static mut stamps: Vec<StampedData> = Vec::new();
error: mutable statics are not allowed to have destructors [E0397]
static mut stamps: Vec<StampedData> = Vec::new();
error: statics are not allowed to have destructors [E0493]
static mut stamps: Vec<StampedData> = Vec::new();
error: function calls in statics are limited to struct and enum constructors [E0015]
static mut stamps: Vec<StampedData> = Vec::new();
note: a limited form of compile-time function evaluation is available on a nightly compiler via `const fn`
static mut stamps: Vec<StampedData> = Vec::new();
static mut stamps: Vec<StampedData>;
error: expected one of `!`, `+`, `::`, or `=`, found `;`
static mut stamps: Vec<StampedData>;