var request = require('request');
var apiOptions = {
server : "https://localhost:3000"
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
apiOptions.server = "https://getting-mean-loc8r.herokuapp.com";
var renderHomepage = function (req, res, responseBody) {
var message;
if (!(responseBody instanceof Array)) {
message = "API lookup error";
responseBody = [];
} else {
if (!responseBody.length) {
message = "No places found nearby";
res.render('locations-list', {
title: 'Loc8r - find a place to work with wifi',
pageHeader: {
title: 'Loc8r',
strapline: 'Find places to work with wifi near you!'
sidebar: "Looking for wifi and a seat? Loc8r helps you find places to work when out and about. Perhaps with coffee, cake or a pint? Let Loc8r help you find the place you're looking for.",
locations: responseBody,
message: message
/* GET 'home' page */
module.exports.homelist = function(req, res) {
var requestOptions, path;
path = '/api/locations';
requestOptions = {
url : apiOptions.server + path,
method : "GET",
json : {},
qs : {
lng : -0.7992599,
lat : 51.378091,
maxDistance : 20
function(err, response, body) {
var i, data;
data = body;
if (data !== undefined && response !== undefined && response.statusCode === 200 && data.length) {
for (i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
data[i].distance = _formatDistance(data[i].distance);
renderHomepage(req, res, data);
var _formatDistance = function (distance) {
var numDistance, unit;
if (distance > 1) {
numDistance = parseFloat(distance).toFixed(1);
unit = 'km';
} else {
numDistance = parseInt(distance * 1000,10);
unit = 'm';
return numDistance + unit;
var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router();
var ctrlLocations = require('../controllers/locations');
router.get('/', ctrlLocations.homelist);
module.exports = router;
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