
时间:2016-07-17 08:24:14

标签: python numpy matrix scipy sparse-matrix


import numpy as np

A = np.array([[2, 1, 1, 2],
              [0, 2, 1, 0],
              [1, 0, 1, 1],
              [2, 2, 1, 0]])
B = np.array([[ 0.54331039,  0.41018682,  0.1582158 ,  0.3486124 ],
              [ 0.68804647,  0.29520239,  0.40654206,  0.20473451],
              [ 0.69857579,  0.38958572,  0.30361365,  0.32256483],
              [ 0.46195299,  0.79863505,  0.22431876,  0.59054473]])


C = np.array([[ 2.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  2.        ],
              [ 2.07466874,  2.        ,  1.        ,  0.73203386],
              [ 1.        ,  1.5984076 ,  1.        ,  1.        ],
              [ 2.        ,  2.        ,  1.        ,  1.42925865]])


A = sparse.rand(250000, 1700, density=0.001, format='csr')
B = sparse.rand(1700, 1700, density=0.02, format='csr')


mask = A != 0
C = A.dot(B)
C[mask] = A[mask]


我想,另一种显而易见的方法是只采用迭代和跳过掩码值,但我不想丢掉numpy / scipy优化的数组乘法的好处。



from scipy import sparse
import numpy as np

def naive(A, B):
    mask = A != 0
    out = A.dot(B).tolil()
    out[mask] = A[mask]
    return out.tocsr()

def proposed(A, B):
    Az = A == 0
    R, C = np.where(Az)
    out = A.copy()
    out[Az] = np.einsum('ij,ji->i', A[R], B[:, C])
    return out

%timeit naive(A, B)
1 loops, best of 3: 4.04 s per loop

%timeit proposed(A, B)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/sparse/compressed.py:215: SparseEfficiencyWarning: Comparing a sparse matrix with 0 using == is inefficient, try using != instead.

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/sparse/coo.pyc in __init__(self, arg1, shape, dtype, copy)
    173                     self.shape = M.shape
--> 175                 self.row, self.col = M.nonzero()
    176                 self.data = M[self.row, self.col]
    177                 self.has_canonical_format = True




cimport cython

cpdef coo_replace(int [:] row1, int [:] col1, float [:] data1, int[:] row2, int[:] col2, float[:] data2):
    cdef int N = row1.shape[0]
    cdef int M = row2.shape[0]
    cdef int i, j
    cdef dict d = {}

    for i in range(M):
        d[(row2[i], col2[i])] = data2[i]

    for j in range(N):
        if (row1[j], col1[j]) in d:
            data1[j] = d[(row1[j], col1[j])]

这比我先前的“天真”实现(使用.tolil())好一点,但是在hpaulj的方法之后,lil可以被抛弃。也许用std :: map替换python dict会有所帮助。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

破解了!好吧,我沿途学到了许多特定于稀疏矩阵的scipy东西。这是我可以实施的实施 -

# Find the indices in output array that are to be updated  
R,C = ((A!=0).dot(B!=0)).nonzero()
mask = np.asarray(A[R,C]==0).ravel()
R,C = R[mask],C[mask]

# Make a copy of A and get the dot product through sliced rows and columns
# off A and B using the definition of matrix-multiplication    
out = A.copy()
out[R,C] = (A[R].multiply(B[:,C].T).sum(1)).ravel()   

最昂贵的部分似乎是元素乘法和求和。在一些快速定时测试中,似乎这对于具有高度稀疏度的稀疏矩阵来说在性能方面优于原始的基于点掩模的解决方案是好的,我认为这来自于它对内存效率的关注。 / p>


功能定义 -

def naive(A, B):
    mask = A != 0
    out = A.dot(B).tolil()
    out[mask] = A[mask]
    return out.tocsr()

def proposed(A, B):
    R,C = ((A!=0).dot(B!=0)).nonzero()
    mask = np.asarray(A[R,C]==0).ravel()
    R,C = R[mask],C[mask]
    out = A.copy()
    out[R,C] = (A[R].multiply(B[:,C].T).sum(1)).ravel()    
    return out

计时 -

In [57]: # Input matrices 
    ...: M,N = 25000, 170       
    ...: A = sparse.rand(M, N, density=0.001, format='csr')
    ...: B = sparse.rand(N, N, density=0.02, format='csr')

In [58]: %timeit naive(A, B)
10 loops, best of 3: 92.2 ms per loop

In [59]: %timeit proposed(A, B)
10 loops, best of 3: 132 ms per loop

In [60]: # Input matrices with increased sparse-ness
    ...: M,N = 25000, 170       
    ...: A = sparse.rand(M, N, density=0.0001, format='csr')
    ...: B = sparse.rand(N, N, density=0.002, format='csr')

In [61]: %timeit naive(A, B)
10 loops, best of 3: 78.1 ms per loop

In [62]: %timeit proposed(A, B)
100 loops, best of 3: 8.03 ms per loop

答案 1 :(得分:3)


In [57]: r,c=A.nonzero()    # this uses A.tocoo()

In [58]: C=A*B
In [59]: Cl=C.tolil()
In [60]: Cl[r,c]=A.tolil()[r,c]
In [61]: Cl.tocsr()


In [63]: %%timeit C=A*B
    ...: C[r,c]=A[r,c]
The slowest run took 7.32 times longer than the fastest....
1000 loops, best of 3: 334 µs per loop

