
时间:2016-06-30 09:16:10

标签: gmail-contextual-gadgets

在最近几天, Gmail上下文小工具似乎存在问题,它使用了messageID提取程序。这个小工具已在我们的生产Gmail环境中运行了几年,但现在它似乎被打破了,可能是由于Google方面的一些意想不到的变化。我在两个不同的域中测试它并且它无法正常工作。


  • 上下文小工具的窗口未显示在主Gmail中 接口

  • 但是当在一个单独的窗口中打开消息时(通过按
    转移并单击消息)小工具加载良好 - 此过程 可以用作解决方法,但它不是最佳的

  • 有时(很少)小工具甚至在邮件中神秘地出现 Gmail界面,但过了一段时间后它再次停止工作


Chrome JS控制台未显示任何错误。

Behaviour in the main interface - NOOK

Behaviour in the separate window – OK


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ApplicationManifest xmlns="">

  <!-- Support info to show in the marketplace & control panel -->
    <!-- URL for application setup as an optional redirect during the install -->
    <!--    <Link rel="setup" href="${DOMAIN_NAME}" /> -->

    <!-- URL for application configuration, accessed from the app settings
     page in the control panel -->
         <!--<Link rel="manage" href="${DOMAIN_NAME}" /> -->

    <!-- URL explaining how customers get support. -->
    <Link rel="support" href="" />

    <!-- URL that is displayed to admins during the deletion process,
     to specify policies such as data retention, how to claim accounts, etc. -->
    <Link rel="deletion-policy" href="" />

  <!-- Name and description pulled from message bundles -->
  <Name>GSCS message ID Extractor</Name>
  <Description>A simple Hello World application for testing
  Gmail contextual gadgets</Description>

  <!-- Show this link in Google's universal navigation for all users -->
  <Extension id="navLink" type="link">
    <Name>GSCS message ID Extractor</Name>

  <!-- Declare our OpenID realm so our app is white listed -->
  <Extension id="realm" type="openIdRealm">

<!-- EXTRACTOR -->

<!--<Extension id="HelloWorldExtractor" type="contextExtractor">
  <Name>Hello World</Name>
  <Url></Url>  -->
  <!-- Uncomment this Param to apply a filter to the extractor's
  default output. The example regexp below makes the match case sensitive. -->
      <!-- <Param name="hello" value="H[a-z]* W[a-z]*"/> -->
<!--  <Triggers ref="GSCSContextGadget"/>
  <Scope ref="emailSubject"/>
  <Scope ref="emailBody"/>
  <Container name="mail"/>  
</Extension>  -->

<Extension id="MessageIDExtractor" type="contextExtractor">
  <Name>Message ID extractor</Name>
  <!-- Uncomment this Param to apply a filter to the extractor's
  default output. The example regexp below makes the match case sensitive. -->
      <!-- <Param name="hello" value="H[a-z]* W[a-z]*"/> -->
  <Triggers ref="GSCSContextGadget"/>
  <Scope ref="messageID"/>
  <Container name="mail"/>

<!-- GADGET -->

<Extension id="GSCSContextGadget" type="gadget">
  <Name>Gmail contextual gadget</Name>
  <Container name="mail"/>
  <!-- Uncomment this to enable Caja. -->
  <!-- <Param name="caja" value="enabled"/> -->

<!-- SCOPE -->

<!-- <Scope id="emailSubject">
  <Reason>This application searches the Subject: line of each email
  for the text "Hello World."</Reason>

<Scope id="emailBody">  
  <Reason>This application searches the message body of each email
  for the text "Hello World."</Reason>
</Scope> -->

<Scope id="messageID">
  <Reason>Matches the Gmail frontend message id of the message (this is a 64-bit hexadecimal value, different from the RFC 822 Message-ID)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)









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只是为了确认 - 今天我们的域名已经修复(周六早上......周五没有修复,但今天确实有效)。我不得不通过谷歌支持升级问题 - 不确定这是否改变了什么,但现在我们又有了小工具。