#import packages
import cv2
from matplotlim import pyplot as plt
import os
from astropy.io import fits
from skimage import img_as_uint
import numpy as np
#create array with filenames
data = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(r'/Users/hannah/Desktop/firefountain-testset'):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.fits'):
#start my loop through the folder
for i in data:
fn = i
#read fits image data
hdulist = fits.open(fn)
img_data = hdulist[1].data
#put fits data into array with dtype set as original
imgraw=np.array(img_data, dtype = np.uint8)
#convert to uint16
img = img_as_uint(imgraw)
#crop to area of interest then add into array - possibly don't need second line
imgcrop = img[210:255,227:277]
imgcroparr = np.array(imgcrop)
#attempt to read into cv2 - this is where it loses the data
#all fine before this point I believe
imgfinal = cv2.imdecode(imgcroparr, 0,)
#imgfinal returns blank.
google drive with .fits files I'm using, plus .png to show what they should look like
for i in data:
fn = i
imgraw = fits.getdata(fn)
imgcrop = imgraw[210:255,227:277]
img = cv2.imdecode(imgcrop, 0,)
错误:/Users/jhelmus/anaconda/conda-bld/work/opencv-2.4.8/modules/highgui/src/loadsave.cpp:307:错误:(-215)buf.data&&功能imdecode _