Python随机森林和机器学习 - 改进

时间:2016-06-19 13:12:48

标签: python performance machine-learning scikit-learn random-forest






import scipy
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.plotly as py
import os.path
import sys

from time import time
from sklearn import preprocessing, metrics, cross_validation
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold

fname = str(raw_input('Please enter the input file name containing total dataset and descriptors (assumes csv file, column headings and first column are labels\n'))
if os.path.isfile(fname) :
    SubFeAll = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=",")
    sys.exit("ERROR: input file does not exist")

#SubFeAll = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=",")
SubFeAll = SubFeAll.fillna(SubFeAll.mean()) # replace the NA values with the mean of the descriptor
header = SubFeAll.columns.values # Use the column headers as the descriptor labels

# Set the numpy global random number seed (similar effect to random_state) 

# Random Forest results initialised
RFr2 = []
RFmse = []
RFrmse = []

# Predictions results initialised 
RFpredictions = []

metcount = 0

# Give the array from pandas to numpy
npArray = np.array(SubFeAll)
print header.shape
npheader = np.array(header[1:-1])
print("Array shape X = %d, Y = %d " % (npArray.shape))
datax, datay =  npArray.shape

# Print specific nparray values to check the data
print("The first element of the input data set, as a minial check please ensure this is as expected = %s" % npArray[0,0])

# Split the data into: names labels of the molecules ; y the True results ; X the descriptors for each data point
names = npArray[:,0]
X = npArray[:,1:-1].astype(float)
y = npArray[:,-1] .astype(float)
X = preprocessing.scale(X)
print X.shape

# Open output files
train_name = "Training.csv"
test_name = "Predictions.csv"
fi_name = "Feature_importance.csv"

with open(train_name,'w') as ftrain, open(test_name,'w') as fpred, open(fi_name,'w') as ffeatimp:
        ftrain.write("This file contains the training information for the Random Forest models\n")
        ftrain.write("The code use a ten fold cross validation 90% training 10% test at each fold so ten training sets are used here,\n")
        ftrain.write("Interation %d ,\n" %(metcount+1))

        fpred.write("This file contains the prediction information for the Random Forest models\n")
        fpred.write("Predictions are made over a ten fold cross validation hence training on 90% test on 10%. The final prediction are return iteratively over this ten fold cros validation once,\n")
        fpred.write("optimised parameters are located via a grid search at each fold,\n")
        fpred.write("Interation %d ,\n" %(metcount+1))

        ffeatimp.write("This file contains the feature importance information for the Random Forest model,\n")
        ffeatimp.write("Interation %d ,\n" %(metcount+1))

        # Begin the K-fold cross validation over ten folds
        kf = KFold(datax, n_folds=10, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
        print "------------------- Begining Ten Fold Cross Validation -------------------"
        for train, test in kf:
            XTrain, XTest, yTrain, yTest = X[train], X[test], y[train], y[test]
            ytestdim = yTest.shape[0]
                print("The test set values are : ")
                i = 0
                if ytestdim%5 == 0:
                        while i < ytestdim:
                                print round(yTest[i],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+1],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+2],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+3],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+4],2)
                                ftrain.write(str(round(yTest[i],2))+','+ str(round(yTest[i+1],2))+','+str(round(yTest[i+2],2))+','+str(round(yTest[i+3],2))+','+str(round(yTest[i+4],2))+',\n')
                                i += 5
                elif ytestdim%4 == 0:
                        while i < ytestdim:
                                print round(yTest[i],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+1],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+2],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+3],2)
                                i += 4
                elif ytestdim%3 == 0 :
                        while i < ytestdim :
                                print round(yTest[i],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+1],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+2],2)
                                i += 3
                elif ytestdim%2 == 0 :
                        while i < ytestdim :
                                print round(yTest[i],2), '\t', round(yTest[i+1],2)
                                i += 2
                        else :
                                while i< ytestdim :
                                        print round(yTest[i],2)
                                        i += 1        

                print "\n"
                # random forest grid search parameters
            print "------------------- Begining Random Forest Grid Search -------------------"
                rfparamgrid = {"n_estimators": [10], "max_features": ["auto", "sqrt", "log2"], "max_depth": [5,7]}
                rf = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=0,n_jobs=2)
                RfGridSearch = GridSearchCV(rf,param_grid=rfparamgrid,scoring='mean_squared_error',cv=10)
                start = time()

                # Get best random forest parameters
                print("GridSearchCV took %.2f seconds for %d candidate parameter settings" %(time() - start,len(RfGridSearch.grid_scores_)))
                RFtime = time() - start,len(RfGridSearch.grid_scores_)
                #print(RfGridSearch.grid_scores_)  # Diagnos
                print("n_estimators = %d " % RfGridSearch.best_params_['n_estimators'])
                ne = RfGridSearch.best_params_['n_estimators']
                print("max_features = %s " % RfGridSearch.best_params_['max_features'])
                mf = RfGridSearch.best_params_['max_features']
                print("max_depth = %d " % RfGridSearch.best_params_['max_depth'])
                md = RfGridSearch.best_params_['max_depth']

                ftrain.write("Random Forest")
                ftrain.write("RF search time, %s ,\n" % (str(RFtime)))
                ftrain.write("Number of Trees, %s ,\n" % str(ne))
                ftrain.write("Number of feature at split, %s ,\n" % str(mf))
                ftrain.write("Max depth of tree, %s ,\n" % str(md))

