
时间:2016-07-06 17:51:33

标签: r regression


k = length(BEI)
coef.list <- numeric()
predicted.list <- numeric()
for(i in 1:(k-11)){
  BEI.subset <- BEI[i:(i+11)]
  predictors.subset <- predictors[c(i:(i+11)),]
  fit.stepwise <- regsubsets(BEI.subset~., data = predictors.subset, nvmax = 10, method = "forward")
  fit.summary <- summary(fit.stepwise)
  id <- which.min(fit.summary$cp)
  coefficients <- coef(fit.stepwise,id)
  coef.list <- append(coef.list, coefficients)
  form <- as.formula(fit.stepwise$call[[2]])
  mat <- model.matrix(form,predictors.subset)
  predicted.stepwise <- mat[,names(coefficients)]%*%coefficients
  predicted.list <- append(predicted.list, predicted.stepwise)

我得到了这样的错误: 重新排序变量并重试: 有50个或更多警告(使用警告()查看前50个)

警告是: 1:在leaps.setup(x,y,wt = wt,nbest = nbest,nvmax = nvmax,...:   找到1个线性依赖项 2:在leaps.setup(x,y,wt = wt,nbest = nbest,nvmax = nvmax,...:   找到1个线性依赖项 3:在leaps.setup(x,y,wt = wt,nbest = nbest,nvmax = nvmax,...:   找到1个线性依赖项 ......等等。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



# [1] 47  6

split_swiss <- lapply(1:nrow(swiss), function(x) swiss[x:(x+11),])
# [1] 47  ## rolling subset produce 47 data.frames. 

lapply(tail(split_swiss), head) # show the first 6 rows of the last 6 data.frames 
             Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
Neuchatel         64.4        17.6          35        32    16.92             23.0
Val de Ruz        77.6        37.6          15         7     4.97             20.0
ValdeTravers      67.6        18.7          25         7     8.65             19.5
V. De Geneve      35.0         1.2          37        53    42.34             18.0
Rive Droite       44.7        46.6          16        29    50.43             18.2
Rive Gauche       42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3

             Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
Val de Ruz        77.6        37.6          15         7     4.97             20.0
ValdeTravers      67.6        18.7          25         7     8.65             19.5
V. De Geneve      35.0         1.2          37        53    42.34             18.0
Rive Droite       44.7        46.6          16        29    50.43             18.2
Rive Gauche       42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
NA                  NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA

             Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
ValdeTravers      67.6        18.7          25         7     8.65             19.5
V. De Geneve      35.0         1.2          37        53    42.34             18.0
Rive Droite       44.7        46.6          16        29    50.43             18.2
Rive Gauche       42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
NA                  NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
NA.1                NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA

             Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
V. De Geneve      35.0         1.2          37        53    42.34             18.0
Rive Droite       44.7        46.6          16        29    50.43             18.2
Rive Gauche       42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
NA                  NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
NA.1                NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
NA.2                NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA

             Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
Rive Droite      44.7        46.6          16        29    50.43             18.2
Rive Gauche      42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
NA                 NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
NA.1               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
NA.2               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
NA.3               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA

            Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
Rive Gauche      42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
NA                 NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
NA.1               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
NA.2               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
NA.3               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
NA.4               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA


lapply(split_swiss, function(x) regsubsets(Fertility ~., data=x, nvmax=10, method="forward"))

 Error in leaps.setup(x, y, wt = wt, nbest = nbest, nvmax = nvmax, force.in = force.in,  : 
  y and x different lengths In addition: Warning messages:
1: In leaps.setup(x, y, wt = wt, nbest = nbest, nvmax = nvmax, force.in = force.in,  :
  1  linear dependencies found


split_swiss_2 <- split_swiss[sapply(lapply(split_swiss, na.omit), nrow) == 12]
lapply(split_swiss_2, function(x) regsubsets(Fertility ~., data=x, nvmax=10, method="forward"))