我正在尝试构建一个vba代码来构建我们用来测试的txt文件。我遇到了一个问题。我的一些结果会有.00,我使用Str = Str & "00" & Left(CashRightJust(Range("h63"), 11), 9)
Spreadsheet created to build code to send to txt file
Function Detail_Rec1()
Dim strlencount As Integer
Dim strspacer As Integer
If Range("b63").Value <> "5" Then
Exit Function
End If
Str = Str & Range("b63").Value **Result: 5**
Str = Str & Range("c63").Value **Result: 400**
Str = Str & Range("d63").Value **Result: 1234567**
Str = Module1.SpaceAdd(Str, 1) **Result: 1 space**
Str = Str & Trim(Range("e63").Value)
strlencount = Len(Trim(Range("e63").Value))
strspacer = 30 - strlencount
Str = Module1.SpaceAdd(Str, strspacer) **Result: Company name with spacefill for 30 character; name is left justified**
Str = Str & Trim(Range("f63").Value)
strlencount = Len(Trim(Range("f63").Value))
strspacer = 11 - strlencount
Str = Module1.SpaceAdd(Str, strspacer) **Result: Company ID number; left justify; space filled total 11 characters**
Str = Str & Range("G63").Value Result: 116
Str = Str & CashRightJust(Range("h63"), 11) **Result: 1000; only 1000 no cents; dollars only; 11 character zero filled right justify**
Str = Str & CashRightJust(Range("i63"), 11)**Result: 1000; only 1000 no cents; dollars only; 11 character zero filled right justify**
Str = Str & CashRightJust(Range("j63"), 11)**Result: 1000; only 1000 no cents; dollars only; 11 character zero filled right justify**
Str = Str & Trim(Range("k63").Value)
strlencount = Len(Trim(Range("k63").Value))
strspacer = 4 - strlencount
Str = Module1.ZeroAdd(Str, strspacer) **Result: Rate of 4 characters entered; 4 character length**
Str = Module1.SpaceAdd(Str, 1) **Result: 1 space**
Str = Str & CashRightJust(Range("l63"), 11) **Result: 3348.75 needs to be 334875. 11 characters, right justified, no decimal.**
Str = Str & CashRightJust(Range("m63"), 11)
Str = Str & CashRightJust(Range("n63"), 11)
Str = Str & CashRightJust(Range("o63"), 11)
Str = Str & "00000" & Right(Range("p63").Value, 6)
strlencount = Len(Trim(Range("p63").Value))
strspacer = 6 - strlencount
Str = Module1.ZeroAdd(Str, strspacer)
[正在编码的行的Excel图像] [文本文件应如何显示] [2] 2]
23.45 - 2345 23.00 - 2300除非规范只说美元,否则它必须是23 没有四舍五入。 我希望这可以通过视觉效果提供更多帮助
添加信息:我目前使用的$ amts模块如下:
If Str = 0 Then
CashRightJust = ZeroAdd(Str2, c)
Exit Function
If InStr(Str, ".") > 0 Then
Str2 = Right(Str, 2)
If InStr(Str2, ".") > 0 Then
strnew = Str & "0"
strnew = Str
End If
strnew = Str & "00"
End If
Excel snapshot of info being coded
54001234567 Bob's Tires 987654321 116000000010000000000005000000009503525 00000334875
这就是它的出现方式: 54001234567 Bob's Tyres 987654321 11600000100000000000000000000000950003525 000334875
答案 0 :(得分:0)
lenOfStr = 11
newStr = ""
subStr = Right(Cells(1, 1), lenOfStr)
If Right(subStr, 2) = "00" Then 'we need to keep these
lenOfStr = 9
End If
foundLeftmost = False
For i = 1 To lenOfStr
If Mid(subStr, i, 1) <> "0" and Mid(subStr, i, 1) <> "." Then
newStr = newStr & Mid(subStr, i, 1) 'start collecting for the new string
foundLeftmost = True
End If
If foundLeftmost and Mid(subStr, i, 1) <> "." Then 'need to include zeros that may show up in the middle of the substring
newStr = newStr & Mid(subStr, i, 1)
End If
Next i
subStr = newStr