                # Train random forest and predict with optimised parameters
                print("\n\n------------------- Starting opitimised RF training -------------------")
                optRF = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = ne, max_features = mf, max_depth = md, random_state=0)
      , yTrain)       # Train the model
                RFfeatimp = optRF.feature_importances_
                indices = np.argsort(RFfeatimp)[::-1]
                print("Training R2 = %5.2f" % optRF.score(XTrain,yTrain))
                print("Starting optimised RF prediction")
                RFpreds = optRF.predict(XTest)
                print("The predicted values now follow :")
                RFpredsdim = RFpreds.shape[0]
                i = 0
                if RFpredsdim%5 == 0:
                        while i < RFpredsdim:
                                print round(RFpreds[i],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+1],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+2],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+3],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+4],2)
                                i += 5
                elif RFpredsdim%4 == 0:
                        while i < RFpredsdim:
                                print round(RFpreds[i],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+1],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+2],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+3],2)
                                i += 4
                elif RFpredsdim%3 == 0 :
                        while i < RFpredsdim :
                                print round(RFpreds[i],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+1],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+2],2)
                                i += 3
                elif RFpredsdim%2 == 0 :
                        while i < RFpredsdim :
                                print round(RFpreds[i],2), '\t', round(RFpreds[i+1],2)
                                i += 2
                else :
                        while i< RFpredsdim :
                                print round(RFpreds[i],2)
                i += 1
                print "\n"
                RFr2.append(optRF.score(XTest, yTest))
                RFmse.append( metrics.mean_squared_error(yTest,RFpreds))
                print ("Random Forest prediction statistics for fold %d are; MSE = %5.2f RMSE = %5.2f R2 = %5.2f\n\n" % (metcount+1, RFmse[metcount], RFrmse[metcount],RFr2[metcount]))

                ftrain.write("Random Forest prediction statistics for fold %d are, MSE =, %5.2f, RMSE =, %5.2f, R2 =, %5.2f,\n\n" % (metcount+1, RFmse[metcount], RFrmse[metcount],RFr2[metcount]))

                ffeatimp.write("Feature importance rankings from random forest,\n")
                for i in range(RFfeatimp.shape[0]) :
                        ffeatimp.write("%d. , feature %d , %s,  (%f),\n" % (i + 1, indices[i], npheader[indices[i]], RFfeatimp[indices[i]]))

                # Store prediction in original order of data (itest) whilst following through the current test set order (j)
            metcount += 1

                ftrain.write("Fold %d, \n" %(metcount))

            print "------------------- Next Fold %d -------------------" %(metcount+1)
            j = 0
            for itest in test :
                j += 1

        lennames = names.shape[0]
        lenpredictions = len(RFpredictions)
        lentrue = y.shape[0]
        if lennames == lenpredictions == lentrue :
                fpred.write("Names/Label,, Prediction Random Forest,, True Value,\n") 
                for i in range(0,lennames) :
        else :
                fpred.write("ERROR - names, prediction and true value array size mismatch. Dumping arrays for manual inspection in predictions.csv\n")
                fpred.write("Array printed in the order names/Labels, predictions RF and true values\n")
                sys.exit("ERROR - names, prediction and true value array size mismatch. Dumping arrays for manual inspection in predictions.csv")

        print "Final averaged Random Forest metrics : "
        RFamse  = sum(RFmse)/10
        RFmse_sd = np.std(RFmse)
        RFarmse = sum(RFrmse)/10
        RFrmse_sd = np.std(RFrmse)
        RFslope, RFintercept, RFr_value, RFp_value, RFstd_err = scipy.stats.linregress(RFpredictions, y)
        RFR2 = RFr_value**2
        print "Average Mean Squared Error = ", RFamse, " +/- ", RFmse_sd 
        print "Average Root Mean Squared Error = ", RFarmse, " +/- ", RFrmse_sd
        print "R2 Final prediction against True values = ", RFR2

        fpred.write("FINAL PREDICTION STATISTICS,\n")
        fpred.write("Random Forest average MSE, %s, +/-, %s,\n" %(str(RFamse), str(RFmse_sd)))
        fpred.write("Random Forest average RMSE, %s, +/-, %s,\n" %(str(RFarmse), str(RFrmse_sd)))
    fpred.write("Random Forest slope, %s,   Random Forest intercept, %s,\n" %(str(RFslope), str(RFintercept)))
        fpred.write("Random Forest standard error, %s,\n" %(str(RFstd_err)))
    fpred.write("Random Forest R, %s,\n" %(str(RFr_value)))
        fpred.write("Random Forest R2, %s,\n" %(str(RFR2)))


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


sickit learn feature selection
