将std :: function绑定到不同对象实例的同一函数

时间:2016-06-08 05:00:40

标签: c++ c++11 std-function

是否可以重新绑定std :: function以指向相同的函数但使用不同的对象实例?

假设我有一个std :: function绑定到另一个函数的对象,但是如果该对象被复制到另一个实例,我想将std :: function重新绑定到那个新实例而不是旧的实例。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

class EventHandler
    int Num;
    std::function<int()> OnEvent;

    EventHandler (int inNum)
        Num = inNum;

    EventHandler (const EventHandler& other)
        Num = other.Num;
        OnEvent = other.OnEvent; //TODO:  Need some way to redirect the std::function to the new instance rather than having the delegate point to the original object's handler.

    int HandleEvent ()
        return Num;

int main()
    EventHandler a(4);
    a.OnEvent = std::bind(&EventHandler::HandleEvent, a);
    EventHandler b(a);
    b.Num = 5;
    //Uncommenting the line below is a manual way of redirecting event handler to the new instance.
    //b.OnEvent = std::bind(&EventHandler::HandleEvent, b);

    int aResult = a.OnEvent();
    int bResult = b.OnEvent();

    //This will print out 4 and 4 instead of 4 and 5 since b is still bound to a's event handler.
    std::cout << "aResult=" << aResult << "  bResult=" << bResult << '\n';

    return 0;

我可以使用std :: function的包装来存储其他信息。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



当然,如果你的处理函数总是是一个成员函数,你可以简单地用指向成员函数的指针替换#include <iostream> #include <functional> class EventHandler { private: std::function<int(EventHandler &)> handlingFunction; public: int Num; EventHandler (int inNum) : handlingFunction ([] (EventHandler &) -> int { throw 0; }) , Num (inNum) { } void SetHandlingFunction (std::function<int(EventHandler &)> f) { handlingFunction = f; } // for convenience, if the handling function is a member void SetHandlingFunction (int EventHandler::*mf ()) { handlingFunction = [mf] (EventHandler & myself) -> int { return myself.*mf (); } ; } int OnEvent () { return handlingFunction (*this); } int HandleEvent () { return Num; } }; int main() { EventHandler a(4); a.SetHandlingFunction ( [] (EventHandler & h) -> int { return h.HandleEvent (); } ); // or a.SetHandlingFunction (&EventHandler::HandleEvent); EventHandler b(a); b.Num = 5; int aResult = a.OnEvent(); int bResult = b.OnEvent(); std::cout << "aResult=" << aResult << " bResult=" << bResult << '\n'; return 0; }


答案 1 :(得分:1)


#include <functional>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
class binding_function;

template <typename R, typename... Args>
class binding_function<R(Args...)> : std::function<R()>
  using base_function = std::function<R(Args...)>;
  using binded_function = std::function<R()>;
  base_function base;

  binding_function() = default;

  template <typename BaseF, typename... TArgs>
  binding_function(BaseF&& f, TArgs&&... args)
    : base(std::forward<BaseF>(f)) {

  template <typename... TArgs>
  void rebind(TArgs&&... args)
    static_cast<binded_function&>(*this) = 
      std::bind(base, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);

  using binded_function::operator();

class EventHandler
    // change type of OnEvent to binding_function
    binding_function<int(EventHandler)> OnEvent;

    // others remain the same

int main()
    EventHandler a(4);

                // first binding
    a.OnEvent = {&EventHandler::HandleEvent, a};
    EventHandler b(a);
    b.Num = 5;
    b.OnEvent.rebind(b);  // rebinding

    int aResult = a.OnEvent();
    int bResult = b.OnEvent();

    //This will print out 4 and 4 instead of 4 and 5 since b is still bound to a's event handler.
    std::cout << "aResult=" << aResult << "  bResult=" << bResult << '\n';

    return 0;

答案 2 :(得分:1)


#include <functional>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
class binding_function;

template <typename R, typename... Args, typename SelfType>
class binding_function<R(SelfType, Args...)> : std::function<R(Args...)>
  using base_function = std::function<R(SelfType, Args...)>;
  using binded_function = std::function<R(Args...)>;
  base_function base;

  binding_function() = default;

  template <typename BaseF, typename... TArgs>
  binding_function(BaseF&& f, SelfType t, TArgs&&... args)
    : base(std::forward<BaseF>(f)) {
    rebind(std::forward<SelfType>(t), std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);

  template <typename T, typename... TArgs>
  void rebind(T&& t, TArgs&&... args)
    static_cast<binded_function&>(*this) =
      std::bind(base, std::forward<SelfType>(t), std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);

  using binded_function::operator();

class EventHandler
    int Num;
    binding_function<int(EventHandler, int)> OnEvent;

    EventHandler (int inNum)
        Num = inNum;

    EventHandler (const EventHandler& other)
        Num = other.Num;
        OnEvent = other.OnEvent; //TODO:  Need some way to redirect the std::function to the new instance rather than having the delegate point to the original object's handler.
    int HandleEvent (int value)
        return Num + value;
int main()
    EventHandler a(4);

                // first binding
    a.OnEvent = {&EventHandler::HandleEvent, a, std::placeholders::_1};
    EventHandler b(a);
    b.Num = 5;
    b.OnEvent.rebind(b, std::placeholders::_1);  // rebinding

    int aResult = a.OnEvent(1);
    int bResult = b.OnEvent(1);

    //This will print out 4 and 4 instead of 4 and 5 since b is still bound to a's event handler.
    std::cout << "aResult=" << aResult << "  bResult=" << bResult << '\n';

    return 0;

答案 3 :(得分:0)


class EventHandler
    int Num;
    std::function<int()> OnEvent;

    template <typename Func>
    EventHandler (int inNum, Func on_event)
        Num = inNum;
        OnEvent = [=]() { return (this->*on_event)(); };

    EventHandler (const EventHandler& other): EventHandler(other.Num, &EventHandler::HandleEvent) {}

    int HandleEvent ()
        return Num;

int main()
    EventHandler a(4, &EventHandler::HandleEvent);
    EventHandler b(a);
    b.Num = 5;

    int aResult = a.OnEvent();
    int bResult = b.OnEvent();

    //This will print out 4 and 4 instead of 4 and 5 since b is still bound to a's event handler.
    std::cout << "aResult=" << aResult << "  bResult=" << bResult << '\n';

    return 0;

这打印&#34; aResult = 4 bResult = 5&#34;如你所愿。 另外,我认为通过使用更多的元编程魔术,我们可以尝试美化语法。
