我有几个动画车对象,它们有自己的动画和动画控制脚本。汽车对象在道路上运行,我想管理 所有汽车动画,即
我尝试使用这种技术的光线投影,然后我在每辆车上添加了对撞机,然后我从每辆车上进行了光线投射。 它部分工作,有时候没有检测到前方对象的相关性,因为我的代码其他声明看起来并不正确。
I think that it is not the right way to do this job. what is the correct way to do as Raycast is also expensive
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transformForwad, out rayHit, 10f))
if (rayHit.transform.tag == "Car")
Debug.Log("car collide, current object: "+ transform.name +" : hitted "+ rayHit.transform.name);
isCarNearToAnotherCar = true;
ANIMATION_OBJECT.GetComponent<Animation>()[ClipName].speed = rayHit.transform.GetComponent<AnimationControlSpeed>().Speed/2;
else {
Debug.Log("car collide end, current object: " + transform.name + " : hitted " + rayHit.transform.name);
isCarNearToAnotherCar = false;
//Update speed only when isCarNearToAnotherCaris false.
if (!isCarNearToAnotherCar)
{//normal the speed, when there is no car ahead
ANIMATION_OBJECT.GetComponent<Animation>()[ClipName].speed = Speed;
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你甚至可以设置不同的防撞箱#34;不同车型的尺寸,基于&#34;勇敢&#34;司机是 - 因为距离前方太近了。