我的网络服务器控制的机器人项目需要你的帮助。 我尝试通过网站控制两台电机。
很多东西已经在运作,所以我可以打开一个网站并点击" w"钥匙和两个汽车开始向前发展。 (MyControlls:w =前进,s =后退,a =左,d =右)
Missing error handler on `socket`.
TypeError: task is not a function
at /home/pi/tank/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5285:13
at replenish (/home/pi/tank/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:871:21)
at /home/pi/tank/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:881:15
at _parallel (/home/pi/tank/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5284:9)
at parallelLimit (/home/pi/tank/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5317:14)
at Object.parallel (/home/pi/tank/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:930:20)
at Object.tank.moveForward (/home/pi/tank/app.js:46:9)
at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/pi/tank/app.js:87:9)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
似乎问题出在 moveForward:function()和async.parallel周围 (其他Move函数也有同样的问题。)
var tank = {
//we create an object with the used pins
motors : {
leftFront: 11,
leftBack: 12,
rightFront: 15,
rightBack: 16
//we open the gpio pins and set the as outputs
init : function(){
gpio.open(this.motors.leftFront, "output");
gpio.open(this.motors.leftBack, "output");
gpio.open(this.motors.rightFront, "output");
gpio.open(this.motors.rightBack, "output");
//in order to move the tank forward, we supply both motors
moveForward : function(){
gpio.write(this.motors.leftFront, 1),
gpio.write(this.motors.rightFront, 1)
//in order to move the tank backwards, we supply both motors, but with inverse polarity
moveBackward : function(){
gpio.write(this.motors.leftBack, 1),
gpio.write(this.motors.rightBack, 1)
//in order to turn right, we supply on the left
moveLeft : function(){
gpio.write(this.motors.leftFront, 1);
//in order to turn left, we supply on the right
moveRight : function(){
gpio.write(this.motors.rightFront, 1);
//in order to stop both motors, we set all pins to 0 value
stop : function(){
gpio.write(this.motors.leftFront, 0),
gpio.write(this.motors.leftBack, 0),
gpio.write(this.motors.rightFront, 0),
gpio.write(this.motors.rightBack, 0)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
grpD <- group_grid %>%
mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) %>% #change to character class as joining
mutate(income = as.character(income))#with same class columns are reqd.
mydata %>%
mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) %>% #change class here too
left_join(., grpD, by= c("Country" = "state", "Age" = "age", "Income" = "income"))
# Country Age Income val
#1 FR 20 1 2
#2 UK 80 4 78
#3 UK 20 2 23
#4 IT 40 3 46
#5 DE 60 1 15
#6 ES 20 5 84
#7 FR 60 5 92
#8 DE 80 3 60
#9 IT 40 4 66
#10 UK 60 2 33
var self = this;
function (callback) {
gpio.write(self.motors.leftBack, 1, callback);
function (callback) {
gpio.write(self.motors.rightBack, 1, callback);