以下是删除有关字体颜色的HTML标记的一段代码的一部分,经过调整以使情况脱颖而出。要使用它,请选择包含HTML标记的单元格并运行代码。小心 - 当长度大于255个字符时,它将运行无限循环,因此请逐步使用F8并在第一次查看debug.prints。只需跳过删除,甚至不会出现任何错误。
Sub removeColorTags()
Dim i As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim str As String
Set rng = ActiveCell
i = InStr(rng.Value, "<font")
Do Until i = 0
Debug.Print Len(rng.Value)
str = rng.Value
Debug.Print str 'Displays correctly
rng.Characters(i, 20).Delete
i = InStr(rng.Value, "</font>")
rng.Characters(i, 7).Delete
i = InStr(rng.Value, "<font")
End Sub
<font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font>
<font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font><font color=#8DB4E2><size=09>Action ligne 3</font>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Sub FromHTML(rngToConvert As Range)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim strHTML As String, strTemp As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim arr()
Dim lengthFormatted As Integer
Dim optBold As Boolean, optIta As Boolean, optUnd As Boolean, optCol As String, optSize As Integer
Dim inStrTemp As Boolean
Dim nbChars As Integer
Set rng = rngToConvert.Offset(0, 2)
strHTML = rngToConvert.Value
If InStr(strHTML, "<") = 0 Then Exit Sub
ReDim arr(6, 0)
inStrTemp = False
strTemp = ""
optBold = False
optIta = False
optUnd = False
optCol = "0,0,0"
optSize = "11"
For i = 1 To Len(strHTML)
If Not Mid(strHTML, i, 1) = "<" And Not Mid(strHTML, i, 4) = "[LF]" Then
'All WANTED characters go here
strTemp = strTemp & Mid(strHTML, i, 1)
inStrTemp = True
If Len(strTemp) > 200 Or i = Len(strHTML) Then
'Cuts them shorter than 200 chars
'In retrospect this isn't necessary but doesn't interfere
ReDim Preserve arr(6, j)
arr(0, j) = strTemp
arr(1, j) = optBold
arr(2, j) = optIta
arr(3, j) = optUnd
arr(4, j) = optCol
arr(5, j) = optSize
arr(6, j) = Len(strTemp)
strTemp = ""
j = j + 1
End If
ElseIf Mid(strHTML, i, 4) = "[LF]" Then
'[LF] is what I used to indicate that there was a line change in the original text
ReDim Preserve arr(6, j)
arr(0, j) = strTemp
arr(1, j) = optBold
arr(2, j) = optIta
arr(3, j) = optUnd
arr(4, j) = optCol
arr(5, j) = optSize
arr(6, j) = Len(strTemp)
strTemp = ""
j = j + 1
strTemp = vbLf
inStrTemp = True
i = i + 3
ReDim Preserve arr(6, j)
arr(0, j) = strTemp
arr(1, j) = optBold
arr(2, j) = optIta
arr(3, j) = optUnd
arr(4, j) = optCol
arr(5, j) = optSize
arr(6, j) = Len(strTemp)
strTemp = ""
j = j + 1
If inStrTemp = True Then
'Records the temporary string and the formats it used
ReDim Preserve arr(6, j)
arr(0, j) = strTemp
arr(1, j) = optBold
arr(2, j) = optIta
arr(3, j) = optUnd
arr(4, j) = optCol
arr(5, j) = optSize
arr(6, j) = Len(strTemp)
strTemp = ""
j = j + 1
inStrTemp = False
End If
'If we get here we hit a HTML tag, so we read it and skip to after it
If Mid(strHTML, i, 3) = "<b>" Then
optBold = True
i = i + 2
ElseIf Mid(strHTML, i, 4) = "</b>" Then
optBold = False
i = i + 3
ElseIf Mid(strHTML, i, 3) = "<i>" Then
optIta = True
i = i + 2
ElseIf Mid(strHTML, i, 4) = "</i>" Then
optIta = False
i = i + 3
ElseIf Mid(strHTML, i, 3) = "<u>" Then
optUnd = True
i = i + 2
ElseIf Mid(strHTML, i, 4) = "</u>" Then
optUnd = False
i = i + 3
ElseIf Mid(strHTML, i, 11) Like "<c=???????>" Then
'optCol = RED, GREEN, BLUE
optCol = CInt("&H" & Mid(strHTML, i + 4, 2)) & "," & _
CInt("&H" & Mid(strHTML, i + 6, 2)) & "," & _
CInt("&H" & Mid(strHTML, i + 8, 2))
i = i + 10
ElseIf Mid(strHTML, i, 6) Like "<s=??>" Then
optSize = CInt(Mid(strHTML, i + 3, 2))
i = i + 5
End If
End If
