
时间:2016-06-17 11:34:11

标签: vb.net zip 7zip

我在vb.net中创建了一个项目,该项目以多种格式保存Solid Edge程序集,然后单独压缩这些格式并从目录中删除解压缩的文件。直到最近,该计划工作正常。但是,现在,文件未压缩在目录中。所有发生的事情是扩展.7z的文件创建一级(即我希望文件在C:\ Folder \ New Folder中压缩,但.7z文件在C:\ Folder中创建)。以下是一些项目代码:

    ' The extensions are stored in the INI file and must be retrieved
            Extension = GetIniValue("CADMakros", "FileFormatExtensions3D", "C:\Windows\RTSettings.INI")

            ' Checks if there are extensions in the INI file
            If Extension = "" Or Extension = " " Then
                MsgBox("Keine Erweiterungen in «RTSettings.ini» eingetragen")
                Exit Sub
            End If

            ' The extensions are separated by a ";" in the INI file
            ' Therefore, they are split up into separate strings and sorted in the NewExtensions array
            'The NewExtensions array does not have a defined size so that an arbitrary number of extensions can be added to the INI file
            NewExtensions = Extension.Split(";")

            ' The spaces are removed from the extension strings
            For i = 0 To UBound(NewExtensions)
                NewExtensions(i) = NewExtensions(i).Replace(" ", "")

            ' An array containing the filenames is created whose size is dependent on the number of extensions
            ' Therefore, the array size changes when the INI file is modified
            Dim NewFileNames(NewExtensions.Count) As String
            Dim zippedFileNames(NewFileNames.Length) As String

            ' Remove solid edge extension
            FileName = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(FileName, InStrRev(FileName, ".") - 1)

            ' Uses the file name as a default response for the input box
            FileName1 = InputBox("Dateinamen eingeben", DefaultResponse:=FileName)
            If FileName1 = " " Then
                MsgBox("Bitte Dateinamen eingeben")
                Exit Sub
            ElseIf FileName1 = "" Then
                Exit Sub
            End If

            ProgressBar1.Value = 30

            ' Creates a new file name that acts as the path of the file
            For k = 0 To (NewExtensions.Length - 1)
                NewFileNames(k) = ChosenFile & "\" & FileName1 & NewExtensions(k)

            ' The files are saved
            For k = 0 To (NewFileNames.Count - 2)

                ' The progress of the program is sent to the backgroundWorker so it can update the progress bar accordingly
                BackgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(30 + (k / (NewFileNames.Count - 2)) * 65)

                ' The program must be given time to update the progress bar

            For j = 0 To NewFileNames.Length - 2
                For i = 0 To UBound(NewExtensions)
                    If NewFileNames(j).Contains(NewExtensions(i)) Then
                        zippedFileNames(j) = NewFileNames(j).Substring(0, NewFileNames(j).Length - NewExtensions(i).Length)
                        zippedLocation(j) = zippedFileNames(j) + "-" + NewExtensions(i).Substring(1)
                    End If

            ' The files are zipped
            Shell(zipPath & " a " & zippedLocation(0) & ".zip " & NewFileNames(0))
            Shell(zipPath + " a " + zippedLocation(1) + ".zip " + NewFileNames(1))
            Shell(zipPath + " a " + zippedLocation(2) + ".zip " + NewFileNames(2))
            'Dim save As New ProcessStartInfo(zipPath)
            'save.Arguments = zipPath &  " a -tzip " & zippedLocation(0) & ".zip " & NewFileNames(0)
            ' The program is given time to zip the file before it is deleted (this ensures the zipped file contains the required information)

            ''The unzipped file is deleted from the computer

            ProgressBar1.Value = 100

zip命令靠近底部(它们是shell命令)。对于消息框消息感到抱歉,他们是德语,因为我这样做是为了德国公司。 提前谢谢!

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