处理请求速率限制,MusicBrainz API

时间:2018-07-05 16:50:54

标签: python api request musicbrainz


我对请求,API和Web服务非常陌生。我正在尝试创建一个提供ID的Web服务,该服务向MusicBrainz API发出请求并检索一些信息。但是,显然我提出了太多请求,或者使它们太快了。在代码的最后一行,如果将delay参数设置为0,则会出现此错误:

{'error': 'Your requests are exceeding the allowable rate limit. Please see http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/XMLWebService for more information.'}


The rate at which your IP address is making requests is measured. If that rate is too high, all your requests will be declined (http 503) until the rate drops again. Currently that rate is (on average) 1 request per second.



################### INSTRUCTIONS ###################

This script runs locally and returns a JSON formatted file, containing
information about the release-groups of an artist whose MBID must be provided.

############ CODE STARTS ################

#All of them come with Anaconda3 installation, otherwise they can be installed with pip 
import requests
import json
import math
import time

#Base URL for looking-up release-groups on musicbrainz.org
root_URL = 'http://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/'

#Parameters to run an example
offset = 10
limit = 1
MBID = '65f4f0c5-ef9e-490c-aee3-909e7ae6b2ab'

def collect_data(MBID, root_URL):

    Description: Auxiliar function to collect data from the MusicBrainz API

        MBID - MusicBrainz Identity of some artist.
        root_URL - MusicBrainz root_URL for requests

        decoded_output - dictionary file containing all the information about the release-groups 
        of type album of the requested artist

    #Joins paths. Note: Release-groups can be filtered by type.
    URL_complete = root_URL + 'release-group?artist=' + MBID + '&type=album' + '&fmt=json'

    #Creates a requests object and sends a GET request
    request = requests.get(URL_complete)

    assert request.status_code == 200

    output = request.content            #bits file 
    decoded_output = json.loads(output) #dict file

    return decoded_output 

def collect_releases(release_group_id, root_URL, delay = 1):

    Description: Auxiliar function to collect data from the MusicBrainz API

        release_group_id - ID of the release-group whose number of releases is to be extracted
        root_URL - MusicBrainz root_URL for requests

        releases_count - integer containing the number of releases of the release-group

    URL_complete = root_URL + 'release-group/' + release_group_id + '?inc=releases' + '&fmt=json'

    #Creates a requests object and sends a GET request
    request = requests.get(URL_complete)

    #Parses the content of the request to a dictionary
    output = request.content            
    decoded_output = json.loads(output) 

    #Time delay to not exceed MusicBrainz request rate limit

    releases_count = 0

    if 'releases' in decoded_output:
        releases_count = len(decoded_output['releases'])
        #raise ValueError(decoded_output)

    return releases_count

def paginate(store_albums, offset, limit = 50):

    Description: Auxiliar function to paginate results

        store_albums - Dictionary containing information about each release-group
        offset - Integer. Corresponds to starting album to show.
        limit - Integer. Default to 50. Maximum number of albums to show per page

        albums_paginated - Paginated albums according to specified limit and offset

    #Restricts limit to 150 
    if limit > 150:
         limit = 150

    if offset > len(store_albums['albums']):
        raise ValueError('Offset is greater than number of albums')

    #Apply offset    
    albums_offset = store_albums['albums'][offset:]

    #Count pages
    pages = math.ceil(len(albums_offset) / limit)
    albums_limited = []

    if len(albums_offset) > limit:
        for i in range(pages):
            albums_limited.append(albums_offset[i * limit : (i+1) * limit])
        albums_limited = albums_offset

    albums_paginated = {'albums' : None}
    albums_paginated['albums'] = albums_limited

    return albums_paginated

def post(MBID, offset, limit, delay = 1):

    #Calls the auxiliar function 'collect_data' that retrieves the JSON file from MusicBrainz API
    json_file = collect_data(MBID, root_URL) 

    #Creates list and dictionary for storing the information about each release-group 
    album_details_list = []
    album_details = {"id": None, "title": None, "year": None, "release_count": None}

    #Loops through all release-groups in the JSON file 
    for item in json_file['release-groups']:

        album_details["id"]    = item["id"]
        album_details["title"] = item["title"]
        album_details["year"]  = item["first-release-date"].split("-")[0]
        album_details["release_count"] = collect_releases(item["id"], root_URL, delay)


    #Creates dictionary with all the albums of the artist    
    store_albums = {"albums": None}
    store_albums["albums"] = album_details_list

    #Paginates the dictionary 
    stored_paginated_albums = paginate(store_albums, offset , limit)

    #Returns JSON typed file containing the different albums arranged according to offset&limit
    return json.dumps(stored_paginated_albums)

#Runs the program and prints the JSON output as specified in the wording of the exercise 
print(post(MBID, offset, limit, delay = 1))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

除了要求API所有者提高您的费率限制外,没有其他更好的方法来解决此问题。避免速率限制问题的唯一方法是一次不要发出太多请求,并且除了以绕过其请求计数器的方式来入侵API外,还要在每个请求之间等待一秒钟。 >