
时间:2016-06-11 23:55:02

标签: idris


module AlgebraicStructures

-- definition of some algebraic structures in terms of type classes

%access public export

Associative : {a : Type} -> (a -> a -> a) -> Type
Associative {a} op = (x : a) -> 
                     (y : a) ->
                     (z : a) ->
                     (op x (op y z)) = (op (op x y) z)

Identity : {a : Type} -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Type
Identity op v = ((x : a) -> (op x v) = x, 
                 (x : a) -> (op v x) = x)                 

Commutative : {a : Type} -> (a -> a -> a) -> Type
Commutative {a} op = (x : a) ->
                     (y : a) ->
                     (op x y) = (op y x)

infixl 4 <**>

interface IsMonoid a where
  empty  : a
  (<**>) : a -> a -> a 
  assoc  : Associative (<**>) 
  ident  : Identity (<**>) empty

interface IsMonoid a => IsCommutativeMonoid a where
  comm : Commutative (<**>)


When checking type of constructor of AlgebraicStructures.IsCommutativeMonoid:
Can't find implementation for IsMonoid a


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

我相信它可能会抱怨,因为我不知道有什么限制表达式a中的Commutative (<**>) - 所以它不知道你可以调用<**>在那种类型。 明确指定a似乎对我有用 - Commutative {a} (<**>) - 我希望这意味着接口签名中的a在范围内并可用于显式传递给其他类型。