
时间:2016-06-11 05:24:45

标签: python search depth-first-search breadth-first-search n-queens



  1. canPlace
  2. getpositions
  3. loopBoard
  4. CODE:

    import sys
    import copy
    from os import system
    #Set the console title
    system("title Michael Fiford - Breadth First N-Queen Solver")
    class QueenSolver:
        #Store for the amount of queens we're placing, or table size
        tableSize = 0
        #The alphabet, for nice cell referencing on the output
        alphabet = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
        #The queue of possible moves that we will create and loop through
        queue = []
        #Whether or not the solver can be ran
        canRun = False
        def setup(self, queenNumber):
            #Set the number of queens/table size
            self.tableSize = queenNumber
            #Can run, so long as there are no errors
            self.canRun = True
            #Show error if there is no solution, or would take too long
            if queenNumber < 4:
                print "ERROR: A solution is not available for this few number of queens"
                self.canRun = False
            elif queenNumber > 13:
                print "ERROR: This solution would take too long to calculate, and your computer would probably run out of memory first!"
                self.canRun = False
        #Create an empty table
        def blankTable(self):
            table = []
            for row in xrange(self.tableSize):
                new = []
                for col in xrange(self.tableSize):
            return table
        #Place a queen in a table
        def placeQueen(self, table, row, col):
            #Copy the table, as python is annoying and will change both
            t2 = copy.deepcopy(table)
            t2[row][col] = 1
            return t2
        #The main program loop
        def loopBoard(self):
            #The column we are currently looking at
            col = 1
            #Loop while the queue isn't empty, and there are still move possibilities to explore
            while len(self.queue):
                #Create a new empty queue
                queue2 = []
                #Update status
                print col, "Queens Placed"
                #Loop the queue, looking for positions from each status
                #s is an array containing the current queen positions for this status
                for s in self.queue:
                    #Get what moves are available from this status
                    availableMoves = self.getPositions(s, col)
                    #If we are placing the last queen, and there are solutions available, finish
                    if col == self.tableSize -1 and len(availableMoves):
                        #Clear queue
                        self.queue = []
                        #Get the solution (or one of them, we only care about the first one)
                        s = availableMoves[0]
                    #Add the possible moves to the new queue
                    #This a table containing all queens now placed
                    if len(availableMoves):
                        queue2 += availableMoves
                #Replace the old queue with the new one
                self.queue = queue2
                #Increase Queen/col counter
                col += 1
            self.finish(s, col)
        #Get an array of moves that are available, given info about the current table, and the current column
        def getPositions(self, table, col):        
            #Create a row counter, and array to contain our position info
            row = 0
            possiblePositions = []
            #Loop all rows on the board
            while row < self.tableSize:
                #If we can place in this space
                if self.canPlace(table, row, col):
                    #Add the table with the newly added queen to the list of possible moves
                    possiblePositions.append(self.placeQueen(table, row, col))
                row += 1
            return possiblePositions
        #Check whether or not we can place a queen in a position, given the table and the row and col of the desired position
        #Return True if space is available
        def canPlace(self, table, row, col):
            # - Direction
            # Check left/right
            x = 0
            #Loop across the table
            while x < self.tableSize:
                if table[x][col]:
                    return False
                x += 1
            # | Direction
            #Check up/down
            y = 0
            #Loop down the table
            while y < self.tableSize:
                if table[row][y]:
                    return False
                y += 1
            # / Direction
            #Check up right Diagonal
            #We can start in the cell 1 up and 1 right of the cell in question, as we have already checked the actual cell in the above 2 checks
            x = row + 1
            y = col + 1
            #Loop up/right through the table
            while x < self.tableSize and y < self.tableSize:
                if table[x][y]:
                    return False            
                x += 1
                y += 1
            #Check down left Diagonal
            #Again, not starting in the cell specified
            x = row - 1
            y = col - 1
            #Loop down/left through the table
            while x >= 0 and y >= 0:
                if table[x][y]:
                    return False
                x -= 1
                y -= 1
            # \ Direction
            #Check up left diagonal
            #Again, not starting in the cell specified
            x = row - 1
            y = col + 1
            #Loop up left through the table
