
时间:2016-06-19 19:49:06

标签: python math pygame 2d-games





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3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • D[Ay]Ay
  • 时圆/方的直径/边
  • D[By]By
  • 时圆/方的直径/边
  • D[Cy]Cy
  • 时圆/方的直径/边
  • Ay <= Cy <= By


D[Cy] = D[Ay] + (Cy - Ay) * (D[By] - D[Ay]) / (By - Ay)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

如果向量v=(By-Ay),则AyBy之间的行可以定义为l(t)=Ay+vt。因此,l(t)上带参数t的任何点的缩放系数都为s=47.5t+5。例如,在t = 0时,线上的点Ay具有缩放因子s=5。如果您放置t=1,则会获得并缩放s= 52.5。对于您的红利问题,缩放因子是相同的,但您不能简单地将缩放因子中的平方坐标相乘。您需要使用l(t)将方块转换为原点并缩放坐标并将其转换回l(t)

答案 2 :(得分:1)




// an array of keys. The ? represents the applicable number value
var keys = [{ 
         time : 0, // the state of an object at time 0
         pos : {x : ? , y : ? }, // position
         scale : ?,
         rotation : ?,
         colour : [?,?,?],       // rgb colour, just for the hell of it
         // and whatever else you may want to animate
         time : 100, // the state of the object at time 100
         pos : {x : ? , y : ? },
         scale : ?,
         rotation : ?,
         colour : [?,?,?],
         // and whatever else you may want to animate




var currentTime = 50;
var timeDif = currentTime - keys[0].time; // difference from start time to current
// to get the normalised time divid by the differance
var normTime = timeDif / (keys[1].time - keys[0].time); // divide by the differance in time between keys


var scaleDif =  keys[1].scale - keys[0].scale; // get diff in scale
var scaleChange = scaleDif * normTime;  // multiply by the normalised time
var currentScale = keys[0].scale + scaleChange; // add to the starting scale


function tweenKeys(time,key1,key2){
    var nt = (time - key1.time) / (key2.time - key1.time); // get normalised time
    // because you can not divide by zero we need a little check. Javascript return infinity if we div by zero but we want the value 0 
    nt = nt < Infinity ? nt : 0; // zero if there was a divide by zero
    var ck = {}; // ck for current key. the key represents the state at time
    ck.scale = key1.scale + (key2.scale - key1.scale) * nt;
    ck.rotation = key1.rotation + (key2.rotation - key1.rotation ) * nt;
    ck.pos.x = key1.pos.x + (key2.pos.x- key1.pos.x) * nt;
    ck.pos.y = key1.pos.y + (key2.pos.y- key1.pos.y) * nt;
    ck.colour[0] = key1.colour[0] + (key2.colour[0] - key1.colour[0]) * nt;
    ck.colour[1] = key1.colour[1] + (key2.colour[1] - key1.colour[1]) * nt;
    ck.colour[2] = key1.colour[2] + (key2.colour[2] - key1.colour[2]) * nt;
    return ck; // return the newly create state

这是关键帧的基础知识,你可以在这个答案中找到更多关于它的内容How would I animate... ?






var p1 = {x : ?, y : ?}; // ? represent some number value
var p2 = {x : ?, y : ?}; // ? represent some number value



var c = {x : ?, y : ?}; // ? represent some number value



var dist = Math.sqrt( Math.pow( p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.pow( p2.y - p1.y, 2)); // for the twisted world of IE users and
var dist = Math.hypot(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y); // for all good browsers


var normDist = Math.hypot(c.x - p1.x, c.y - p1.y) / Math.hypot(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y); 
// because you can not divide by zero we need a little check. Javascript returns infinity if we div by zero but we want the value 0 
normDist = normDist < Infinity ? normDist : 0; // zero if there was a divide by zero


var currentScale = (keys[1].scale - keys[0].scale) * normDist + keys[0].scale;



// get the unit distance on the line p1,p2 of point c representing 
// the distance along the line that is closest to c
function unitDistOfPoint(p1,p2,c){
    var v1 = {}; // working vectors
    var v2 = {}; 
    v1.x = p2.x - p1.x; // vector between p1,p2
    v1.y = p2.y - p1.y;
    v2.x = c.x - p1.x;  // vector to c from p1
    v2.y = c.y - p1.y;
    // a little math magic. Divide the dot product of the vectors v2, v1
    // by the square of line length
    return (v2.x * v1.x + v2.y * v1.y) / (v1.y * v1.y + v1.x * v1.x);


// return the state for a object at point c in terms of key1, to key2
function tweenKeysViaPos(c,key1,key2){
    // get the normalised distance of the point c between keys 1 and 2
    var nd = unitDistOfPoint(c, key1.pos, key2.pos); // nd for normalised distance
    // you may want to constrain the position to only between the points 
    // do that by clamping the value nd between 0 and 1 inclusive
    nd = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, nd)); // clamp the normalise distance
    var ck = {}; // ck for current key. the key represents the state at time
    ck.scale = key1.scale + (key2.scale - key1.scale) * nt;
    ck.rotation = key1.rotation + (key2.rotation - key1.rotation ) * nt;
    ck.pos.x = key1.pos.x + (key2.pos.x- key1.pos.x) * nt;
    ck.pos.y = key1.pos.y + (key2.pos.y- key1.pos.y) * nt;
    ck.colour[0] = key1.colour[0] + (key2.colour[0] - key1.colour[0]) * nt;
    ck.colour[1] = key1.colour[1] + (key2.colour[1] - key1.colour[1]) * nt;
    ck.colour[2] = key1.colour[2] + (key2.colour[2] - key1.colour[2]) * nt;
    return ck; // return the newly create state




// returns the distance point c is from the line p1,p2. If on the line
// the the return value is 0. If befor point p1 or after p2 then the distance
// is the distance to p1, or p2 respectively
function distFromLine(p1,p2,c){
    var v1 = {}; // working vectors
    var v2 = {}; 
    v1.x = p2.x - p1.x; // vector between p1,p2
    v1.y = p2.y - p1.y;
    v2.x = c.x - p1.x;  // vector to c from p1
    v2.y = c.y - p1.y;
    // a little math magic. Divide the dot product of the vectors v2, v1
    // by the square of line length
    var u = (v2.x * v1.x + v2.y * v1.y) / (v1.y * v1.y + v1.x * v1.x);
    var v3 = {};
    if(u < 0){ // befor the start
        return Math.hypot(v2.x,v2.y); // distance to p1
    if(u > 1){ // after end
        return Math.hypot(c.x - p2.x,c.y p2.y); // distance to p2
    // get the point on the line that is closest
    v3.x = p1.x + v1.x * u;
    v3.y = p1.y + v1.y * u;
    // return the distance from that point to c
    return Math.hypot(c.x - v3.x,c.y - v3.y); // distance from line of c

