制并粘贴该值.SQL结果有变化。但是,结果仍然不正确。
然后我尝试使用硬代码进行测试。 例如,我尝试在2016年3月选择记录。 使用where where子句:
and month=3 and year=2016
date >= #2016-03-01# AND date<#2016-04-01#
对于Excel,原始数据类型为date .i更改为字符串,数字,常规...不行
日期样本:2016年6月1日 字符串示例:42375 数字样本:42375.00
对于VBA,我试图交换月和日。 - &GT; #2016-01-03#还不行
答案 0 :(得分:1)
fromDateStr = Format(fromDate, "yyyy-mm-dd")
toDateStr = Format(toDate, "yyyy-mm-dd")
"WHERE [date] >= #" & fromDateStr & "# AND [date]<#" & toDateStr & "#"
另一方面,当toMonth是12月时,这个表达式DateSerial(toyear, ToMonth + 1, 1)
toDate = DateAdd("m", 1, DateSerial(toyear, ToMonth, 1))