
时间:2016-07-15 21:08:40

标签: python-2.7 pandas plot charts


    Period        Backed    Closed  Failed  Successful  total
0   2015_November   1   0   0   7   8
1   2015_December   0   0   0   30  30
2   2016_January    0   1   0   46  47
3   2016_February   0   0   2   72  74
4   2016_March      0   1   0   56  57
5   2016_April      1   0   0   52  53
6   2016_May        2   4   1   50  57
7   2016_June       2   2   2   102 108
8   2016_July       0   0   0   10  10
10  Grand_total     6   8   5   425 444

我可以使用Period x-axisBackedClosedFailedSuccessful为Y轴使用以下代码绘制正确的图表

# Create a chart object.
chart = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'column'})

# Configure the series of the chart from the dataframe data.
for col_num in range(2, len(df3.columns) ):
        'name':       ['modified_data', 0, col_num],
        'categories': ['modified_data', 1, 1, (len(df3.index) - 1 ), 1], # rows , columns
        'values':     ['modified_data', 1, col_num, (len(df3.index) - 1 ), col_num],
        'fill':       {'color': brews['Spectral'][col_num - 1]},
        'gap':        200,

# Insert the chart into the worksheet.
ws2.insert_chart('B14', chart)


enter image description here

但是,我要求将Period分隔为Year和' Month,然后将其用作x轴上的Backed Closed Failed Successful total在y轴上。

    Year    Start_Month Backed  Closed  Failed  Successful  total
0   2015    November    1   0   0   7   8
1   2015    December    0   0   0   30  30
2   2016    January     0   1   0   46  47
3   2016    February    0   0   2   72  74
4   2016    March       0   1   0   56  57
5   2016    April       1   0   0   52  53
6   2016    May         2   4   1   50  57
7   2016    June        2   2   2   102 108
8   2016    July        0   0   0   10  10
10  Grand   Total       6   8   5   425 444

然而,我无法使用charts找到多x轴到多y轴图的解决方案,这将生成与上面相同的图。 我们可以合并Year and Start_Month并将其用作x-axis仅用于绘图目的吗?在excel-data上,它仍将显示为两个单独的列。


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