'Filling the cell with unformatted text
For i = 0 To UBound(arr, 2)
'This debug.print shows the tempString that was recorded and the associated formats
Debug.Print arr(0, i) & " Bold=" & arr(1, i) & " Italic=" & arr(2, i) & " Underline=" & arr(3, i) & " RGB=" & arr(4, i) & " Size =" & arr(5, i)
rng.Value = rng.Value + arr(0, i)
'Applying formats according to the arrays
nbChars = 1
For i = 0 To UBound(arr, 2)
If arr(0, i) = vbLf Then
nbChars = nbChars + 1
rng.Characters(nbChars, arr(6, i)).Font.Bold = arr(1, i)
rng.Characters(nbChars, arr(6, i)).Font.Italic = arr(2, i)
rng.Characters(nbChars, arr(6, i)).Font.Underline = arr(3, i)
rng.Characters(nbChars, arr(6, i)).Font.Color = RGB(Split(arr(4, i), ",")(0), Split(arr(4, i), ",")(1), Split(arr(4, i), ",")(2))
rng.Characters(nbChars, arr(6, i)).Font.Size = CInt(arr(5, i))
nbChars = nbChars + arr(6, i)
End If
End Sub
Function fnConvert2HTML(myCell As Range) As String
Dim bldTagOn, itlTagOn, ulnTagOn, colTagOn, sizTagOn As Boolean
Dim i, chrCount As Integer
Dim chrCol, chrLastCol, chrSiz, chrLastSiz, htmlTxt As String
bldTagOn = False
itlTagOn = False
ulnTagOn = False
colTagOn = False
sizTagOn = False
chrCol = "NONE"
htmlTxt = "<html>"
chrCount = myCell.Characters.Count
For i = 1 To chrCount
With myCell.Characters(i, 1)
'If (.Font.Color) Then
chrCol = fnGetCol(.Font.Color)
If chrCol <> chrLastCol Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<c=#" & chrCol & ">"
chrLastCol = chrCol
End If
'End If
If (.Font.Size) Then
chrSiz = .Font.Size
If Len(chrSiz) = 1 Then chrSiz = "0" & chrSiz
If Not chrLastSiz = chrSiz Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<s=" & chrSiz & ">"
End If
chrLastSiz = chrSiz
End If
If .Font.Bold = True Then
If Not bldTagOn Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<b>"
bldTagOn = True
End If
If bldTagOn Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</b>"
bldTagOn = False
End If
End If
If .Font.Italic = True Then
If Not itlTagOn Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<i>"
itlTagOn = True
End If
If itlTagOn Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</i>"
itlTagOn = False
End If
End If
If .Font.Underline > 0 Then
If Not ulnTagOn Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<u>"
ulnTagOn = True
End If
If ulnTagOn Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</u>"
ulnTagOn = False
End If
End If
If (Asc(.Text) = 10) Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "[LF]"
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & .Text
End If
End With
If bldTagOn Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</b>"
bldTagOn = False
End If
If itlTagOn Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</i>"
itlTagOn = False
End If
If ulnTagOn Then
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</u>"
ulnTagOn = False
End If
htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</html>"
fnConvert2HTML = htmlTxt
End Function
答案 1 :(得分:0)
for (outerKey, innerDict) in dict {
print("Key-value pairs for outer dict key \(outerKey) follows:")
for (key, value) in innerDict {
print("\tkey: \(key), value: \(value)")
/* Key-value pairs for outer dict key 2 follows:
key: Key2, value: Value2
key: Key1, value: Value1
Key-value pairs for outer dict key 0 follows:
key: Key2, value: Value2
key: Key1, value: Value1
Key-value pairs for outer dict key 1 follows:
key: Key2, value: Value2
key: Key1, value: Value1
Key-value pairs for outer dict key 3 follows:
key: Key2, value: Value2
key: Key1, value: Value1 */
我在Excel 2016 for Mac上进行了测试,效果很好。