
时间:2016-07-21 05:35:30

标签: java pmd cyclomatic-complexity


indexBookngEnd,indexTravelStart ...所有这些变量都是来自其他循环迭代中的其他数组的索引(csv文件列的标题) - Ref1

public void thirdRowsValidation(String thirdRowCsv) {
        String[] lines1 = thirdRowCsv.split(",");
        for (int i = 0; i < lines1.length; i++) {

            if (indexBookngEnd == i && "".equals(temporalValidateBookngEnd)) {
                temporalValidateBookngEnd = (" to " + lines1[i] + "\n");

            if (indexBookngStart == i
                    && !("".equals(temporalValidateBookngEnd))) {
                finalOutput.append("Then it should have booking window ");

                indexBookngStart = -1;


            if (indexTravelEnd == i && "".equals(temporalValidateTravelEnd)) {
                temporalValidateTravelEnd = (" to " + lines1[i] + "\n");


            if (indexTravelStart == i
                    && !("".equals(temporalValidateTravelEnd))) {

                finalOutput.append("Then it should have travel window ");

                String idHeaderColumn = String.format("%1$-" + 5 + "s", "id");
                String typeHEaderColumn = String.format("%1$-" + 50 + "s","type");
                finalOutput.append("| ");

                indexTravelStart = -1;

            if (indexPackageDescription == i) {
                temporalPackages = String.format("%1$-" + 50 + "s", lines1[i]);


            if (indexPackageCode == i
                    && !(lines1[i].matches("[+-]?\\d*(\\.\\d+)?"))
                    && indexTravelStart == -1) {

                finalOutput.append("| ");





public void secondRowValidation(String secondRowCsv) {

        String[] lines1 = secondRowCsv.split(",");
        for (int i = 0; i < lines1.length; i++) {

            if ("Bookng start".equalsIgnoreCase(lines1[i])) {
                indexBookngStart = i;
            if ("Bookng end".equalsIgnoreCase(lines1[i])) {
                indexBookngEnd = i;

来自\ n及更高版本的数组,用于“,”

public String getStoryFromCsv(String convert) {
        String[] lines = convert.split("(\n)");
        for (int j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {

            arrayPerRow = lines[j];
            if (j == 0) { // get marketing type and number
            if (j == 1) { // get headers
            if (j > 1) { // get info and append according to headers


所以我拥有的是:   - 方法thirdRowsValidation()的NPath复杂度为649   - 方法'thirdRowsValidation'的Cyclomatic Complexity为14。


Then it should have booking window 8/8/16 to 10/8/16
Then it should have travel window 11/6/16 to 12/25/16
And it should have online packages:
| id    | type                                              |
| 34534 | aaa Pkg                                           |
| D434E | MKW Pkg + asdasdasdasdasdasdas                    |
| F382K | sds Pkg + Ddding                                  |
| X582F | OYL Pkg + Deluxe Dining                           |

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


public String getStoryFromCsv(String csv) {
    StringBuilder story = new StringBuilder();
    String[] lines = csv.split("\n”);
    appendBookingWindowValidation(story, lines[0]);
    appendTravelWindowValidation(story, lines[1]);
    appendOnlinePackageValidation(story, lines);
    return story.toString();

private void appendBookingWindowValidation(StringBuilder story, String firstLine) {
    story.append("Then it should have booking window ");
    // extract start and end date from 'firstLine'
    // and append them to the story

private void appendTravelWindowValidation(StringBuilder story, String secondLine) {
    story.append("Then it should have travel window ");
    // extract start and end date from 'secondLine'
    // and append them to the story

private void appendOnlinePackageValidation(StringBuilder story, String[] lines) {
    story.append("And it should have online packages:\n")
         .append("| id    | type                                              |\n");
    for (int i = 2 ; i < lines.length; i++) {
      // create and append a row of the online packages table




答案 1 :(得分:1)

您可以从将for - 循环的内部逻辑移动到单独的方法开始:

public void thirdRowsValidation(String thirdRowCsv) {
    String[] lines1 = thirdRowCsv.split(",");
    for (int i = 0; i < lines1.length; i++) {
      doSomethingWithTheRow(i, lines[i]);


doSomethingWithTheRow(int i, String row) {
    if (indexBookngEnd == i && "".equals(temporalValidateBookngEnd)) {
        temporalValidateBookngEnd = (" to " + row + "\n");

    if (indexBookngStart == i
                && !("".equals(temporalValidateBookngEnd))) {

不确定这是否会将复杂程度降低到您认为可接受的水平,但这是第一次开始。此外,它是由Uncle Bob定义的清洁代码原则。你有一些小方法,做一件事(该方法现在只提取单行,然后调用其他方法来对该行做某事),哪些是短的。即,SRP(单一责任原则)和KISS(保持简单,愚蠢)原则。