In [64]: %%timeit C=A*B
    ...: Cl=C.tolil()
    ...: Cl[r,c]=A.tolil()[r,c]
    ...: Cl.tocsr()
100 loops, best of 3: 2.83 ms per loop



In [66]: Az=A==0
In [67]: r1,c1=Az.nonzero()

nonzero的{​​{1}} r相比,此A要大得多 - 稀疏矩阵中所有零的行索引;除了25个非零之外的一切。


如果我用In [70]: r.shape Out[70]: (25,) In [71]: r1.shape Out[71]: (24975,) 索引A,我会得到一个更大的数组。实际上,我正在按行中的零数重复每一行



定义In [72]: A[r1,:] Out[72]: <24975x100 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>' with 2473 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format> In [73]: A Out[73]: <250x100 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>' with 25 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format> ,并复制Divakar的测试:



def foo(A,B): r,c = A.nonzero() C = A*B C[r,c] = A[r,c] return C In [83]: timeit naive(A,B) 100 loops, best of 3: 2.53 ms per loop In [84]: timeit proposed(A,B) /... SparseEfficiencyWarning) 100 loops, best of 3: 4.48 ms per loop In [85]: timeit foo(A,B) ... SparseEfficiencyWarning) 100 loops, best of 3: 2.13 ms per loop 使用A.nonzero格式的事实表明,使用该格式构造新数组可能是可行的。许多coo代码通过sparse值构建新矩阵。


我认为,In [97]: Co=C.tocoo() In [98]: Ao=A.tocoo() In [99]: r=np.concatenate((Co.row,Ao.row)) In [100]: c=np.concatenate((Co.col,Ao.col)) In [101]: d=np.concatenate((Co.data,Ao.data)) In [102]: r.shape Out[102]: (79,) In [103]: C1=sparse.csr_matrix((d,(r,c)),shape=A.shape) In [104]: C1 Out[104]: <250x100 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>' with 78 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format> 与其他方法构造的C1具有相同的非零元素。但我认为一个值是不同的,因为C更长。在此特定示例中,rC共享一个非零元素,A输入样式对这些元素进行求和,其中我们更喜欢coo个值覆盖一切。



答案 2 :(得分:0)



import numpy
import scipy.sparse
# example matrices and sparse versions
A = numpy.array([[1, 2, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2 ,1], [1, 2, 1, 0]])
B = numpy.array([[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]])
A_s = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(A)
B_s = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(B)


C = A.dot(B)
C[A.nonzero()] = A[A.nonzero()]

稀疏的事情。 为了解决这个问题,上面的直接“稀疏”翻译是:

C_s = A_s.dot(B_s)
C_s[A_s.nonzero()] = A_s[A_s.nonzero()]



Xs, Ys = numpy.nonzero(A==0)
D = A[:]
D[Xs, Ys] = map ( lambda x,y: A[x,:].dot(B[:,y]), Xs, Ys)


Xmax, Ymax = A_s.shape
DenseSize = Xmax * Ymax
Xgrid, Ygrid = numpy.mgrid[0:Xmax, 0:Ymax]
Ygrid = Ygrid.reshape([DenseSize,1])[:,0]
Xgrid = Xgrid.reshape([DenseSize,1])[:,0]
AllIndices = numpy.array([Xgrid, Ygrid])
NonzeroIndices = numpy.array(A_s.nonzero())
ZeroIndices = numpy.array([x for x in AllIndices.T.tolist() if x not in NonzeroIndices.T.tolist()]).T


D_s = A_s[:]
D_s[ZeroIndices[0], ZeroIndices[1]] = map ( lambda x, y : A_s[x,:].dot(B[:,y])[0], ZeroIndices[0], ZeroIndices[1] )




import numpy
import scipy.sparse
# example matrices and sparse versions
A = numpy.array([[1, 2, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2 ,1], [1, 2, 1, 0]])
B = numpy.array([[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]])
A_s = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(A)
B_s = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(B)

# Choose a grid division (i.e. how many processing blocks you want to create)
BlockGrid = numpy.array([2,2])

D_s = A_s[:] # initialise from A

Xmax, Ymax = A_s.shape
BaseBSiz = numpy.array([Xmax, Ymax]) / BlockGrid
for BIndX in range(0, Xmax, BlockGrid[0]):
  for BIndY in range(0, Ymax, BlockGrid[1]):
    BSizX, BSizY = D_s[ BIndX : BIndX + BaseBSiz[0], BIndY : BIndY + BaseBSiz[1] ].shape
    Xgrid, Ygrid = numpy.mgrid[BIndX : BIndX + BSizX, BIndY : BIndY + BSizY]
    Xgrid = Xgrid.reshape([BSizX*BSizY,1])[:,0]
    Ygrid = Ygrid.reshape([BSizX*BSizY,1])[:,0]
    AllInd = numpy.array([Xgrid, Ygrid]).T
    NZeroInd = numpy.array(A_s[Xgrid, Ygrid].reshape((BSizX,BSizY)).nonzero()).T + numpy.array([[BIndX],[BIndY]]).T
    ZeroInd = numpy.array([x for x in AllInd.tolist() if x not in NZeroInd.tolist()]).T
    # Replace zero-values in current block
    D_s[ZeroInd[0], ZeroInd[1]] = map ( lambda x, y : A_s[x,:].dot(B[:,y])[0], ZeroInd[0], ZeroInd[1] )