            while x >= 0 and y < self.tableSize:
                if table[x][y]:
                    return False
                x -= 1
                y += 1
            #Check down right diagonal
            #Again, not starting in the cell specified
            x = row + 1
            y = col - 1
            #Loop down right through the table
            while x < self.tableSize and y >= 0:
                if table[x][y]:
                    return False
                x += 1
                y -= 1
            return True
        #Output a table to a user, looking all pretty
        def display(self, table):
            #Max Number Length, so we can indent our table nicely later
            mnl = len(str(len(table)))
            #New Line
            print ""
            #Top of the table, E.g "     A B C D"
            print " "*mnl, "  ",
            for x in range(self.tableSize):
                print self.alphabet[x],
            #New Line
            print ""
            #Row spacer, E.g "   * - - - - *
            print " " * mnl, " *",
            for x in range(self.tableSize):
                print "-",
            print "*"
            #Row Counter
            #Print the actual table, with the Queens as 1's, empty space as 0
            #Also prefixed by the row number, E.g " 3 | 0 1 0 0 |
            x = 1
            for row in table:
                #If numbers are shorter than the largest number, give them extra spaces so the rows still line up
                extraPadding = mnl - len(str(x))
                #Show the number prefix, spaces, and | symbol, E.g " 6  | "
                print "", x, " "*int(extraPadding) + "|",
                #Show the value of the cell (1 or 0)
                for col in row:
                    print col,
                #End of the row
                print "|"
                #Next Row
                x += 1
            #Show the same row spacer as at the top of the table, E.g "   * - - - - *
            print " " * mnl, " *",
            for x in range(self.tableSize):
                print "-",
            print "*"
        #We're done! Show output to the user
        def finish(self, table, col):
            #If we found the right number of queens
            if col == self.tableSize:
                print ""
                print "Total of", self.tableSize, "Queens placed!"
                print "Solution:"
                print ""
                print "ERROR: Could not place all queens for some unknown reason =["
        #Run the script
        def run(self):
            if not self.canRun:
                print "ERROR: Can not run"
                print ""
                print "Working..."
                print ""
                self.queue = self.getPositions(self.blankTable(), 0)
    #Ask the user how many Queens they want to use
    def ask():
        while True:
            print ""
            print "How many Queens would you like use?  [8]"
            input = raw_input()
            #Check if the input given is an integer
            if input.isdigit():
                return int(input)
            #If no input is given, use the standard 8
            elif input == "":
                return 8;
            print "ERROR: Invalid Input"
    #Run the program
    def run():
        #Instantiate the solver
        qs = QueenSolver()
        #While ask hasn't given a valid input
        while(not qs.canRun):
        print ""
    #Prompt the user if they want to run the program again
    def prompt():
        #Has valid input been received?
        while True:
            print ""
            print "Would you like to run the script again? Please enter Y/N  [N]"
            input = raw_input()
            #Check if the input given is Y or N
            if input == "Y" or input == "y":
                return True
            #Also accept an empty string in place of N
            elif input == "N" or input == "n" or input == "":
                return False
            print "ERROR: Invalid Input"
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        print ""
        print ""
        print "  #######################################"
        print "  ## Breadth First Search Queen Solver ##"
        print "  ## By: Michael Fiford - COMF3        ##"
        print "  ## Date: 03/12/2013                  ##"
        print "  #######################################"
        #Run the script, and prompt them after if they want to run it again
        shouldRun = True
            shouldRun = prompt()

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

DFS和BFS之间的区别在于您正在探索图形的节点。 在DFS算法中,您首先要探索添加到堆栈中的最后一个节点(后进先出),而在BFS算法中,您是在先进先出(队列)的基础上探索它。


while len(l)>0:


import collections
while len(l)>0:


while len(self.queue):
        #Create a new empty queue
        #queue2 = []
        #Update status
        print col, "Queens Placed"
        #Loop the queue, looking for positions from each status
        #s is an array containing the current queen positions for this status
        #Get what moves are available from this status
        availableMoves = self.getPositions(s, col)
        #If we are placing the last queen, and there are solutions available, finish
        if col == self.tableSize -1 and len(availableMoves):
            #Clear queue
            self.queue = []
            #Get the solution (or one of them, we only care about the first one)
            s = availableMoves[0]
        #Add the possible moves to the new queue
        #This a table containing all queens now placed
        #if len(availableMoves):
        #    queue2 += availableMoves
        #Replace the old queue with the new one
        #self.queue = queue2
        #Increase Queen/col counter
        col += 1
